(3 replies, posted in Editor)

Btw, you can try to associate mproj files with Maratis. Or if you have a project you're working on constantly you can create shortcut to the editor with path to the mproj file. These are only available solutions for now, afaik.


(3 replies, posted in Editor)

Hmm, what about 'Recent Projects' menu below 'Open Project' where you would see the list of projects you worked on last? I also think that it's about time to introduce some type of ini/xml/sqlite file for the editor to store settings, etc .., because right now it always starts in the same state and a lot of features could eventually have configuration to make it more convenient for the person using the editor.


(15 replies, posted in Engine)


I've tested cheap ACME gamepad on Ubuntu 12.04 (Maratis r200), but it doesn't work me either. Gamepad is functioning fine. Can I give you any more info to make it easier to debug?


(4 replies, posted in Editor)

I am mostly interested in working on editor for now, but I could do some work with the engine too after I am more familiar with the codebase and low-level stuff.

So for start I could do these things:
- wiki
- linux maintaining (Ubuntu is my main OS, but I am not exactly sure about this part. Would need some introduction on the issue with libsndfile, etc..)
- improving the editor
- improving lua functionality


(4 replies, posted in Editor)


Just wanted to ask if you're looking for contributors. I'd like to spend some of my free time working on Maratis, because I like the direction it's going and I haven't been doing much recently besides work so I thought maybe I could contribute something. I am python developer professionally, but I have experience with C++, though mainly just from playing around and hobby stuff. From what I've seen the source code is clean and easy to understand so it doesn't seem like too much of a problem.

The reason I've created this topic is because I want to implement some of the features mentioned here http://forum.maratis3d.com/viewtopic.php?id=112, but I am not sure how much of them might be already done or about to be done and just not pushed to the repo. So it'd be good to know what is being actively worked on and what is up for grabs as to avoid duplication of effort.