(33 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:

Separately, the non-ios mac Xcode generation goes further but stopped :

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "MaratisEditor" in directory /Users/anaelseghezzi/Downloads/Maratis-ios/M/Maratis/Editor
    linked by target "MaratisPlayer" in directory /Users/anaelseghezzi/Downloads/Maratis-ios/M/Maratis/Player
    linked by target "MaratisEditor" in directory /Users/anaelseghezzi/Downloads/Maratis-ios/M/Maratis/Editor
    linked by target "MaratisPlayer" in directory /Users/anaelseghezzi/Downloads/Maratis-ios/M/Maratis/Player

Stupid mistake of me, will fix it. Think I was a bit tired when I tried to dechiper the project.pbxproj file.


(33 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:

I will test your iOS build tonight.

Awesome job on the wiki Dahnielson !
So much clearer and organized ! cool

Thanks! I thought the Main page of the wiki was a little bit empty. When I started looking into Maratis last Saturday I was momentarily a bit confused when I forgot that it existed and thought the User manual was the Main page.

I'm thinking of writing a bot that can update the C++ API class pages in the wiki using the XML output from Doxygen.


(33 replies, posted in General)

I have now pushed an integrated but untested iOS build as an experimental branch called "ios" to github:


There's a new option "Generate iOS build (requires Xcode)" available when configuring the build on Mac OS X that need to be turned on. CMake then require that the Xcode generator is used or it will protest with a fatal error and quit:

  cmake -DMARATIS_BUILD_IOS=ON /path/to/source

I'm not entirely shure it's possible to set the toolchain file from within the CMakeLists.txt as I've done instead of from the cli, hopefully it will "just work". wink

Since I don't have access to any Mac I haven't been able to test if it generates a working project. So please go ahead, check it out, run the iOS build and report back any problems.


(33 replies, posted in General)

jchp7787 wrote:

Hello greetings to all please somebody can send me all that I need to compile in Maratis3d android, ios etc.... from here I don't have access to this http://code.google.com/     paginates y not you because wax that   
my mail is: jchp7787@gmail.com 
This has me frustrated since for while in that it paginates many useful things they come 
Greetings to all from Cuba and I congratulate them for this brilliant Maratis3d. I sit down it for my bad English

Try using my (or Nisturs) git repositories instead. GitHub doesn't block Cuban users afaik. Both repositories contain forks of the Google Code subversion repository with a few minor tweaks. You can use the "Download ZIP" button on GitHub if you don't want to check out the repository.

There's no Android build of Maratis yet, altough I'm interested in getting one. The iOS build is currently only available from Google Code, but I'm working on integrating it into the CMake-based buildsystem I've set up in my git repository (will probably push it to GitHub during the day).


(33 replies, posted in General)

Dahnielson wrote:
Sponk wrote:

Dahnielson: Nice to see someone from over there wink

BTW: Your CMake build system creates a 32bit build environment even on a 64bit machine. I think some sort of switch would be nice to choose whether to build 32bit or 64bit wink

Yes, I made it 32bit by default just to be portable (since the Maratis SDK offered on the homepage is 32bit). But I'll add an option to select between 32bit and 64bit build.

I just added an option for forcing 32bit build on Linux and pushed it to GitHub. Btw, I set it to ON because I think that's a sensible thing to do for portability.


(33 replies, posted in General)

Sponk wrote:

Dahnielson: Nice to see someone from over there wink

BTW: Your CMake build system creates a 32bit build environment even on a 64bit machine. I think some sort of switch would be nice to choose whether to build 32bit or 64bit wink

Yes, I made it 32bit by default just to be portable (since the Maratis SDK offered on the homepage is 32bit). But I'll add an option to select between 32bit and 64bit build.


(1 replies, posted in General)

BTW, I've started on a Doxygen generated documentation in my development branch:



(33 replies, posted in General)

Sponk wrote:

PS: Dahnielson: Is it possible that I saw you before on the Garagegames forums?

Yep, I'm an old owner of TGE and came back briefly when Torque went open source, but got a bit frustrated with the lack of Linux support.


(33 replies, posted in General)

I've been using CMake for more than a couple of years now. Guess you can call me an intermediate user. CMake is quite easy once you've gone through the man page [1] and got your head around most of the variables and a useful subset of the commands. The power of CMake is the simple syntax combined with its know-how of each platforms quirks and the plentiful generators [2]. Making it most of the time easy to set up and maintain a build system while giving users a lot of options for how to do the actual build (ranging from IDE project to regular Makefiles).

Yes, it should be possible to generate build files or both Android [3] and iOS [4] in addition to all the desktop system. So CMake would be suitable for a completely unified build system.

To be honest I have not that much experience of Scons and premake as a developer. I have only used them as a end-user building others projects.

[1] http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.12/cmake.html
[2] http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.12 … Generators
[3] http://code.google.com/p/android-cmake/
[4] http://code.google.com/p/ios-cmake/


(33 replies, posted in General)

First, I just want to say hello and thank you for Maratis.

To be honest my first reaction when I saw Maratis was "OMG! It's so tiny and cute!", as if I just had seen an image of the cutest cat on the internet, after I came by it by chance via the TIGSource forum.

It's refreshening to find a complete multiplatform game development solution -- being multiplatform in the sense that also the development tools run on multiple platforms (especially Linux). Also nice to see an open source game engine free from bloat and legacy cruft.

I hope to contribute something back to the project in the near future. So far I've ported the build system to CMake to make it easier to generate Makefiles for the build on Linux and a Code::Blocks project to let me dive into the source, as well as Xcode and Visual Studio projects. Altough, I haven't tested to build it on a Mac or Windows machine yet. It is still a work-in-progress.

I'll be pushing my contributions to a git repository on GitHub:


The master branch will just be me tracking the SVN revisions while I hopefully will be pushing some contributions to the development branch in the future for you all to try out.