(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

Yes, this is exactly what I need. Thanks anael smile


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

using sponza as base, I manage to create basic FPS. Now my player can walk, run, sprint, jump, and when I click mouse it returns name of object in front of him. I can also load a text file, read it's content and clone an object in a certain location based on content of the file. Pretty good for 3 days I guess smile

but then my math fails me. Simply put:

I want to apply force to a chair, just like pushing or kicking the chair, when I click my mouse. I already can detect the chair using rayhit, what's left is applying force. It should be something like this if I'm not mistaken

addCentralForce(Chair, someVector)

my problem is determining this 'someVector'. How do I get right vector so I can apply the force at correct direction?


I figure it must have some connection with rotation of Head/Camera. I can get that if that value. What I don't get is how to use that rotation value to figure our direction of force, because when I use that value, it simply doesn't work the way it should be


(6 replies, posted in General)

I'm on Bodhi Linux, so Enlightment / lxde
My work around is to skip mouse input for 1 loop to center it when it almost reach end of screen.
It works fine and I think it is acceptable work around as I can't feel the difference


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

Ah, so it is in binary folder. Never thought about it. Didn't find the topic either even though I've been reading some of the post.

Well, the idea was to read text file that store object to clone, position and rotation and clone those object and put them to right place.
Reading text file is done, but cloning the object seems to be another challenge, especially since this is my first time with lua

I'm going to dig more, if any of you have suggestion on how to do that, please reply



I manage to do it using
table.insert(cloneList, #cloneList + 1, getClone(object))

it was actually nice and easy. This is much better than early my expectation


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

I want to use lua to open a text file and read the lines
my code goes like this

file = assert(io.open("textfile.txt", "r"))
for line in file:lines() do

yet I got following error
[string "function split(pString, pPattern)..."]:42: textfile.txt: No such file or

I try to put textfile.txt in any logical directory but it can't find it. Where should it be?
I'm on Linux/Ubuntu btw



(6 replies, posted in General)

Thanks. It's nice to know I get the fix right.
I'm gonna learn some more.
I hope you guys don't mind me asking if I have question

Thanks smile


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi, I'm new here. I play and learn how to make game as hobby. Been using Unity for few months, migrated to Linux and find this. So far it is simple and amazing. Thanks for this great application

I'm currently making a basic fps controller, based on Sponza example. I got a weird bug though. Sometimes, mouse look stutters. I basically don't change anything related to mouse in Sponza, so far I just add some feet collider to check if I'm on ground, jump mechanic, and walk-run-sprint movement speed. Anyone know why is is happening and how to fix it?


I manage to solve the stutter problem. It seems calling centerCursor() every update cause it, so I call centerCursor only if mouse axis lower or higher than a certain value.