and Linux too please , not that i am in a rush. but i just don't know how to compile for Linux.
26 2012-12-07 18:49:48
Re: When the svn will be built (4 replies, posted in General)
27 2012-12-06 23:49:47
Re: Mouse Look question (4 replies, posted in Scripting)
Final Update on this chapter it truns out i did not need to add the timer to the cursor update, what needed to do was to disable the compositor features of xfce (i use xubuntu) it seems that when compositing is enabled, the centercursor function does not work as expected.
this may or may not apply to other compositors
28 2012-12-06 22:54:29
Topic: Does Maratis support Animated PNG (APNG)? (0 replies, posted in General)
The title says it all.
I want to create some nice water effect, but i would like to know if Maratis supports APNG on Normal Maps.
I mean i tried already but my mesh became totally transparent (invisible)
29 2012-12-06 17:56:28
Re: terrain ? (59 replies, posted in General)
this may be too much to ask, but i have no idea how to program a shader. is it possible to create a Shader that can be used in blender for terrain painting, something similar to what Alinor Proposed (hope he had returned home safe)
Slot 1 = Blend Map (Red, Blue, Green, Black)
Slot 2 = Texture Diffuse 1 (Red)
Slot 3 = Texture Normal 1
Slot 4 = Texture Diffuse 2 (Blue)
Slot 5 = Texture Normal 2
Slot 6 = Texture Diffuse 3 (Green)
Slot 7 = Texture Normal 3
Slot 8 = Texture Diffuse 4 (Black/White)
30 2012-12-04 19:29:50
Re: Feature Requests (Editor Only) (61 replies, posted in Editor)
Marze3d, it may not be what you are looking for, but the Editor already has a way to edit the Physics of each object/entity. i think a little bit more description, or a mockup screenshot would be beneficial to show/describe what you are looking for on each feature
(a picture is worth more than a thousand words, and a video is worth more than a hundred pictures, even if the video is actually a few hundred pictures played together in succession)
31 2012-12-01 17:04:13
Re: Feature Requests (Editor Only) (61 replies, posted in Editor)
Is it possible to have the Editor to arrange the objects (entities) in hierarchy, hopefully the mockup screenshot i made makes clear what i would like to see. enshot.jpg
So basically allowing the pareting option that currently exist on the Editor, to be more visual. but also allowing the user (like me) to expand and collapse objects to not have super cluttered object list.
32 2012-11-04 14:11:27
Re: Feature Requests (Editor Only) (61 replies, posted in Editor)
Thanks, I tried using the dotfile a while ago, but it didnt work (maybe i didnt use it properly) i will give it another try.
33 2012-11-03 02:00:49
Re: Feature Requests (Editor Only) (61 replies, posted in Editor)
It would be nice to be able add a script to an object. managing everything on a single scrip file is now getting kinda messy for me.
34 2012-10-29 05:36:41
Re: Mouse Look question (4 replies, posted in Scripting)
i think i solved my problem, and this might be a bug in linux (not sure) but it seems that the mouse update was not as quick as the scene update hence it would seem to not register the move of the mouse.
I use this see below (stole the idea from another thread that was asking how to add timers), i still need to tweak the time it takes to update so it does not look so jumpy.
-- center cursor
if t == 20 then
t = 0
t = t + 1
35 2012-10-29 02:27:22
Re: Mouse Look question (4 replies, posted in Scripting)
Thanks for the suggestion, however, i now remember why i commented the centerCursor() function, if i enable it, there is no mouse look at al :S.
I am 100% new to game dev (to be honest even to programming at all) just trying to learn using all these incredibly useful tools.
I added a print to the text the output mx and noticed it only changes from 0 to close to 1 (0.9999) so i am guessing MOUSE_X is float that only accepts 0 to 1.
to expliain a bit more, my camera is attached to Head much like in the video tutorial, however my function does not reside directly in onScreenUpdate, it's a separate function (for organization and learning experience).
I also tried moving the centerCursor() to the onScreenUpdate main function, but same result, moving the mouse does nothing :S a bug on Maratis on linux? or just my newbie issues?
36 2012-10-28 15:51:22
Topic: Mouse Look question (4 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hello I have used this script (look below) for mouse look on my game(test), however i am faced with a problem where i can only move side ways so far, and I cannot do a 360 view. can i get some help here?
by the way I took this example from the Video tutorials from special_ops (great tutorials by the way)
-- Global Variables
dx = 0.0
dy = 0.0
my = getAxis("MOUSE_Y")
mx = getAxis("MOUSE_X")
-- stuff
function MoveAround()
-- look around
-- X Axis
rotate(Player, {0, 0, -1}, dx*100)
-- Y Axis
rotate(Head, {1, 0, 0}, dy*100, "local")
rotation = getRotation(Head)
if rotation[1]>90 then
rotation[1] = 90
elseif rotation[1] < -90 then
rotation[1] = -90
-- get new mouse position
dx = getAxis("MOUSE_X") - mx
dy = getAxis("MOUSE_Y") - my
-- center cursor
mx = getAxis("MOUSE_X")
my = getAxis("MOUSE_Y")
37 2012-10-25 22:02:21
Topic: Change mouse buttons layout (3 replies, posted in General)
hello, i was wondering if there is a way to change the mouse mapping (button layout) on the editor, for example to use ctrl+left click to rotate the view, and ctrl+Rigth click to move .
Basically i am faced with a problem where i cannot navigate becase the middle mouse on my laptop does not exist.
by the way i am using Maratis on Linux (xubuntu)