(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

Also, I'm trying to apply this to a cube, I see no errors to pop up from anywhere but nothing happens when I run the game.

--get stuff
Cube = getObject("Entity0")

function onSceneUpdate()
    if isKeyPressed("W") then
        addCentralForce(Player, {8, 0, 0}, "local")


My first shot at Lua ...lol
Also when I exit maratis and I try to open a project and then load a level a first it seems all right but when I try to publish it (File->Publish Project) it says that I need to open a project first, but I have.
(Nevermind, fixed the publish thingy, but still wondering about the script I guess im going to sleep on it.)
Solved the code (feel so dumb) I left  typed Player instead of Entity in addCentralForce oh wells.
It would have been nice to see a message when you try to access something that isn't on your scene.


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hm... Is it possible to build Maratis only with VS2012 and do everything from there ?


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

I think I will give Lua a shot after all.


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

This seems as too much toying around for me. I guess I'm going back to the infinite loop of looking for a suitable engine.
What a shame, I really wanted to try something with this engine, unfortunately I won't be touching it again until C++ arrives(IF ti does).

I just can't stand Lua.


(10 replies, posted in Scripting)

Can I program in C++ without any additional stuff. I mean just create a .cpp file in the "Scripts" Folder and start writing code.
I don't like LUA(blah).
Why aren't there any tutorials, at least I can't find them it seems.
..help ?