Thanks, I think your car looks really good. Well done.
2 2014-12-28 17:06:35
Topic: Basic open world post-apocalyptic game (2 replies, posted in Showcase)
Hey, been working on this during Christmas:
I wanted to make an open world game where I can easily implement things. The most basic controls and usage of items are done.
Basically you eat, drink & sleep. There's a car, fuel and weapons, also some AI.
W - Forward
S - Backward
A - Left
D - Right
-- Interaction
E - Use
I - Inventory
- E - Equip
- U - Unequip
- D - Drop
- I - Hide inventory
R - Rest
Left mouse button, use equipped item.
-- Weapon
O - Empty magazine
Left mouse button - Shoot
R - Reload
-- Car
W - Forward
S - Reverse
A - Left
D - Right
O - Exit
Open to new ideas to implement.