Same here I am still working on it
276 2012-05-01 21:30:59
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
277 2012-04-23 05:42:15
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
I tried a fountain scene :
(Still have trouble with the lightmaps, blender system for that is unintuitive as hell, i just can't get the result i want
will have to do some tutorial hunting..)
Lighting is hard, I dont have any advice for lighting in blender (it's on my todo list) but what I do have is a link for lighting in game enviroments, some of the stuff it talks about is obviouse but, I found it to be a good point of referance check it out.
I like your scene/models maybe we can work together and build up some really nice assets for Maratis.
I have three voice samples for two characters, and tons of models/textures/cutouts for maratis so far.
278 2012-04-23 02:45:49
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
I didnt understand half of what you said lol but as far as a spec file if its something that is editited or created to get differant "effects" can it be human readable and machine parasable if possable like say xml, ini, json files. As far as the editor i would just do it the way we are now have a button at the top for particals and when you click on an emitter its settings pop up in the left panel.
Or you could take the maratis editor and make a partical editor from that something you would use seperatly.
279 2012-04-22 23:38:15
Re: Premake4 Build Scripts (18 replies, posted in Engine)
I started working on the premake4 build system for Maratis again, all of MSDK and MCommon builds with a few warnings. I did have to go in and change some preprocesor #defines Example Linux to __linux__ and Win32 and to _Win32 there was also an error in MCore ... MGui <-- one of those src file were an include was asking for one of its own headers with <> instead of "" that was causing the build to also fail.
If you build Maratis from the top level dir you get MCore, MEngine, MGui and Common(MCommon <-- I renamed it) all built into a single Shared or Static (Release or Debug) library.
If you build from any subdirectory like in MCommon then you get MCommon and all its sub librarys as a shared or static library.
If you build from MCommon/MLoaders then you would get MLoaders as a shared or static library.
So depending on were in Maratises dir structure you build from will depend on what you get. You could have a single shared library that contained everything or a shared library for every class.
280 2012-04-21 22:57:26
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
One thing I've noticed that I probably need is a box emitter, rather than just a single point emitter.
Can we create groups of the single point emitters?
281 2012-04-20 18:03:17
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
Cool glad you like it. I have the outside terrain and trees also. The tavern is suppose to be out in the woods built into the side of a hill on a dirt road. I am going to make a small rat army, that has a worn a beaten cat pulling a caged cart for them. And three brother mice in the tavern that each have a staff like the one you seen but a ruby and saphire inspired one.
Partical wise. I can see having Fire, Flame, Sparkle, Smoke, Snow & Rain as something to
work twords.
Lastly I did this in tribute to Brian Jacques
282 2012-04-19 23:29:22
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
Not to worry Nistur I havent forgot about you just prepairing, a test scene and some things to use as particals. Have a peak.
First off here is the background Music 20Mayo.mp3
Soon there will be a band on the stage animated to look like there playing this song, and the rest of the tavern will be
filled with various types of customers.
The bar keep is rigged and ready to be animated, I am just going to have him clean the counter for now because
I am not very good with walk cycles.
Hope you like
283 2012-04-17 13:03:43
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
Well, at the moment, it just uses point sprites. I have absolutely no intention in the near future to get it to support 3D models for particles
Potentially it can be added.
Having said that, though, particle textures would be great. If you would be willing to provide a couple of examples that can be provided with the particle system, maybe with some presets. That would be great
I am definitely no artist, so I couldn't produce presets with textures myself, and would have to look for free art online.
Thanks for the feedback, both of you
I'll keep you all up to date with how things go
Lol I didnt mean 3D models as sprites, what I meant was... Example I have a wooden staff model with an emerald that should have a partical effect. If you need models to test partical effects on
How do you want the partical textures (colored or transparent background), also should the textures be colored example: should a flame partical be colored like a flame or just white.
284 2012-04-17 12:36:28
Re: Particles (45 replies, posted in Showcase)
Great work Nistur, on getting the partical system working. If you need any art assets "partical textures or models" to
test with let me know. Once again congratulations
285 2012-04-16 13:00:30
Re: Using M_VARIABLE_TEXTURE_REF (13 replies, posted in Engine)
I was wondering if we could get a link to the wiki on the support page
286 2012-04-03 20:26:25
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
I cant recall exactly what the issue is with c++ and lua but I know that once you get into haveing namespaces and or subclasses things get really complicated real quickly. To the point where its not even worth the trouble. I havent looked at how Lua is implamented in Maratis but I am sure Anael took the path of least resestence. Now Plane C and Lua thats cake you can bind any
c library in no time flat easyest thing there is. You can execute Plane C functions right from inside lua(luajit). The whole thing I am sure something can be worked out thats just a nameing convention.
