(150 replies, posted in Engine)

No worries, I wasn't trying to rush you.

With regards to where to put it, I see the problem, I guess one way around it is, as you say, to split plugins into editor and engine plugins. The problem with that is that some might cover both, for example, the game plugin which might want specific publish steps. Although I guess this could be avoided by pulling out the publish functionality into smaller plugins...


(47 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I've begun work on my game project finally. This means that also, I can begin potentially producing some tutorials to go along with my game. I'm just wondering whether there are any particular tutorials in mind that anyone would want. Things I think might be interesting to do are: (Some might be generic programmy ones, but usually Maratis-centered)
- setting up a new project and creating a cross platform way to compile code easily (probably using premake4)
- creating a custom plugin (not sure what for, I was considering using google protobuf until I saw how the entity/behaviour system worked)
- creating a particle system (because... _noone_ ever does them...)
- Project/Source control (git!)
- Coding practices
- UI? (I may make a lightspark plugin for a main menu "level")

As I'm only really a programmer, my 3D artsy skills are particularly limited, so I probably wouldn't do an awful lot in Blender, maybe a couple of boxes to block out a room if/when needed. Maybe even textures if I can work that out tongue However, I will probably be programming the majority of the game myself, so if there's any aspect that people might want clarifying on, I can try and make a tutorial on it.

Also, would video tutorials be better? Or text ones? I don't think either will be too much of an issue to sort.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Wow, that's great. It feels good to see my code online tongue Once the publishing code is in, I will take a look at writing the binary meshes to the package smile Shouldn't take long smile

I've had an idea about how to allow publishing steps from plugins. If the MPublishEvent interface is moved to MEngine, along with MPublishContext, which will just have

virtual void addEvent(MPublishEvent* pubEvent) = 0;

then  MEngine can hold the publish context (will always be 0 in the player), plugins can then, in StartPlugin can do:

if(MEngine* engine = MEngine::getInstance())
    if(MPublishContext* pub = engine->getPublishContext())
        pub->addEvent(new SomeCustomPublishEvent);


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

That's ok. I hadn't noticed that problem. I guess the solution is to put a Close function into the FileOpenHook?


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

I've uploading the update now. I've just changed a little. I've removed the extra check in IsFileExist and modified M_fopen a little to account for this. I wanted to keep the design of MFile itself the same as it already is because it would be useful, for example for save files, as you can use it as an RIIA class and for that the class needs to exist, but can return errors on things like Read, Write, and can be checked with IsOpen. Hope this is acceptable.

Once the code is on svn, tested on all 3 OSs, I will start working on some platform independant updates, such as adding an API for the teakey. I would like to also expose publish steps to plugins, but that _would_ require some project file changes, so I'll not do that for now.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Ok, I can fix that quickly at lunch. There will be another version uploaded at 13:30 (GMT+0).

Right, so maybe I'm not the best person to try and fix this. My PC, apparently I've not set up audio at all under Linux, and my laptop, I'm getting the following when trying to load an .ogg:

AL lib: pulseaudio.c:612: Context did not connect: Access denied
GL_VERSION : 1.4 Mesa 7.11.2
ERROR Load Sound : non supported format

I will try and get my computer set up properly soon, but I don't think I can sort this bug any time soon


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Anael: That's very impressive. I like big_smile Of course meshes should be loaded from xml during development, but when published, everyone wants faster loading smile It should be fully debugged and shouldn't need any maintenance then, surely.

When you submit the bin read/writing to svn along with the package stuff, I'll update the publishing to write the meshs to the npk smile

Very complete bug report, thanks. If it's happening in svn, it's not going to be my file I/O fixes, but if Anael wants, I can look at it tonight quickly?


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Anael: That's good news. Loading times were pretty slow before wink

I've made the changes to make scons work under Windows again. Seems like I forgot to copy some files back over from when I was doing Linux testing...

jurgel: I'll just test the ogg stuff. Can you make another topic in the bugs about it please and I'll look into it, rather than sorting it here. Also put whether or not it happens on the release, svn, or just my npk version. Thanks


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Hmmm. I've just tried building Maratis with scons on Windows quickly, it seems to fail because it can't find zlib. Meh. I'll fix it and upload a new version. Also with the change to __init__.py which I swear I made...

I'll have a look whether the Windows version breaks with the .ogg. It's probably something to do with my file loading wrapper tongue
EDIT: I can't fix Linux stuff until I get home tonight

With regards to DevIL. Not that I particularly advocate switching libraries at this stage, but FreeImage has a dual license so you can use it for commercial projects.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Jurgel: I've asked around a few people who are more versed in GPL than me. GPL respects trademarks There is a slight modification to the GPL library, but potentially, the solution to that is to provide MProject.cpp on your project website with the strings changed. There is no reason why the game itself should be GPL.
EDIT: I should point out that as far as I can see, not even the stricted GPL fanatic would complain if a(n at least small scale) project didn't do this. The procedure is simple to see in the source code and nothing is really changed. If it will make you happier, I will get the publishing process to modify and copy the .cpp into the publish directory too.

