Thanks for the reply.
The voice thingie is just one of a set of prototypes I'm working on. With the lack of a proper game designer right now, I think it's probably the best way to figure out how things might work and what feels fun.

Regarding the PSP, I realise that it's pretty pointless. I just have this thing where I find it... hmmm... exciting I guess to see my code running on specialised hardware rather than on a PC through an OS that provides everything for you already. Out of the consoles that I have available, the PSP is the only modern-ish one that I have that is set up for homebrew dev. I don't fancy installing CFW onto my PS3 and losing PSN yet (although, I was offered a 60GB PS3(w/ PS2 compatibility) for cheap recently... so I may try and scrape money together for that)
Of course, homebrew games aren't really a sensible target if you're hoping to make games, but I think it's always good to demonstrate that your game is able to run on a certain platform. Also, as I mentioned, I believe my work has an official PS3 devkit (although, strangely enough, noone knows where it is... it's a giant black slab... how can they lose it?) as well as a Wii one, PSP ones and practically every other devkit you can think of... the only thing is, I obviously can't borrow one to take home, as they are large things, but also pretty expensive. However, I think I might be able to borrow them to use on my lunch breaks and potentially after the work day is over sometimes. If I'm going to be trying to borrow something so expensive, might be a good idea to demonstrate the portability anyway wink
But yes, I realise that it's pretty pointless doing the PSP stuff, but it's fun, and I haven't taken that much time on it, so it's all cool.

I've seen the Ouya linked the other day. It's definitely interesting. Would be a real reason to get Maratis running properly on Android. I'll be getting one! smile

Vegas wrote:

Best luck with your project, looking forward to the first vid !



(37 replies, posted in Engine)

No worries. It was just something that I was fiddling with and thought I'd share it. As I said, I haven't actually tested this, but it's based on a similar system I wrote in a different project so it should be fairly ok.

Let me know what you think anyway. If you like it, I can tidy it up and submit it to svn.


(37 replies, posted in Engine)

I just had a quick fiddle with the plugin stuff... mainly because I was fiddling with the pspsdk stuff. The easiest way to do this is static linking everything together.

Anyway, I had a fiddle with the plugin system a little. I think I've got it more or less working. I should put this up with the disclaimer that I haven't actually tested this at all. It compiles and I _believe_ it should more or less work...

There's one thing that would need to be changed, which I didn't have time to finish doing on the train, and that's that MPlugin::Load currently takes the filename. This doesn't make sense in a static link context. For the static libraries, I would expect it to be something like plugin->Load("AwesomePlugin"); What I guess dynamic libraries could do is take that name and search relevant directories for AwesomePlugin.{dll,so,dylib} it doesn't do this right now. Anyway, just chucking this diff up for people to take a look at.

EDIT: It's just occured to me, with MPlugin being in Maratis/Common, you can't currently link against it using the MSDK setup. To get it to work, I guess it would have to be moved to MEngine?

That title wasn't as obvious as I expected it to be.

But yeah, I am still working on my "personal" project She Wore White. But that's lead me to start a side project of writing a new tool set. Which has also started me off with something else. I will warn people now, this will be a long message, but I think it's about time for me to give a little insight into what I've been up to.

She Wore White.
So, unfortunately things have been moving incredibly slowly for this. Having to work in free time in a team means that quite often we have to wait for schedules to overlap, which can take longer than would be preferable. However, we have made some progress. My writer has informed me that the script is getting written, my environment artist is preparing a video for demo purposes, and we've been going through the VO auditions.

This is where my side project spurred another side project. I was going through a roadmap of what I needed to do for She Wore White. One issue with the project is that, on the code side, for now, it's just li'l ol' me. Maratis is a very capable little engine, but I don't want to be stuck coding absolutely everything.
The game is technically "my" vision, but, I will admit to having the creativity of a dead fish. I couldn't tell you which camera pans might look nice, how a room should be layed out, what colours to use etc. What I really want is to be able to offload this work onto the people who would do the work better than me.
I've actually had a discussion with Anael about this. He said (quite rightly) that you can do all of what I'm likely to need within Maratis using the editor and with lua scripts.
However, I do know that, especially when you're asking people to give up their free time, especially if you can't afford to pay them (much) then any minor annoyance is a huge problem as every time it happens, they are more and more likely to just say "forget it" and ask me to sort it. The example I think that I gave to Anael was that my writer isn't a programmer at all (in fact, he studied Biology at university). If he has to dive into lua scripts to modify dialogue trees, it's going to get tedious for him very quickly.