What I meant was just how the API was structured. With love, there is and love.keyboard etc... rather than everything being a global function. It makes it quite easy, when looking through documentation, or even through the code itself, to have a good idea what you're looking for and what you're expecting to find. I don't want to sound like I'm picking at Maratis in particular, it's quite common from what I've seen. I was just saying that I think it would be nice to break up the functionality a bit.
No problem looking forward to seeing some screenshots, and keep up the good work with your tutorials. I visit your site often to see what you learned and have to show in regards to Maratis's C++ api even if its a tutorial on a single function, because eventualy I will referance what you have and extended it.
Also, I just thought I would make a small anouncement here. I hope you don't feel like I'm hijacking your thread. I've got the rest of this week and next week free. I had holidays I needed to take. I should therefore have significantly more time to work on the whole particle stuff so hopefully soon I can demo that and I'll probably use my own game and finally show some screenshots of it.
287 2012-04-03 19:04:39
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Something that might interest you. I've done some video playing in a previous project, I've not done any videos-to-texture in Maratis, but I can see if I can dig out some code maybe (no promises, a lot of my old code goes walkabouts, never to be seen again).
Also, I'm currently looking into both particle systems and shaders within Maratis and will have some documentation up shortly on both I guess.
On these forums there is some example code i wrote, I had begun embededing MEngine in SFML and with that i had Video Textures (Theora/Vorbis/OGG) , 2D Graphics Api (Skia, Cairo, ImageMagick, QtPainter) all working the issue I ran into is that I could see MEngine Embeded but I couldn't see my models I might have had transformations messed up I am not sure.
But untill I finish the Premake scripts I won't be doing much coding on Maratis. Yes I dislike scons that much
I have to say, I'm in two minds about exposing more to lua. One issue I've had with people using something similar to what Maratis provides, in lua, is that it's very very easy to get lost in it. I think it would probably be beneficial for Maratis to more split up it's lua API into several modules, so in general, you don't have to care about the majoirity of the functionality within the low(er) level stuff when you're just looking. API documentation for hundreds of functions, however comprehensive, is daunting.
Of course, I don't have any say in this, it's entirely up to Anael, but after having an in depth look at how Love2D works, I would strongly suggest a similar method of partitioning the functionality.
Im not sure I understand, Both Love2D and Maratis3D handel lua the same. I would personaly use the luajit headers for performance reasons but thats really really easy to do. Thats how mine is setup. Then you can use luajits ffi module and write
c api bindings really easly "CSFML took an hour to bind", but binding c++ code is a whole differant monster.
I have some C and Lua examples up here there is also and and you can look at this
But to me it doesn't make a differance how Maratis uses lua
288 2012-04-02 22:19:33
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
have absolutely no idea how your nun might fit in with your existing
plot, but she certainly seems to fit the atmosphere you've demonstrated.I love the idea of a episodic game, too few games do it. I've considered
trying to make an episodic game myself but I honestly wouldn't know
where to begin. Will you keep a project blog or just document your
progress on here?
Well I was thinking...
Intro music plays (Scoldt – From My Guts
y_Guts.mp3 ) images are
shown of present earth (Alien scout drones patrolling the streets of
earth, citys and towns in ruin from the fires, rotting corpses, Humans
being hurded into concentration camps, Human growth or breeding chambers
on alien ships, warehouses on earth or ships underground?).
The nun might be the product of a breeding experament done by the
aliens, she was rescued along with some others. You and your team
rescues them unaware of whats growing inside of them untill its to late.
Then the tenticals come out of them whipping around, you see
something frantically pushing against the insides of there bellys! Its the
outline of a tiny alien babys hand!
Episodic Game: I did it this way because I hate games with no real story and I wanted
this game to be more about the story than the graphics. Also I wanted to build up a vast
array of art assets for future projects. I also wanted something easily extended. Each season is an
expansion pack and each episode is a level. A single level could be 45 - 60 min's of game play
So its like your playing the characters in a tv show.
Right now what you see is just me prototyping the game finding ideas/concepts/plots that i like
and expanding on them to see what I come up with. Thats why alot of the models are not textured.
Eventually I will be documenting the whole process from start to finish, everything from coming up with a
story idea to doing screenplays, how to turn screenplays into workable dialog, prototyping scenes and concepts
storyboarding, modeling, animation, gfx effects, sound effects, music composition, ....
Once all that is done I will be looking into Cloud Funding on Kickstart, Amazon Studios, Donations, ...
in order to raise funds to hire out developers to improve Maratis.
The feature I am looking at are mainly:
1. Playing videos on textures
2. Partical Effects
3. Shaders
4. Networking
5. Exposing more of the C++ api to lua
6. MEngine in Qt5
I enjoy doing all this stuff and really really want to see Maratis grow.
