(64 replies, posted in General)

CMake is much better from my POV(ide's project generators, easy libs/headers managment and ability to quick configure and compile project using as much CPU cores as I want to). I had some issues with scons but nothing serious.

About TinyXML I know where it is located but question is do Maratis 3rdparty library's have more customizations that can affect engine? I prefers to use system installed libs/headers. (this is need because i want to make possible to use dynamic libs in future).

Another question is about defined MKEY's. Do under windows:

Hope so because under linux i have not found MKEY_CONTROL equivalent and did some changes in source. Btw there was many missing includes under linux and the most disturbing for now is glut and glew in Maratis/Common/MContexts/MGLContext.cpp .


(64 replies, posted in General)

During rebuilding i just came across 'funny' method from tinyxml - "QueryUIntAttribute". This method is not in current tinyxml sources but there is similar method in cvs dev repo - "QueryUnsignedAttribute". My question based on this is how many from 3rdparty shipped with maratis is a 'must' during engine (editor) build? This came out because i rewritten build system to use CMake and because by default i prefer to use system libs. Another one is just to be on a safe side for now, do maratis work as 64bit app?


(64 replies, posted in General)

Still no linux implementation around? Have anyone done some work and forgot to share?
Correct me if I'm wrong but to do 'linux' port you want someone (lets assume it is me for now) to implement MWindow class in X11 protocol? No wrappers no GLWF no SDL just pure pain? And what about adding some boost (lib) to the project? How about that 'plugin system' ASFK linux load .so (dll) different way then windows/mac. So in short pls list me things that need to be ported and what technology is preferred. Btw how is going collada and particle system implementation?