So, I want to make some tools to work with Maratis. There is a significant chance that I will spend more time doing this than making my actual game, but the way I see it anyway, a programmer should be the person who provides other team members (designers, artists etc) with the medium for which to express themselves. Plus, hopefully I'm going to be contributing to the Maratis community a bit by doing this.

My first plan was to extend the Maratis Editor, as it already has a lot of the basic functionality needed. I have (I have to say, against Anael's better judgement) decided against this. For what I would like to do, I think the current editor system is not really suitable for large scale extension. The "ideal" situation, in my eyes, for this editor to be in is that it's easily extensible. Probably most of the functionality would be provided in several lua files. If this works well, I can implement a pretty simplistic editor in reality, and then, through use, extend it by writing little helper scripts to do common repetitive tasks. New features (like the particle system, which I'm totally still working on) can define their own extension to the lua API and their own set of base scripts etc.

Anyway, this design obviously needs a robust and flexible GUI solution. I have spent a good deal of time looking into what is available. I had started writing my own GUI library in lua, using Löve, out of frustration of there being no nice data driven GUI solutions, but I have come to the decision that I can't even hope to maintain that, on top of everything else I'm piling on myself. As a recommendation, I looked at Awesomium. This looked...well, awesome. I chose not to use it, however it doesn't support mobile platforms and, for larger scale projects, would require a $2900 license. Not sure this is too much of a problem, but as Maratis is entire free software so far, I'd like to keep with that. Next, I looked at libnui. It also had a commercial license, but was far more reasonable, and the author has suggested that he may release libnui under a more flexible license. However, I spent several days (almost literally) banging my head off integrating this, getting error after error. One of the main things is that libnui wants to be an application framework, instead of just a GUI library as I needed. For this reason it had almost as many external dependencies as Maratis itself and included things like a TCP server. The final compiled lib was 170MB (in debug, release was 17MB). Far too much stuff to rip out. Then I came across libRocket. This has been a LOT less painful to integrate and (almost) have it plugged into Maratis properly. In fact. I did most of the integration in one train journey (I am currently working 12 hour days, so my side project coding can only be done during my commutes). I'm getting a segfault when running it, but I'm sure that, once I get around to having a look at this when I'm not insanely tired, the problem will just evaporate.

I have forked the Maratis player code, but I've barely changed anything in it. The main reason for doing this is to just add a new command line parameter support, so we can load the Maratis INGame EDitor plugin with Maratis.exe --preload=minged.dll (or ./Maratis or ./Maratis --preload=minged.dylib) The idea being that there's no Editor application as such, you just load your game as normal, but then hit a hotkey (F-key as personal preference) and it pauses the game (?) and displays a customisable editor overlay.

Anyway, as I've said, it doesn't run yet. I've got it up on Github though as I want people to be able to see what I'm working on. As soon as I have a prototype in a working condition, I will only ever submit code that I know runs though. If you feel like checking it out, it's over at With any luck, this will be running this weekend. I might even get simple 3D picking working and displaying transform information, who knows.

Oh, and it doesn't even begin to compile on OS X, but I don't have much dev-time available on a Mac, so if anyone would want to offer for this... wink


I have absolutely no reason for doing this. The PSP is old now. Very few people are going to be very interested in making a game to run on the PSP, however, I have a PSP flying around my flat, and I have had the unofficial PSP SDK installed on my computer for years now and done very little with it. During my train journeys, I've got frustrated with the GUI integration and wanted something new and different to sink my teeth into, so I thought I'd try and get Maratis running on PSP.