289 2012-04-02 16:36:40
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Hey, this game looks really great. It's certainly coming along a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing more soon
This is from an older project that I was working on but never finished. I am thinking it might fit well
in this project.
Pregnant Nun with Tentacles come out of her.
290 2012-04-02 08:16:12
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
I was just testing out Normal Maps and Differant Materal settings in Blender for Maratis
and this is what I ended up with. Not very impressive but I like the direction its heading.
291 2012-03-31 19:59:00
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Here is the story line that we are working on now, its very rough draft but should give a good idea on
what the story for the game is.
Scene 1:
Feb 23 2012 2:28PM Earth
A mother pushes her child on a swing at the park.
The Mail Man delivers mail on is route
A Police Officer directs traffic at an inter section.
***Blank*** "Needs to be filled in"
Alien space crafts the size of a citys appear in the sky. People are pointing
at the sky, some are confused some screaming, some with no expression at all.
Judgment Day has come but it wasn't what we thought.
The Aliens attack, total devastation earth is lost to total ruin.
Scene 2:
The most elite of humans set off to terriform mars.
For a thousand years mars terriforms and becomes beautiful.
The date is Dec 10 3312
The human species on earth is wild no one left to save. Earth IS HELL
The human race on mars is made up of only the ancestry of those that set off so long ago to make mars home.
Very few humans humans survive 1% of original population, earth culture is now very primitive.
The people of mars are though of as those other people that live in the sky.
Mars humans are very sophisticated, smart, advanced in technology.
***Blank*** "Needs to be filled in"
The aliens that devastated earth there mothership has come looking for them.
The aliens find that those that were sent to destroy earth were killed, finds a very different earth instead. Learns of mars.
The aliens plan on exterminating the remaining human species.
On Mars the aliens covert attacks are nothing more than rumors of wild animal attacks.
292 2012-03-31 19:54:47
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Nice Project Zester. I will try to contribute some models whenever I can.
Sure that would be great. Once we have a project page and more of a complete story line up
then everyone will be able to grab what we have and make new citys, planits, submit new levels or
whatever. Maybe you have a side story you would like to put together.
293 2012-03-31 19:29:30
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Well aparently there is allready a game and movie called DeadSpace. So me and my partner are looking at new names.
We also made some changes to the story line. I am putting that together now.
Here are a couple new screenshot of our work in progress.
All of this is just a rough draft.
Runined Earth City
294 2012-03-29 17:26:33
Re: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
An Adventure type game. Yahh in a way it is. What I am trying to do is develop the game in seasons like a tv show. following a script. But I want to do it in such away that there can be unscripted play.
For season 1 you would play out the main character for each scene.
In season 2 you might play the character of a new recruit in the military going threw basic training and then on missions and your commanding officer might be one of the main characters you met in the season 1 storyline.
For season 3 you might choose to play a different character, maybe you are a young child and something dramatic happens to you, your family is killed and you are captured by these hostile invading aliens and eventually your season 2 character ends up on a mission were you just happen to be discovered and rescued.
There will be multiple worlds to play in our galaxy.
Maybe you end up as a ship commander and your on a mission to harvest ore from an asteroid or a type of gas from a gas giant. Harvesting ore might lead to a new weapon design.
Your ship might be hit with micro meteorites when your harvesting and you have to repair your ship in a certain amount of time before your whole crew dies.
295 2012-03-27 02:47:48
Topic: Dead Space (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
This is a little open source pet project I have been working on it's called "Dead Space"
This game takes place in 3312 "1300" years into the future. The planit Mars has been fully terriformed for 300 years
and the human population now resides there. Earth is mostly a dead planit and is mainly used as a prison planit and
weapons testing. But unfortantly an intelagent alien species has discoverd that our solar system harbors life and intends
to exterminate us and mine our resources just as they do with every plaint they come across.
Only problem is we don't know there already here.
To get a better feel for the story line I sugeest you read the screenplay I am putting together.
All work except the Spaceship and the sub are my original creations.
The female you see below is Anna Prescott in a uniform civilian ware to identify them from militart troops.
She is in the first part of the screen play.
Eventualy I will have a project site up on google code where you can fall my progress
or make contributions of your own.
This project will come with tutorials so that anyone wishing to learn how to use Maratis3D
and reproduce the game above just by following the tutorials.
Hope you like my project
296 2012-01-28 22:54:32
Re: Premake4 Build Scripts (18 replies, posted in Engine)
Started working with Maratis on Win7 using Visual C++ 2008 and Premake, and also testing on FreeBSD 9.0 & Illumos(Open Solaris)
Software Development on Windows is nothing like Software Development on Linux, FreeBSD or Solaris that's for sure.
