(0 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I have created an intro scene in my game with a timer that stop the scene and goto to the menu scene...

maybe it could be usefull to someone smile

secondsToWait = 5
nextSceneName = "Menu"

timer = 0
timerEnding = secondsToWait * 60 --scripting works always at 60 fps
function onSceneUpdate()
    timer = timer+1
    if timer>timerEnding then
        scene = getScene(nextSceneName)


(15 replies, posted in General)


Thank you for the little "how-to" smile


(15 replies, posted in General)

Ok I'm posting the mesh in a empty maratis project and the blender file

.mproj and .blend files

Standard Renderer

Fixed Renderer


(15 replies, posted in General)

Here it is what iishappening...

I used two texture files!

In fixed mode it's using the first texture and in standard mode it's using the second texture....
that's why it looks so dark... because it was showing the texture for the bottom of the model!


(15 replies, posted in General)

Now I'm getting this problem...

How it looks like with FixedRenderer:

PunBB bbcode test

How it looks like with StandardRenderer:
PunBB bbcode test

How It looks like in Blender:

The standard renderer is the closer one but I need to set it a big intensity level ( about 100 ) to make it look like.

:S  I'don't know what to do in this moment...

zester wrote:

If you need a custom paint job or model let me know.

Thanks for the offer smile

That's amazing!!!
I really like this! big_smile


(15 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:

Yes it needs uv coordinates, but you can generate uv coordinates with the cube projection the result will be the same.

The good thing with the mesh format is that it can be read easily using a text or a xml editor, your method is correct.

Thank you smile I think it's faster than opening blender and re-export everything


(15 replies, posted in General)

Ok I using the UV Cordinate system and I give the same cordinate for all the faces smile

PS: I'm using this method to create cubes with different texture.
I created a cube.mesh then i copy&paste it with another name and I change directly the path in .mesh file to another texture...


(15 replies, posted in General)

Maybe I found the problem...
With UV cordinates everythings works fine...

I'm not using the UV cordinate system for mapping the texture, I'm using Global with Cube parameter to show the same texture on all the faces...
So the problem is that the exporter support only UV Cordinates...

sad the other cordinates were so easy to make cubes,
with the UV cordinates I have to replicate the cube image face 6 time on the texture, right?
( this is a noob quesiton big_smile )


(15 replies, posted in General)

@anael: the texture is in .jpg should I use .png?

@zester: I'm not using the UV mapping system... maybe that's the problem?


(15 replies, posted in General)

Maratis blender exporter support only UV Mapping texture?

I create a box with these steps:

1. create a cube
2. create a material for the cube
3. set the material texture to "Image or Movie"
4. load an image

If press F12 it works correctly in the blender rendering
i can see in the .mesh file the texture file path is correct
but in the editor the box is grey

So we can use objects ditrectly from blender files without exporting them to maratis meshes?


(1 replies, posted in Engine)

Why don't use the lua IO module to make lua capable of reading/writing for a cusotm saving system?

I think it just need to add


in MScript.cpp to add this module in lua

Great Job! big_smile

I really like your models, too! smile


(3 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

thank you smile


(3 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I'm trying to create rotating menu effect...
Each cube is a menu option, pressing Left/Right the cubes will rotate and you can select the options, 

( obviuosly use a model with sense instead of cube big_smile )

here it is the results smile


Download the demo



(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

Generally why it would be bad to use scripts for behaviours?


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

I'm creating a little lua classes set that makes common things ( autonomous movement of enemies , light effects , etc )

It could be nice to create a library of common things to use it in lua


(36 replies, posted in Scripting)

transitions between scenes


(9 replies, posted in General)

Maybe a faster way can be implemented in lua:

//this creates automatically the second camera and the mesh
imageOnCam = createShadingFrameBuffer()  // imageOnCam = { mesh = plane with the texture of the primary camera ,  camera = a camera pointing to mesh}
setShader( imageOnCam.mesh , "shaderfile.frag" , "shaderfile.vert" )

but maybe the auxiliary cam will be influenced by the lights of the environment


(9 replies, posted in General)

So actually to use shaders I have to:

1 - Create the glsl .frag/.vert files
2 - Apply the shader to a mesh in blender
3 - Render a camera to a texture, so the mesh applies the shader to the texture ( which in reality is the scene of the camera )
4 - Use a second camera to see the shader effect

It's a bit complicated...
And if I write a plugin can I hook the shaders directly to the camera output?


(9 replies, posted in General)

I still have some questions...

1. Can I apply shaders without using the textures system directly on the cam?
2. How does maratis manage shaders? I didn't find any "shader" option , does it pass which shader on the mesh file?


(9 replies, posted in General)

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenGL_Pro … Processing

It doesn't look like complicated, I'll give it a try on my spare time smile