Hi ! Ho, yes, sorry !
Sure, you can commit it thank you
I'm also working on improving the script before making the builds,
I added some stuff that I will commit after you :
- get objects from other scene in lua : using getScene(sceneName)
- clone objects : getClone(object)
-- default is current scene
toto = getObject("toto")
box = getObject("box")
boxClone = getClone(box)
scene2 = getScene("scene2")
totoScene2 = getObject(scene2, "toto")
gravityCurrentScene = getGravity()
gravityScene2 = getGravity(scene2)
Previous code is compatible, but internally getObject now uses a pointer and not an id (to deal with the different scene)
So, after I commit, you will need to send the object pointer to your function instead of the id : lua_pushinteger(L, (lua_Integer)object);
- also added a function to send a ray test : rayHit(pos1, pos2, object)
- and a function to quit from script : quit()