I defiantly prefer working on Linux and BSD system's but Windows isn't bad, somethings are "ALOT" harder to do on Window compared to and opensource os. And there are a lot of really cool core os features Windows is missing, but anyways just stopped to let you know I am still working on Maratis with Premake.
You also might want to checkout Fossil
its a version control system, thats what I use and I really like it. No I love it
297 2012-01-19 21:46:21
Re: Hardware problem (2 replies, posted in Gossip)
Hi, i have some big problems with my video card, im asking here fast in case someone know what to do.
For the story, it started with nvlddmkm.sys poping up and following with black screens, blue screens, and red/green dots/lines everywhere.
I used the pc for a while with the graphical card turned off but today.. blue lines & dot appears even
with GC turned off so i'm out of luck.I plan to switch my current video card Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX (the cursed series..)
With another one from my old PC, wich must be like 10+ years old.The question is : Will it works, or will it blow everything up ?
what should i check before doing this ?
and even if it works, will i be able to do 3d stuff with an outdated card ?
Depend's on what gfx card/operating system and what features of Maratis you are using.
298 2012-01-18 20:09:54
Re: about the "updateSimulation()" methode (8 replies, posted in Engine)
Ok, I think I understand, thanks for the answer (and thanks zester for the translation
Not a problem just thought your question was valuable, and figured the rest of the community could benefit from the
conversation. And I understand that explaining a problem is easier to do in your native language.
Sooooo Anytime
299 2012-01-18 11:35:42
Re: about the "updateSimulation()" methode (8 replies, posted in Engine)
For those of use that don't speak french.
In fact such as whether a character is in front of a wall, I intended to use a cube "ghost" and make him adopt different positions around the character by making every time a crash test to define the best environment.
The problem is that I feel that if we make a crash test, which moves the cube and just after we redo another crash test, the second test would return the same value as the first, and I wondered if updateSimulation () would solve my problem.
The cube ghost does not come into collision with the character?
For example, the box "Feet" in YoFrankie example, it detects the collision with the ground if the number of collisions is greater than 1 because the box also comes into collision with the Player.
int nbCollision = physics->isObjectInCollision(phyProps->getCollisionObjectId());
updateSimulation () must be called by the class in MGame update () as the default.
I think solving this problem, either by avoiding the cube to get through the character, or by using
isObjectsCollision (phyPropsCube-> getCollisionObjectId (), phyPropsPerso-> getCollisionObjectId ())
and decrement of 1 if true to return to my problem of pathfinding, if such a wall is (4,0,0) before the character (0,0,0), the cube next to a standard one would.
int TABCollision [10];
TABCollision [0] = physics->isObjectInCollision(phyPropsCube->getCollisionObjectId());
TABCollision [1] = physics->isObjectInCollision(phyPropsCube->getCollisionObjectId());
TABCollision [2] = physics->isObjectInCollision(phyPropsCube->getCollisionObjectId());
TABCollision [3] = physics->isObjectInCollision(phyPropsCube->getCollisionObjectId());
Does the table contain the value TABCollision 0,0,0,1 (1,0,0,1 put if the character is counted in the first collision)?
300 2012-01-17 04:59:08
Re: Maratis MCore/MEngine C++ "Hello World" Example (8 replies, posted in General)
Well if anyone want's to use Maratis with SFML2 here is some code to start
with. Can't see the model but I imagen that has something to do with transformations.
But the viewport is visible.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <MCore.h>
#include <MEngine.h>
#include "MGLContext.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
// Create the main window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window");
MEngine * engine = MEngine::getInstance();
MRenderingContext * render = new MGLContext();
render->setViewport(0, 0, 200, 200);
MGame * game = new MGame();
// get level
MLevel * level = new MLevel();
if(level->getScenesNumber() == 0)
MScene * scene = level->addNewScene();
MOCamera * camera = scene->addNewCamera();
camera->setClearColor(MVector3(1.0f, 0.075f, 1.0f)); // set grey clear color
camera->setPosition(MVector3(0.0f, -80.0f, 20.0f));
camera->setEulerRotation(MVector3(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
MMeshRef * meshRef = level->loadMesh("box.mesh");
MOEntity * box1 = scene->addNewEntity(meshRef);
box1->setPosition(MVector3(70, 65, 0));
box1->setScale(MVector3(4, 4, 0.2f));
MOLight * light = scene->addNewLight();
light->setPosition(MVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f));
// Start the game loop
while (window.IsOpened())
// Process events
sf::Event event;
while (window.PollEvent(event))
// Close window : exit
if (event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)
// Clear screen
window.Clear(sf::Color(255, 255, 255 ,255));
std::cout << game->isRunning() << std::endl;
// Update the window