To be honest, I've not done an awful lot. I'm using the premake4 project files that I created for MIngEd to build Maratis, just generated GNU makefiles and changed CC=gcc to CC=psp-gcc and the like. A few include directories and cflags and that's more or less all I've done. I have, so far, compiled all of the 3rdparty libs that Maratis depends on, and tested a couple by linking into a PSP example program (and calling a couple of functions). Not a particularly thorough test, but enough to make me confident that I'm compiling them correctly. I've also got MCore and MEngine compiling. The next thing would be MGui, "Common" and the Maratis player. Of course MGui and Common require at least partial rewrites to support the PSP graphics system, and audio system but I've looked into this and... well... doesn't look like it's too much work as the homebrew pspsdk was based largely around OpenGL it seems. (Of course, most graphics libraries work in roughly the same way due to the architecture of the underlying hardware)

As I said, this is a mostly pointless side project, as I don't think many people would even be interested in porting to PSP any more, but it's sort of fun, plus it would be cool to be able to show a Maratis game running side by side on a Windows computer, a Mac, a Linux machine, an iPhone, a PSP, and anything else anyone cares to port it to tongue Speaking of which... I think my work has a PS3 devkit...


I have promised to continue with the tutorial series. I do definitely still intend to. The problem for me (apart from my serious lack of time) is that I promised to cover the first tutorial stage in a video... I've tried it several times and... well, I hate my own voice, so editing and sorting it has made it frustrating tongue I will try again when I have time, but I've definitely not forgotten it.

Particle system

Along with some of the other things, this has got put on the back burner. I definitely intend fo continue this, especially as I will need it for She Wore White, but until I have the editor framework sorted, I would like to leave it.

((Which reminds me, I am intending for all plugins I write, including hopefully MIngEd to be compatible with "stock" Maratis. What might have a custom crafted editor panel, like a particle system, might just show up in Maratis Editor as a MBehavior))


As with the particle system, I'm holding off on doing much more of this, mainly because I want to have somewhere to write the information to, like a custom panel in MIngEd.


So, that's about it. As usual, I've started a lot of things. For once, though. All of them are focused on pushing one of them forward (She Wore White [SWW]). I might be quicker coding SWW myself and forgetting about all the tools and side projects, but this is really a labour of love, as I'm sure Maratis has been for Anael. As I said, I get very frustrated if I end up implementing other people's ideas as it always ends up with "can you change the order of X and Y?" "can you move Z up by 2px?" etc. So I really feel that my "best" role would be to make things to make this as easy as possible for them. Also, I do actually enjoy this, if possible, more than game programming.

I'm not really a fan of Twitter, but I've got one for my project, as I think that any attention is good attention. So if anyone's interested here it is. Also, if anyone has any designs/ideas on any of the things I've mentioned, I would really love to hear them. Especially if it's tech/tool related, as I'm obviously intending to make them to be usable for other people.


(6 replies, posted in Gossip)

Thank you for your advice. I will ask some of my friends. I know a couple who might be able to help with this. I don't know any students any more, so it might be difficult to get permission from a university. Who knows, I might get lucky anyway.


(6 replies, posted in Gossip)


Yeah, unfortunately, with me being in London, recording studio's likely to be incredibly expensive... I know there were a couple of decent places for cheap near where I studied. The issue is that I have absolutely no knowledge, or experience, in getting voice actors. I also don't have an awful lot of time to run around London arranging auditions and stuff, which is why I stuck it online. If I get enough people near London, I can look into a recording studio, otherwise, initially at least, I'll just have to make do with whatever audio they can provide.

I'm trying to balance quality with potential costs, as I know the lower the amount I ask for, the more likely it is that we can achieve the funding, especially as none of the team are well known in any way. I'll just have to see what kind of things are available and what sort of budget I am left with, to spend on things like professional recording.


(6 replies, posted in Gossip)

In preparation for my Kickstarter pitch, which I'm hoping will start either June or July, I've been putting together a proper budget for what I expect the game to cost. As part of this exercise, I am having to investigate several areas which I have little to no knowledge of. The current one being voice acting.

I have started an "audition" over at (I hope noone minds the cross post) and asked people to submit samples of their work, and how much they thing they would like to be paid, if they got a role.

