(8 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

That example is not clunky at all. It is small and works very well. Nice!


(22 replies, posted in General)

I'm trying to figure out what to submit, and how to submit it, and what to include. Perhaps I can upload 10 sounds and ten fonts. I want to upload a character with a "good" walk, idle, and run animation. Perhaps a jump and kneel animation also?

For testing in first person, I just use the Sponza level (instead of re-creating it myself).

What part would you like me to submit? I uploaded my senses system here:


(22 replies, posted in General)

Akira, the links you provided are a good resource for getting ideas for tutorials. I am going to try to do something with the suggestions here today.

Edit: Okay, so I have the same basic controls for a 3rd person character (started from scratch).

The character can change animations and move forward and back as well as spin left and right. I can also toggle cameras. I am still using a very basic mesh that doesn't have any complex clothing. The walk animation is a bit smoother now, but I don't have any transition poses from the end of the walk animation to the start of the idle animation (it just snaps to the first frame, which is okay for me).

How should I clean it up and package it though? I could include the Maps and Meshs folder, as well as the Blender file (for editing). I still don't want to package this particular one, as it doesn't have a good looking mesh. I am going to try to get a decent one done now.


(3 replies, posted in Off-Topic)

"lity" are the last four letters in the word "quality," and "tity" are the last four letters in the word "quantity." It was an abbreviation for the words. Nothing suggestive about it.


(1 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Haven't tried it yet, but I know it will be good. Nice job!


(8 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

When I am back on my PC, I will try it out. Hopefully I will be able to implement these into my Senses System to get more cool stuff on there.


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Hehe. That is actually a text-to-speech software called Speak It (for iPad)


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I realized I still had a Box account that I could upload stuff to. Here is the project file for the narration I did using your text display script. Right now it works best in fullscreen until I use the EnableCameraLayer() function to make it work better.



(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

This is just a note to do some research on sensory cues, mainly auditory cues and visual cues. Wikipedia has a very nice article it.

Edit: Okay, I put all the text in another scene and used enableCameraLayer() to project it over the main camera. Now I can easily add readouts. I added a readout that displays the name of the object collected (small box).


(0 replies, posted in Gossip)

So I was looking for a list of libraries for making games that could possibly be used with Maratis and I found this:

http://www.ebonyfortress.com/blog/free- … libraries/

Anyone see anything that could be easily implemented? A lot of them use C++.

I don't know how to work with libraries because I don't know how to tell which have dependencies and such.
Also, I don't know how such libraries would be able to be implemented within Maratis. I am thinking more on the LUA side, as I don't know C++ yet.

The original post to the above link was found on gamedev.net.

http://www.gamedev.net/topic/291432-lis … libraries/


(5 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hi. So, I think you can use a bezier curve formula to get an object to follow a curve, so I found this code:

http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussi … ve-code/p1

Think I could use this with Maratis if I make the points vec3 coordinates?


(0 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Okay, so here are some tips when exporting from blender so that you won't keep running into issues (textures not showing up or scaling incorrectly.

First check out this page on the wiki:

http://wiki.maratis3d.org/index.php?tit … om_Blender

0) Make sure the maps are in the right order

1) I usually use the GLSL shading mode found in the navigation menu in Blender (Press "N" to bring it up. It will be under "shading")

2) Make sure all of your textures are using the same UV map. If you are using a texture atlas, be sure to check a specific UV map from the drop down menu instead of just selecting UV for the map type.

3) If you have scaled any of your UV maps, make sure every UV map has the same scale.

4) If you created your map in Blender via projection painting or selecting a photo, make sure you save your map by selecting "Image" and then "Save as image." It is best to create your project folder and save all images in the maps folder before you export the maratis mesh.

5) If you have to change the location that the mesh file references, you can edit the .mesh file with notepad. I prefer notepad ++. For tips on how to change the reference check out this post:


6) Sometimes when importing from other software like Google Sketchup, the vertex normals will be messy. Using an "Edge Split" modifier on the mesh before exporting will help most issues.

7) I have a tutorial also in PDF format that will give you a more visual idea of what to do:


Yeah, lua is looking more flexible every day. I think I need to learn some of the other languages alongside lua so I can actually see the flexibility of it.

joe = {name =nil, age =nil, gender =nil}

joe.name = "Joseph"
joe.age = "24"
joe.gender = "Male"

I am wondering if such code would work, and I am wondering if I could put functions into the table also to do simpler OOP.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you anael! I will keep that in mind. I am thinking of doing a series of projects/games that demonstrate the use of all of the API functions in an easy to grasp and useful manner. I just need to understand how to use the API, and thanks to a few users here I have a better idea of what certain functions can be used for. It would be more like an interactive documentation of the Lua API. Of course, it would have to have solid and easy to grasp commenting and example uses.

