Thank you!

I'm so stupid to suspect final result could be somewhere else.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Sorry for asking, but I can't find nor in OSX distribution nor in built from sources binaries.
How could I build it ?


I've built engine on OSX 10.9, Xcode 5.02 with scons and minor tweaks of sources.
But Editor bundle & Player bundle don't contain dynamic libraries (libMEngine.dylib & libMCore.dylib).
So when I try to start Editor I get error:

Library not loaded: @rpath/libMEngine.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/
I wonder how to solve this problem ?

Of course I could put libraries somewhere and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or so.
But, actually I would like to have full packaged bundles (for Editor & Player) with all resources and libraries included in.
Is it possible ?

PS: Actually I solved this problem by copying all necessary libraries in application bundle.
BUT: Can we make automatic copy during build stage ?


(4 replies, posted in Engine)

anael wrote:

did you try using scons to compile ?
info here : … umentation

Yes, I used instruction from that page.

But as I understand from build script target OSX SDK now is 10.6,
but I have 10.9 with many deprecation actually removed. So I suspect we need to adjust code.
What do you think about ?


(4 replies, posted in Engine)


I'm new in this engine and in 3D, but if everything will go quite smooth I would like to use this engine and also contribute what I can.

But I have several questions:
1. Building engine:
I use OSX 10.9 & XCode5 with 10.9 SDK by default.
- First error happened in assimp (all related to "template" keyword in C++11) - I fixed by adding "template"
- Second error happened in Glee (typedef redefinition in Glee.h) - temporary fixed by commenting out 3 redefinitions
- Third error happened in (CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRateWithProperty was removed in 10.9) could be fixed by introducing new function to find best matching display mode.
- Also a lot of deprecation warnings (all deprecated from 10.6)

So I'm stuck with this now and think to implement, but I would like to know development approach before:
Do we need to support OSX version < 10.6 (< Snow Leopard) ? If so I should implement old & new methods. If not - only 10.6 & up.
What level of C++ do we need to support ? I suspect lowest level come from Microsoft platform. If so what is minimum version of VS to support ?
Where can I find platform/tools to be supported ? What about coding rules ?
How can I build experimental version ?

Also if I temporary comment out CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRateWithProperty I could finish compilation,
but then I get many duplicate symbols in 3rdparty/devil/libil.a:
duplicate symbol _iSwapUShort in:
duplicate symbol _iSwapShort in:
duplicate symbol _iSwapUInt in:
duplicate symbol _iSwapInt in:

2. Using engine:
I don't know well OpenGL programming, but I understand programmable pipeline is the only player (vertex/fragment shaders together with FBO/renderbuffers/...). So I found MStandardRenderer & MStandardShader. But I didn't find any documents how to customize renderer/change shaders/manage parameters. Are there any documents about it ?