I posted, basically on a whim last night, after failing to get any decent rates from websites and have already had several emails back. I just thought, as this is the community I spend most of my time in online, it would be polite to make everyone here aware of this. Maybe you think you have a voice that might suit one of the characters, or maybe you know someone who might want to do it. Anyway, the link is here again. If you would like any more information, just give me a shout smile


(6 replies, posted in Engine)

I hear people have been talking about me here! tongue
I do appreciate gm waiting for me to mention things rather than just drop my name in here, but just in future gm: I don't mind in the slightest wink

I've had a huge job getting scons to work in the past. At work I have python2 installed and running properly on Win7, but it took probably half a day when I started, getting that and a few other things set up. I don't know why python's so awkward to set up. It does work on Win7 (x64), python2.7 and with Visual Studio 2010 (not the express one). On my home computer, which is Win7 x64, python2.7 and Visual C++ Express 2010, it just falls over. I honestly don't know why, I had a fiddle and it just ends up complaining about not being able to find cl I think, even though it told me previously exactly where it was...

With regards to VS2010 solution, I have done this and it (mostly) works. If you want to grab it, it's along with the source package I made which has the WIP plugin stuff with it. I wish I could remember exactly what I had to do to make it work, so I could describe what strange changes MS made with VS2010, but I can't. It still complains about the fact that output files are actually written to a different folder than it expects, but that doesn't seem to change anything. I believe all you would have to do to get it working with an svn checkout of the code is to copy the VisualStudio2010 folder to the correct place, but this might end up with you building MGui as a dll rather than compiling it into the Maratis/MaratisPlayer executables.

I think that potentially the current layout is not ideal. I have absolutely nothing against python or scons in principle. The issue here is that Maratis doesn't come with python


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

These look great!
Erm, the ones I'm most interested in are... 2, 3, 4, 6 and maybe 7, as they should allow a couple of particle systems in each which should get some very nice effects.

Hopefully things have calmed down enough for me now to start working on this properly again...


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Sorry, I've been a bit busy to reply, I'm almost settled into my new flat now though.

zester: That looks great. Still definitely looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Vegas: I think Anael said the recommended scale for models is 1 blender unit = 1m.

You can unpack all data associated with a blend file in one go. I can't actually remember where I found this option.

To be honest, though. I think it's easier if all models were created in an open standard which any 3D editor can open, say obj or dae. What I've been doing is putting obj files in art/, textures in maps/ and exported meshes in meshs/. Doing it like this makes the relative paths to a texture the same (../maps/sometexture.tga).

If we're still talking about the particle example application. I would like to structure it nicely, I'm not _entirely_ sure how I'm going to manage this, but I think that each "level" should be in it's own directory with all assets there, and anything common also separately. Not that it makes any difference to how Maratis loads things, it's just much clearer if someone was looking for how things are put together.

I wouldn't worry about any of this though, when I have time to create a demo application, I can structure this around anything provided.

Also, as I've said, I've recently moved, so I've not been able to do anything really, so I really can't judge people on not responding wink Especially as this isn't their project tongue


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Thanks, I will look into adding something to render the behaviours in the editor. It shouldn't be an issue really.

I think you've explained the issue here. I'm making it all too complex. I have 16 variables right now and it's looking messy. I should really really be more simplistic, like having a preset system. That's sort of what I was hoping for with the particle spec stuff. I will see what I can do about reducing the complexity a bit.

Blend Swap would be a great idea. The issue is, of course, somehow, the models would have to be exported as Maratis meshes, and also normalised in size for easy use. As it's all CC, as long as you credit the original creators, it should be ok to just use without a formal agreement, but it might be best to discuss this anyway. I don't know.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Not being an artist, I don't think it's fair that I suggest this... but I definitely approve of the prototyping pack or central Maratis asset repository tongue some sort of CC license, some of them being made for Maratis specifically, some being simple exports of other CC/free models.

With regards to Vegas' comment on the particle system. I really don't think there's any risk of needing to be a maths genius to create particle specs. On the other hand, I know very well how frustrating it can be to repeatedly edit a text file, load up the game to test it, wash, rinse, repeat... I'll see how it goes. If noone's totally against it, I'll begin with it just being a plain text, probably protobuf. That way I should be able to use binaries, and serialise it nicely. We'll see how the editor stuff pans out. I would prefer to spend a little time working on my actual game tongue


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

zester wrote:

I didnt understand half of what you said smile lol but as far as a spec file if its something that is editited or created to get differant "effects" can it be human readable and machine parasable if possable like say xml, ini, json files. As far as the editor i would just do it the way we are now have a button at the top for particals and when you click on an emitter its settings pop up in the left panel.

