(8 replies, posted in General)

Just thought I'd let you know that dynamic shadows don't quite work correctly when you deploy to an actual device (It looks fine in the simulator.

shadowBias 1
shadowBlur 0.25
shadowQuality 512



(8 replies, posted in General)

Thanks for the prompt reply

This was exactly the problem. Xcode was copying the resources without retaining the folder structure. Re-importing using folder references fixed the problem.

All working fine now. Thanks

Great job with Maratis, by the way.


(8 replies, posted in General)

I'm trying to get Maratis running on iOS. I've opened the project in the iPhonePublishing branch and run it in XCode in the simulator and an iPad Mini device.

In the simulator I just get a magenta screen, and on the iPad Mini, just a black screen.

There are no errors. I have XCode 4.5.2 an iOS 6

Has anyone got this working?