(3 replies, posted in General)


I would have never thought of looking for it there..


(3 replies, posted in General)

The Multiple-Camera's-and-changing-between-them-question I managed to figure out myself this morning, I knew it would be easy..

The whole moving through adding force thing still is a problem.
I have managed to move my mesh by direct translating command, but the player and feet object will need som further investigation.


(3 replies, posted in General)

I like the look and feel of this engine,
And I've got many ideas I'd like to work on, but I miss the knowledge for now..
I'm a graphic designer trying to cross over into game design, 3d and 2d.

Looking at your examples it should be easy to make a character that's being followed and looked at like in Maratis Demos and YoFrankie, but when I try it myself, it doesn't go as planned.

Why does the mesh follow the player object?
Where does the feet-box come in play? (I understand the collision-detection part)
Are multiple camera's and switching between them possible?
I'm probably missing some logic here, but that's what this forum is for, right?

If I get the hang of this engine and some real understanding of the logic behind and in it, I would love to help write easy to follow tutorials explaining the working of among other things your example files, so people like me can have a go at this..

thanks in advance,