Or you could take the maratis editor and make a partical editor from that something you would use seperatly.

Yes, this is part of the reason why I'm a bit stuck... because I feel that it's a difficult concept to explain easily. Basically, I have 3 potential solutions:
1. Keep it as it is, with the Particle Emitter owning all the data ever.
2. Separate the Particle data into a Particle Spec and have it in human writable plaintext files.
3. Separate the Particle data into a Particle Spec and create an editor environment for it.

There are pros and cons with all 3 solutions. Those being:
1. This makes the editor VERY busy with a lot of behaviour values which can, at best, distract. At work confuse. On the plus side, it's easiest to do.
2. This is an acceptable compromise, but particle editing is then less graphical which will make it less accessible.
3. This is my "ideal" solution. It defers complexity to places where most of the time you don't have to worry about it (you make a "flame" particle spec and then just apply it to any firey emitters, without caring about the values in it) but it's also the most work.

Now, regarding #3. I could make a standalone particle editor for this. I could even fork the Maratis Editor, as you said. I'm not overly keen about this. If I remake part of the Maratis environment, then why not just use the one that exists and if I don't use Maratis, it's quite likely I wouldn't get things looking exactly the same as when it comes to displaying them in Maratis.

I think I have a plan for this. I will have to think further on it though. This is by no means a finalised design. Just a concept. So if anyone feels particularly strongly about anything here, give a shout and we can discuss things. So I guess I'd best tell you the plan, right?
Well, to begin with, as I've said, my "ideal" solution is to have a separate particle editor. So, clearly I will be aiming towards that. However, the logical step would be to go through suggestion #2, but, if I know that I'm aiming for #3, it will probably change the design a bit. For one thing, having a system that can read and write the same data is important.

This also leads me onto a slightly tangential point. Much as I love the fact that Maratis has an editor, for enclosed interior scenes especially, it can be a little uncomfortable to position and edit. For this reason, something I would love to be able to do is create a plugin at a later date (potentially called MIngEd), when loaded in a project, adds a keybinding (F10 by personal preference, but that's entirely unrelated now) which will allow editing in game. Of course this will be a lot of work and a lot more design. But the point here is that I will hopefully be doing any particle editor work so that it's flexible enough to allow multiple editor interfaces fairly easily.

Anyway, that's a lot of work to do and definitely won't be done any time soon, but hopefully will explain a couple of my reasons for some of the decisions.


(18 replies, posted in Engine)

That sounds great! Having one set of scripts for all platforms would help me a lot tongue

Of course, with your currest setup, anything made against your version of Maratis wouldn't be compatible with the stock Maratis, unless Anael adopts your restructuring into the main repository. To be honest, I prefer having MEngine, MCore and MGui as separate shared libraries. I was wondering about the things in Common myself, I'm not adverse to creating that as a separate library, or linking it into any other existing target.

I don't mean this to sound too harsh. It's great work you've done. Would love to get my hand on it at some point tongue


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

I have been looking through all the suggestions just now, trying to figure out what the best option is to tidy up the current interface and what's exposed to the editor. Refactoring and documenting are fairly easy work, so I think I should be able to manage that during my lunch breaks at work tongue

Just wondering if anyone had any preference as to how I refactor. To begin with, the current Behaviour "ParticleEmitter" is just getting too busy. To be honest, quite a lot of is isn't even totally relevant to the emitter itself. It just sticks it straight into the particle and forgets about it. I think this stuff I'm going to pull out into a ParticleSpec. Now, the first thing, do I make the Spec a behaviour? For the strictest definition, it's not a behaviour at all. Just data. Of course, the simplest thing is to make another behaviour for the spec.

The better solution (in my opinion) is to have an entirely separate spec type which isn't a behaviour at all. Multiple behaviours can then reference the specs by name (dropdown menu would be ideal, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here). The issue with this solution is that we have no way to graphically edit the specs. I can easily make them as fairly human readable plaintext files, but that's not really what we want, is it?