The reason there aren't font/, maps/, script/ and sound/ is that they are packaged into the .npk file. soon meshs/ and level/ will follow suit. It required a bit more work though.

With regards to the crashing with sound, do you mean from the published project? Or in general? Maratis should support ogg. I tested with an mp3 I downloaded from jamendo and converted to ogg when I added sound to the packaging. If you can provide reproduction steps, I will check and see what it is.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

jurgel: Sorry, I was mistaken. With regards to having to make your game open source, I don't think that will be an issue, as you're just setting 3 C-strings inside the player. I guess I would have to check that to be 100% sure, but I guess if it's an issue you can get the player source code, change the strings it compiles with (something like [EMBEDDED MPROJECT GAME NAME GOES HERE]) replace it with the relevant ones for your project, and provide the source code of your change in case anyone wants it...
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the player executable, even though it has a different name after publishing, will still work the same as the standard player if you pass it another .mproj as a parameter. It remains entirely unchanged apart from the 3 strings.

Anael: No worries. I have a couple extra changes to make, such as allowing the developer to set the teakey for encrypting the package, maybe custom package extensions in case people want to obfuscate a little more... but I will wait for that until you've checked it into svn along with any OS X changes. Oh, and I'll add more comments and documentation. I'm good at forgetting to do that.

I'm sorry that I couldn't sort the OS X publishing myself, Macs are in surprisingly short supply at work and setting one up for a short while at lunch wouldn't make sense. I don't think it will be a big change. Mostly just moving the locations to the correct place inside the .app I guess. For now it doesn't embed the project either, but the code for that is in both the linux and windows sections, and it's fairly self explanitory smile


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Yes, at the moment the xml based files can't be added to the npk but Anael is working on binarising them. That should be added soon smile if you check in published/ you should find everything you need to go, the npk, the executable and any other extra data/libs

With regards to the license, from what I see, MaratisPlayer is zlib, MaratisEditor is gpl. Using the editor as a tool wouldn't require anything made with it to be gpl. I believe that's how it works. There's a topic about it somewhere on the forum, I would link it but I am on my phone right now.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi, sorry, I don't know what happened with the linux compilation, I tested it and it seemed to work.

When I say I "push the project" I just overwrite some static strings in the executable. As far as I can see there's no more reason for the game to be gpl than because it is compiled with gcc.

Sorry I didn't include an example with this download, if you try any of the examples in the binary engine download from the maratis homepage and open it in the editor, if you select "publish project" from the file menu, it should work


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Tadaa! uploaded. I very cleverly decided to remove the .svn directory and all compiled/generated files, which brings the zip to a lighter 22.2MB. Same location as last time

Enjoy smile

Tested on:
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2010
scons (linux)


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Some final tests and the publishing should be uploaded tonight! As I said, some of the publishing steps will have to be updated for OS X because I don't really know where things should go. I guess probably all inside the .app somewhere...

But yes, I've basically just pushed the project data into the player application, which also has it's name changed to the name of the mproj. The data files are all added to the npk file apart from levels/ and meshs/ which, the folders are currently just copied in their entirety. The Game.dll is copied (if it exists) and I have also set up copying the plugin/ folder if it exists. Running the executable should then automagically run the game.

Just got to compile it all for Linux and check that it all works fine there, then I'm done and it will be uploaded smile

EDIT: Just a point, but the plugins will need to be kept up to date with the engine, otherwise they'll crash. Just ran a test with the water demo and was wondering why it wasn't working tongue

EDIT: Linux test complete. I had to change a bit of code because I forgot to change the mode of the executable... but I added that smile I'm just going to reboot to Windows, update the VS2005 solution, clean out all build files etc, then upload smile Should be up in about 30 minutes smile

EDIT: Uploading smile


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

I still have a little more tidying up to do before this is ready. I now have the player loading first from argv, if a parameter is passed, secondly it's checking to see if there's been an embedded project set (at the moment doen't happen) and finally it falls back to checking the local directory for an mproj file. I am just trying to push the data into the executable tonight. I've sorted scons, although I need to test it on Linux. The only thing left is writing the binary data files smile I won't have a chance to test the OSX publishing though, so I'm almost definitely doing something wrong with it.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

I managed to get scons building everything again. I even found out how to make it build separate libs, although I still need to do the refactor to make that much work.

When I build with scons, however, it doesn't copy all the necessary DLLs into the prod folder, as the Visual Studio solution does, which means that the publisher doesn't pick them up and realise that they need to be copied also. I ended up with a blue screen, when I copied the DLLs, it crashed. I'm not exactly sure what's going on. I'll have to see what I can find out tonight.

