(4 replies, posted in General)

THANKS. That's awesome.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Thanks, now I understand.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Is the commandline the adress in the top of the folder? The field?


(4 replies, posted in General)

I have a hard time making it work with the enableCameraLayer function. I have set a new scene, naming it scene2. I made another camera in that scene naming it camera2 and then put a text in front of it just for testings sake.

In my first scene I have written in the script:

scene2 = getScene("scene2")
camera2 = getObject("camera2")

and under sceneUpdate I have written:

enableCameraLayer(camera2, scene2)

and then I launch my game but nothing happens and I can't see the text from the other scene.

Is it something I have missed out? Like needing scripts for every scene or is it one script for every scene?



(24 replies, posted in Engine)

I am honestly pretty confused about this:


How do I build it?


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Do I need Microsoft visual studio 2005 for this?


(2 replies, posted in Gossip)

I love Maratis.


(11 replies, posted in Scripting)

Thank you Anael, I wasn't aware that I needed to set my model to lookAt already IN the editor, once again thanks. smile


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Thank you. smile


(11 replies, posted in Scripting)

Ok, my playername is player in the editor. And my sensor has a collisionshape in ghost mode.

Oh, there is collision detected. smile

I write: setBehaviorVariable(trylare, 0, "target", "player") setBehaviorVariable(trylare_model, 0, "target", "player") in function onSceneUpdate() without any if statements but nothing happens, what's wrong?


(11 replies, posted in Scripting)

I understand. smile Well, there is no problem if I set my player to lookAt in maratis and then execute it. But if I try to write it out in the console then nothing happens. And my robot is moving already, so maybe a bug?

Thanks for the reply.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Sure. smile


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hehe, sometimes it's easy. wink You're welcome.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Add a material. smile It worked for me, It accepts blenders materials but not for example mayas textures that comes along in the .mtl file.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Hey, I dont know If I'm in the right forum, but how do you get the svn? I checked out the link in the downloads section of Maratis but I couldn't find any links to download from?


(11 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hm, I wrote it out just:

setBehaviorVariable(robot, 0, "target", "player")

In the console but nothing happened.


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

How convenient that I have just began a programming course in school then. smile


(11 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hello, I would want to question about setCurrentBehavior.

When I set my robot to look at the person when he is in range of the robots sensor (a cylinder) it doesn't look that way.

This is my script:

if isCollisionBetween(player,sensor) then

        setBehaviorVariable(robot, 0, "target", "player")



(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

Can you write me what point Apos, Bpos is compared to so that I can make a table and make a if true statement then hit lets say weapon_salesman?


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

That's alright. Hope we get it soon. smile


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hm, the distance is dx 100 and it works when i'm leaving out the salesman and aiming at something with physics?

And when I shoot the salesman is between a and c but it doesn't register. :s


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

A = getObject("A")
C = getObject("C")

Apos = getPosition(A)
Cpos = getPosition(C)

and then this code:

point = rayHit(Apos, Cpos, weapon_salesman)
if onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") and firing == 1 and derringer == true  then
        if point then
        print("you hit weapon salesman")
elseif onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") and firing == 1 and shotgun == true  then
        if point then
        print("you hit weapon salesman")

So is this code right?


(2 replies, posted in Bug report)

Oh yes. smile Both. It's the numeric keypad then? smile


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

You are awesome. Thanks.

Why doesnt the keys from 0 to 9 work in onKeyDown("1") function?