For a graphical editing environment for particle specs, I would either have to commandeer some space from the Maratis Editor, which is in pretty short supply, or write my own editor. Neither are particularly fun sounding tasks. Fortunately I think there's a third option, a hybrid. If I can squeeze a button somewhere into Maratis, I should be able to get it to fire up another window. If this window is also running through Maratis, we can share data with the particle systems and modify them directly, if there's no way to do it like that, we have to reflect the information, or just make sure that Maratis keeps checking the spec files.

I have to apologise for this seemingly dull babble, as I've made clear, I'm not a designer, and I am definitely not a UI designer. Part of this post is me just working through the concepts, and part of it is hoping for someone to say "You should do it this way, fool".

Oh, and don't worry, I haven't forgotten the demo stuff at all. I'm not abandonning that. It shouldn't take too long to throw something together once it all comes together.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Good to see you online, hope you're having a good time.
I thought I tried the draw function, but it's very likely that I've made a mistake. I will take another look though, thanks.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

I was just searching for fluid dynamic particles... I came across a demo video from a paper on the subject from 2010, which seems to be the basis for the nvidia video I mentioned before. … cC-_-aqx18

I was in awe.
Until I saw the framerates.
3.5fps is NOT cool.

Then again, if you look at the car section at the end, and consider the 250k particle setup, 18fps is playable... definitely not what you should aim for... but then again, I think for 90% of situations, 250k particles is still far too many. If you're doing something this insane, you'd probably scale it back considerably more than 250k. That was a looooooong trail on the car.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Wow, thanks for the quick replies.

Arclord: Thanks. I've not seen that one before. Being 2D some things, of course, can't carry across, but I was also having a look at HGE as it has a nice particle editor. I'll get Enthanon and take a look at that one too.

Zester: We can, but for one thing, if we keep the number of emitters low, it's easier to maintain them. Creating a box emitter is simple anyway though, when you emit a particle, you just get a random position within a specified region, rather than just use the emtity position itself. I could really do with having an "editor draw" function in the behaviours, so that I can represent them in the editor easily. I might actually see if I can add this to Maratis.

Vegas: Wow. Thanks. I'll take a look at them. I definitely like the OpenGL Physics video. I'll take a look at all of them. Seeing some of that stuff though, makes me think that maybe non-axis aligned bounding boxes might be worthwhile...

So much stuff to look at and so little time. Woe is me tongue Also looking again into fluid dynamics... I seem to like things which will most likely destroy me...

Again, thanks for the suggestions and links. Time to do a bit more research! smile


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Hehe, that's no problem. I think we all know that.

I think I need to start coming up with some firm goals for the particle system, some features I still need to implement.

One thing I've noticed that I probably need is a box emitter, rather than just a single point emitter. I really should have a look how other particle systems are set up. The one I was planning on using initially was quite difficult to figure out.

I will probably install Unity and have a play with how they do particles. Any more particle editors that I can have a look at, do you think? I'm getting a little worried by all this flexibility will make the behaviour awkward to use. Ah well. We'll see. I want to try to make a separate editor plugin to take care of the "world", so maybe I can just have an "advanced" flag in that... I really don't know. Why am I not a designer? That would make this easier...


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

From what I gather from the nvidia video, is all real time and could potentially be in a game, is probably far too heavy duty for any game now, CPU/GPU cycles are better spent elsewhere, but the principle is there.

For my game, atmosphere is probably the most important bit for me to work on, and having the player be able to swirl the smoke is something I will be asking towards.

With regards to the scene(s), I was thinking that the separate scenes may be best to showcase the more advanced features and then having one scene with "standard" particle emitters... But I honestly have no idea, I'm no designer and I only really want, here, what is easiest for other people to play around with.

I have absolutely nothing against any license used on assets, as long as it allows me to distribute it freely along with the library


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

The reason I'm doing the particle system initially is because I want a smokey room. So yes. Both of those should definitely be possible.
Moreover, the things I'm working on right now are physics interactions between particles and, hopefully eventually other game objects, should make it even more immersive. I played with the idea of using Bullet for this, as a lot of it would already be set up, but I didn't like the idea of that amount of collision with potentially complex shapes, but I think that cuboids and spheres should be able to get most of what is needed.