I think a third person game would be best to encompass all aspects, but I am stuck at the animation phase, as I want the animations to be good. So I am at a halt (I don't want to keep using static meshes.)


(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

Haha. I should just use the vec3() function. Didn't even think of it


(2 replies, posted in General)

What can the enableRenderToTexture() function be used for?

You have a camera and an object.

Are you rendering what the camera sees to the object or to a texture?

I was wondering if this function would be used to make an inventory menu (alongside the enableCameraLayer() function perhaps?)

Is it more of a texture animation that live updates? Split screen perhaps?


(22 replies, posted in General)

Good tips. Vegas. The other day I stumbled across a post about a Starfish rig. It is a rig with only 5 bones that can fully animate a character. This would make the rigging process faster for me.

I was looking for environments the other day, I will try blendswap. Thanks. I forget which file type can be used for 3dsound. I found out the other day that I can use .aiff in maratis, which is perfect, because the text to speech app I use only exports aiff, so the human voice files will be easy to create. MP3 isn't supported, so I had to convert all 2,000 sound effects to .wav


(36 replies, posted in Scripting)

Can't you duplicate the level file and change the name? This would be a temporary fix. A good way for this to be added is to have a groping system.


(22 replies, posted in General)

The Pack is at 2.5GB with only sounds and fonts. There is nowhere I could upload that much stuff at once (for free).
I wish there were a free and secure service for large file hosting. Right now I am using Dropbox and Google Sites but Google Sites has a limit of 20MB per file, and a maximum 100mb for each site. I have the free version of Dropbox(2GB).

This is why we need some sort of content store.


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I just did something really catchy with your text display script. I put in my own text and put a voice narrator with it. I also add some ominous background music. It looks cool. I just need to add a background.


(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

Okay, thanks, I will change it before the final upload. If you want to change it, just click it in the Editor and change the gain.


(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

Here is the updated file with a bit more environment. I added a simple pickup function and I hid the text on the screen. I also made some music and added it to the scene.

https://sites.google.com/site/maratisfi … System.zip


(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

I am trying to avoid randomness, and try to program a system that does things with intent. For instance, a person doesn't randomly walk somewhere. They usually have intent. So an enemy should move with intent.

I am also going to have states that determine what the enemy does.

Is the enemy tired? He will go to sleep (play some animation)

Is he angry? He will pout (some pout animation).

I could set a timer to determine when the enemy will go to sleep. Perhaps that will be a chance for you to sneak past him?


(44 replies, posted in Scripting)

Watch out! I move fast! haha. This is the beginning of my Hear() function. It is short, but almost complete.

import math
function Hear(object)
    earPosition = getPosition(ears)
    heardObjectPosition = getPosition(object)

    x2= earPosition[1]
    x1= heardObjectPosition[1]
    y2= earPosition[2]
    y1= heardObjectPosition[2]

    xDiff = x2-x1
    yDiff = y2-y1

    radicand =  math.pow(xDiff,2) + math.pow(yDiff,2)
    distance = math.sqrt(radicand)
    if distance == 0 then
        setText(txt_hearing,"I hear something...")
        setText(txt_hearing,"I hearn nothing")

I think that calculus course is coming in handy for checking if things are working. I have to check minimums and maximums to see if it works on either side of 0. I am not printing the distance yet.

I put the "squeeze" on the distance and here is how it checked out:

--At start distance is not equal to 0
--At start distance is greater than 0, which is how it should be. 
-- At start distance is not less than 10
-- At start distance is greater than 10
--I think this might be a scale issue.  I am going to move a box around in the environment to see the scale of the scene. 
-- Turns out, at start, the distance between the ears and the monkey is roughly 130 units. 
-- at start, distance is greater than 20 and less than 30

This doesn't seem right, as it was about 130 units in distance along the X-axis.

I am going to try to use getUnprojectedPoint() this should work better. I will save that for tomorrow. I am going to add some more sound effects to the project for the next upload.

Update: OOPS, that is not the distance forumula for 3d space. I need a "Z" axis in there.