(7 replies, posted in General)

What if I want an object not to cast shadow and another object near it to cast it?
Looks like you can only edit the light.


(36 replies, posted in General)

It was

MObject3d * parentBone = bone->getParent();

The rest works fine. Thank you, especially for the links. smile


(36 replies, posted in General)

How do I now set the bone position to say world position P(0,0,0)?


(36 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the fast reply.
I knew that you had to update the armature thanks to old threads.
What I was missing was the matrix stuff.
Getting the translation part of that matrix gave me a correct vector3 with world coordinates. Thank you very much.

You know, I suck at understanding matrixes in general and all the related transformation operations.
Do you have any tutorial/source/link where I could improve understanding these things in relation to game development?


(36 replies, posted in General)

Bones positions are a bit weird, they have values like
So I don't know how to retrieve the actual world coordinates of the bones.
I added the position of the parent entity of course, but this is not enough.

I need enlightenment about this.


(2 replies, posted in Plugins)

It's a plugin, you have to compile it and put the DLL file on the same folder of your "mproj" file.


(3 replies, posted in Editor)

Also, when opening/importing, double clicking should open a project/script/etc without having to click on the button.


(1 replies, posted in General)

New user here.
Congratulations for this project, it deserves more attention.
It's simple, no install / compiling, the demos look cool and the features are everything you may need if you want to do a simple 3D game. And it looks like you can do even more then just simple stuff. Compared to other engines where I lost hours to just have something basic working this is very good.
Gonna explore it more these days.