I was trying to find a video of the kind of thing I meant, I think I remember seeing it in a tech demo for one of the bigger engines, but I can't remember which one. The video showed, from memory, a generic space-marine-esque character with some sort of particle trail running through a doorway which had a particle... forcefield type thing, him running through it made the particles of the field disperse a bit and mix with that of his train. Difficult to explain.

The kind of thing I'm hoping for is actually in this NVidia tech demo (look when the car goes through it's own "cloud")
However, that's 0.5M particles... and probably several people working very hard on some perfected GPU code... so I don't hold up much hope for being able to match that degree of finesse.

I would love to see a plan for your scene. I would say that anything that people can "donate" to the particle system, in terms of art would be most appreciated and almost definitely used. Eventually, I would like to create an application with several levels to demo the particle system to it's full. If I ever get the degree of fluid dynamics I hope for, I probably would have to sacrifice a lot of other particle emitters, so I'd have to make several scenes anyway. Having said that, it would be good to have one scene (and for some reason every time I attempt to picture it, I come up with a Roman bath house) which can demo the... "stock behaviour" of the system, so the basic things we've already mentioned: fire, water, some sparkly stuff, maybe snow, maybe even slow, non-physics-y smoke coming off a hot bath.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I still have a lot to do, including my simplified physics. Unfortunately, over the next, say week and a half, I will be pretty busy (I begin moving flat on Wednesday) so there won't be an awful lot of work that I will be able to do on the particle system. I will try and find some time to keep making a little headway though.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

I have to say that, when I saw the art, the first thing I thought was Brian Jacques. I have to admit to not having read much though...

I will try and get some example videos of real world/professional particle systems (ie. movies) to try and simulate, for reference material. For now, I'm trying to add physics to my smoke, so I can make it swirl tongue slow work though tongue


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Wow, that looks really cool. Coincidentally, the scene I'm working on for my game is a bar too tongue Yours looks a little bigger than mine though.

What I could really probably do with a couple of use-cases for the particle system. What I think would be really cool is if we could have a nice looking, but small, level we can use to demo different particle systems at the same time. What I can think of, off the top of my head, is a fire, a fountain, smoke, and some sparkly magic object (like the staff). Of course there are many other things that it can be used for...

I spent last night fiddling with particle sizes, trying to get a rough idea of what I can currently do with the system. As I'm still only using point sprites, and I can't colour the sprites yet, it's quite limited, but I have got some nice looking fire. There will be videos and screenshots coming soon.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

That makes more sense now! Sorry. Well, If there are any objects you would be happy to release as examples (CC?) then I'd love anything like that. When I have got things more sorted out with this, and we have the plugin system in Maratis properly, I think I'll make a collection of examples within the github repository with different scenes people can look at. In fact, if I get some samples, I can do that now.

With regards to the particle textures... to be honest... I really don't know what's "normal"... I've not done very much work with other particle systems myself. I could use our in house one at work as a basis, but that's probably not the most flexible.

As it stands, the particle system can currently handle both alpha blend and additive, so transparent background would be fine. I am having some trouble with setting the colour of point sprites (either they're black, or totally transparent... not sure why...) so, for now, it's best that the textures themselves be coloured. In future, I fully intend to be able to colour them properly.

Gah, sorry, I was rambling a bit. Basically. For now, coloured textures are best. Whether they are transparent, or on a black background depends on what the particles are for. In general, transparent would be more suitable I think. For things like glows, where you want more particles to be brighter, an additive texture would work much better.


(45 replies, posted in Showcase)

Well, at the moment, it just uses point sprites. I have absolutely no intention in the near future to get it to support 3D models for particles tongue Potentially it can be added.

Having said that, though, particle textures would be great. If you would be willing to provide a couple of examples that can be provided with the particle system, maybe with some presets. That would be great smile I am definitely no artist, so I couldn't produce presets with textures myself, and would have to look for free art online.

Thanks for the feedback, both of you smile I'll keep you all up to date with how things go smile