(3 replies, posted in Showcase)

Tutorial Doctor wrote:

Your project file has the wrong extension somehow. It is .MPORJ instead of .MPROJ.
After changing it, I was able to get the project to open.

Thanks, I have updated the file.
I never noticed it, because it works for me this way. --weird.


(3 replies, posted in Showcase)


I want to share a small demo that I have made.
It generates random dungeons, sometimes it fails and you'll get stuck, if that happens quit and restart the game, or erase this buggy game from your HD forever.

Press F1 in-game for help and controls.

You can Download it here
927,7 KB

Feedback's  are welcomed!

- using standard renderer;
- fixed portal light;
- added option to toggle keyboard layout.

That's all I have to say, I don't english very well.
