(7 replies, posted in General)

com3D wrote:

Did you try importing in collada (dae) format?

Yes, I was able to get the .DAE into Maratis with textures intact by importing to Blender and exporting to a Maratis MESH file using the Blender plugin. I was also able to bake shadows to the object in blender and get it into Maratis (That's a plus.)

I am having rigging trouble in Blender right now though.



(7 replies, posted in General)

Pär wrote:

Hey, anybody care to explain how to make a simple AI system?

I posted an example on a previous post of yours:

I will be working on the actual code for an AI system like this once I find out a good workflow for importing objects with animations into Maratis.

I can't get Blender and Sketchup to work with me quite yet.


(15 replies, posted in Scripting)

Pär wrote:

I have made a working ammo-system now and I'm about to script an AI system. Is there any good ways to go about this?
I will also script some kind of a hitbox, I'm not sure how to do this as well.


Hey Par! I have been waiting to share some ideas about the way my idea of a game engine would work, and I have thought of an AI system (at least how it would work).

I think the best AI system is one that simulates our own intelligence in real life. All humans have 5 senses. Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch.

If you build a SENSES SYSTEM, then you can give whatever object you want a sense of Artificial Intelligence. You basically create some SENSE OBJECTS. I will give a brief demo:

Touch is basically simulated using COLLISION detection. Giving an entity the ability to sense when it is colliding with something is simulating the sense of TOUCH.

Sight also uses collision detection. Attach a CONE to the front of an object. This will be the FIELD OF VIEW. Anything that collides with the cone is SEEN! (The cone must not have physics. In other words, it shouldn't react to the collision). The width of the cone simulates how wide the object can SEE. The transparency of the cone would simulate how WELL the object can see (more transparent means worse sight). The LENGTH of the cone would simulate near or farsightedness.

Hearing uses a PROXIMITY system. The closer you get to an object that makes sound, the HIGHER THE VOLUME and PITCH of an object gets (Doppler effect). The Hearing() function basically turns up the volume of an object the closer you get. You could also use a SPHERE as your FIELD OF HEARING and make a proximity system based on how far an object is from the center of the sphere.

Smell uses a PARTICLE SYSTEM. Odors act more like particles. The smell system is just a sphere that can detect when a particle has entered it. If a particle has entered the sphere that particle system is SMELLED!

Taste  is just a collision detection also. Works like the TOUCH system. But the taste object is just located near a mouth.

All these senses are FUNCTIONS:


And all the things they can sense are entities/objects:


And when these senses get triggered, things happen:


Take Care!



(1 replies, posted in General)

I am a little excited about the Maratis software, because it has all the makings of THE PERFECT game engine for beginners!

I hope Maratis takes the Blender route and keeps it free. I like how SIMPLE the API is. I also like how EASY the INTERFACE is. But yet, it is CAPABLE enough to make good looking games.

I was looking up a Unity 3D tutorial, because I was about to tackle its daunting interface and annoying API. Then I just stumbled across this. And I am glad I did!

For the longest I have had an idea for a game engine that is free and open source yet simple and capable.

Although this engine does not do it like my engine would, i can use it to test some ideas about how my own engine would work (I am new to computer programming and all).

Chances are I will never make my engine, but I am willing to share all my ideas with this community so long as Maratis will continue to be free.

Anyhow, more people should know about this engine. That's all! take care!