(24 replies, posted in Engine)

thank you i had no clue about that now just ..... camera.aspect smile


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

i wanted to use it   in c++ but ill try it in lua thank you anael and nistur 
hey nistur could you write (a short document or anything )  how did you integrate camera aspect thing i was trying it myself i wasn't able to get anywhere (if you do not have the time its  totally okay, just add it whenever you can thank you for the help !)


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

hey can Somebody implement the formula of tangent like this -http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Mathf.Tan.html

camera aspect like this - http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/S … spect.html
i mailed to anael but meh ill add it here to so somebody could add it
and hopefully sin and other formulaes get there too !


(61 replies, posted in Editor)

i have one suggestion when you double click on a object in the heirchy it zooms it in the object saves a lot of time

Nevermind about the above question just copied the bin outside and it was working , hey and the hide cursor thingy is working!

Last question on this topic coming back to the original question

anael wrote:

hum, I maybe found something, on windows the function "int WINAPI ShowCursor(_In_  BOOL bShow);"
doesn't work as expected. Apparently it stores a counter that count each time the function is called,
if the function ShowCursor(0) is called 10 times, to unhide it ShowCursor(1) needs to be called 10 times (not very usable),

I'll see what we can do to bypass it...

which file has the "int WINAPI ShowCursor(_In_  BOOL bShow);"  exactly anael ?

hey everybody atlast the error has gone away it was my fault as i didnt deleted the folder from another drive when i re installed it in c  i don't think so it was the fault from the start but it occured in the between
but what should i do next it has been compiled properly to prod and build folder how to actually make it in a exe i dont understand that in build doc
Thank you everybody

is it just me with compilation error in windows 7 ?

hey that cyginport gives me error in download it says setup.ini error and in every link that is in the cygin
same error with visual studio as stated above some post

hey skiwaare i updated the svn and the same cl not recog for scons i am trying to  download that Cygwin and tell you how that works

scons thing doesnt work in it either it gives some weird errors ill try it again soon and i cant do the xcode stuff bcoz i have no idea how to so i will leave it out for a while ! anyway okay check it out whenever you have time big_smile
btw is the file size 129 MB of svn ?

(we could do a  quick skype chat on this subject as it is getting days for this conversation to move forward in this  forums becoz of our time zones i could put out little time to talk and finish this subject soon)

cool you sound visiting Paris so casual : P

Any Sucess yet?
btw what are the steps to compile in a mac i have a mac for some days at my home i would like to compile in it !

i dont know that either i actually re downloaded the whole svn again to check it out and the problem still exists

HEY By the way is the svn
size is 119 MB  &
Size on disk 129 MB
i want to make sure i have the full svn even though it shows that i am fully updated i just wanted to do an check big_smile

let me be more precise
vs 2010 error which  came after mlog update
e:\maratis\trunk\dev\msdk\mcore\includes\MUtils.h(34): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'map': No such file or directory
1>  MVector3.cpp
this comes a lot of time in a alot of files

3>e:\maratis\3rdparty\bullet\linearmath\btScalar.h(26): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'math.h': No such file or directory
3>  btBroadphaseProxy.cpp
this too comes alot of time in different files

.\..\..\..\3rdparty\tinyxml\tinyxml.cpp(28): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ctype.h': No such file or directory
3>  tinyxmlerror.cpp
this comes only 3 time
and then same error with stdio.h not found then map error come again and this shit goes on do you want a full error report
i think there has been some kind of directory change

Code blocks stops at M log

Cl not recognized with the scons

Idk there is some kind of error with mlog now it was okay before when i compile with codeblocks it stops at m log file and scons still have the same problem and visual studio cannot find antything as stated above

its giving me more error in vs 2010 now ,such as  map directory not found & math.h not found both of this errors a lot of times !and no still same error with scons are everybody  else compiling it properly in windows ?

same error in another pc with windows 7 installed everything freshly doesnt work there either

if you could later please check the Scons script i will try it in some other windows as well to see if the error is windows or scons
thank you for your help and hope anybody finds the error soon its driving me crazy

I have codeblocks but i dont know how you build it

So i dont have to use scons ? i just have to do the codeblocks stuff and btw when i wrtie cl in my cmd it detects it but when i run the scons.py it justs puts the error of unrecognized cl it might be a maratis error i have no clue how to edit Scons file so if you could take a look into it later

is there some another compiler i can use guys?

reinstalled it to the default now i have defined it same error can i use some other compiler ?
btw i have wriiten this direcotory in the path var "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\cl.exe\"

Btw i am using visual studio 2010 if its not a problem

it seems pretty stupid it says to me that enviroment variables has been set and i get the error again when i compile in scons

yep i still have the error after running vcvars32.bat
if there is some another way setting enviroment variables then please tell me i was googling for it but no success

i did run VCVARS32.bat should i run vcvarsall.bat too