EDIT: just turns out I somehow copied the wrong DLLs


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

Ahh damn, I have found an issue with how I set up the package stuff. As it's in Maratis/Common, it will just be compiled once, which means it will expect to be compiled once and then linked to everything. When I did it in VS, the common filters were copy/pasted into different projects, which means I could specify different #defines at build time which would remove chunks of code, allowing for me to not compile against the dev code when I didn't need to. I'm pretty sure that I can fix this at some point, but for now, I think I'm just going to get it working with scons and one lib. Shouldn't be too bad I think.


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

I had a look at embedding data before and, at compile time, it's simple. With GCC you can use objcopy to create an object with the correct symbols to link against. Of course this isn't really realistic as we want to do it when publishing.

There is the possibility of doing something like this:
http://www.daniweb.com/software-develop … ads/228424
I think the easiest way to do this is to make a constant somewhere within the executable, which can be 256 space characters, which can be searched for and replaced. Within the player, it can then first check to see if there's any data there (other than the spaces), then fall back to looking within the current directory for any files ending in .mproj

My USB HDD was playing silly buggers this morning, and I haven't checked what I've done recently into my git repository, so I might not be able to do the tests I was planning to today. I might have a fiddle with the project data and then merge it when I get home tonight.

I'm not sure if there's a difference between unity pro and free, but I know some people who have pro licenses. I can have a go at getting a scene in both at some point and try to give you some metrics


(150 replies, posted in Engine)

I almost have the publishing done. I now have 10 separate publish steps, each of which can have multiple events, but not guaranteed as to the order. I have assumed the following steps
0 - clear the published/ directory. Shouldn't be used for anything else [complete]
1-4 - prepare game data. For game/plugins to implement
5 - package game data [complete]
6-8 prepare executable and copy, along with plugins etc [complete]
9 - run install scripts. For plugins to implement

I don't think that there should be any reason why this should be set in stone, but it seems like a reasonable guide for what happens when. I will try to work out writing directly to the package file, but that should be fairly simple. Will I be able to do something like Maratis::getInstance()->writeLevelBin() or something?

EDIT: For now I've just copied the contents of meshs/ and levels/ to the published/ directory and renamed the player executable to the projectname(.exe) I have yet to set up scons to split npk up, but I am confident that I can do that pretty quickly now I know how the build system is set up. I also want to test it quickly on Linux. As for OS X, I could, potentially, use one of the work Mac Mini's, if I have time tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll just upload it all again and let other people test it tongue

Three things which I have come across. The first is something I've already mentioned, having the player renamed, the data packaged all makes for a more professional install, but with the .mproj file still in plaintext, and having to pass it as a parameter to the player executable makes it a little irksome. Maybe, as part of a publish step, we can embed the (binarised?) mproj? As the project is a fixed size (2 strings) we could potentially allocate space for it in the player executable and write the data in during the publishing?
Secondly, maybe allow to change icons for the executable, possibly just look if there are icons files in icons/ and again, write them into the player executable?
Finally, I don't think there's much reason why the "engine" can't be distributed with the player (and libraries) for all OSs/devices. Then from the editor (which would have to obviously be OS specific) when you click publish, it would ask you what you want to publish for (tick boxes?) and then run through all relevant publishing steps

None of those 3 are anything major, just something to think about smile I might even look into the embedded project, if I haven't got any art back to start work with on my project tongue


(6 replies, posted in Gossip)

Heh, I just like to keep people guessing a little wink I'm sure you will see it shortly smile As soon as I have something more substantial than some concept art and a grey box room, it will be posted.

About the robot, it's not for the game, it is a personal project done by my friend and colleague, Umar Shaheen. He's been working on it for a while now. I asked whether he minded me use it for a few tests for polycount and things, as it's quite high poly. He has, however, said he would do some of the work for my game smile

I thought I would try pushing Maratis to see how far it could go. I tried loading a high poly model one of my colleagues is working on, currently at 486k tris. Using the 3DSMax exporter it made a 159MB .mesh file. That didn't load. I think it gave up part way through or something. We exported it as .obj and then took it through blender which made a 50MB .mesh file which loaded perfectly. It didn't take long to load and definitely didn't have any problem rendering almost 500k tris. Much as I'm sure some other engines are more optimised, Maratis seems to hold up pretty well.

I will do a couple more tests, throwing as many polys as I can, along with textures, animation and shader work and see if I can get any GPU bottleneck for rendering at all.


Artist's CG Talk thread

EDIT: I wouldn't suggest that 500k tris is an acceptable amount for an in game character model, I was just pointing out that Maratis seems to hold up pretty well