(23 replies, posted in General)

Honestly not, C++ stuff has always freak me out
But it's ok i'm gonna try to compile it smile


(23 replies, posted in General)

Oops my bad, it was "isVisible" indeed, sorry !
Your plugin would be the ideal solution then smile
(although i will probably need some instructions)


(23 replies, posted in General)

That's right i understand what you mean,  but i'm still prefering the second option, as hiding some part of the screen could lead to more trouble (for example let's say a turret that starts shooting when it's visible, it will start shooting even when it's hide by the interface)

And thanks for you proposal, i can *try* to compile tongue but will it fix the isActive(object) too ?


(23 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:

But I don't understand why you can't use the first setup ?
What do you mean "The interface overlap the main game screen so it's not good." ?

The first method is perfect for small HUDs or sliding menus but for a full GUI,
it's hiding alot of the game screen, if i exaggerate, basically the result is :

PunBB bbcode test

Not sure i want that tongue

I think it might be ok for a game where the camera doesn't move, so maybe i can just move camera back a little, play with the FOV and it should be fine

However for a moving camera that's not gonna work


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

No problem smile got some more stuff coming, just need time to make the scripts
less ridiculous, that's the major difficulty to me tongue


(23 replies, posted in General)

Hi there!

I have a question about a Full GUI system,
I'm gonna describe the different steps for making it :

Figure 1 Setup : Simple scene, only one camera, this is just the main game screen (epic drawing skills i know tongue)

PunBB bbcode test

Figure 2 Setup : Two scenes ; One with the game and one GUIScene that contain the GUI graphic,
i'm using setCameraLayer to display the GUI graphic

PunBB bbcode test

Result : The interface overlap the main game screen so it's not good.

Figure 3 Setup : Everything on a single scene.
The game, two camera, the GUI and a Plane.
The Plane is rendering what Camera 1 see, and i'm using Camera 2 as the main cam

PunBB bbcode test

In Maratis the scene setup looks something like :
PunBB bbcode test

That's working but there's two major problems :

1) isActive(object) doesn't work with that method
2) Sounds. It is not possible to use 3D sounds or sound positionning, forced to make it local

So i'm wondering, is it possible to add something that
makes the Camera 2 gets the Camera 1 proprieties while Camera 2 is the active cam (if you still follow me tongue)

And lastly, is this a correct set-up ? or is theres another solution ?


(8 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Added a new very small example, graphic used is a CC0 item from OGA (can't find back the link right now)


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

PunBB bbcode test

Here's an example for automatic text displaying, there's three levels :

1) Simple text typing
It will start displaying text when you launch the scene, nothing fancy

2) IOread example
Will read text in an external text file when you press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
WARNING, you must edit the script IOread.lua and set the correct path for the .txt file

3) Text Input
Press any keyboard letter to write text (only letters, space, backspace and delete)
It will switch to a new line when you entered 15 characters

• Project : TextDisplay
• Lua script only (Simple) : SimpleText
• Lua script only (IOread) : IOread
• Lua script only (Text Input) : TextInput

ps. the text displayed doesnt make sense, i was just on a chiptune site then copied random lines

Feel free to edit/improve smile


(5 replies, posted in Showcase)

Nice TD, that's pretty neat smile
I tried for a long time to make sci-fi stuff like in your terminal picture,
i found some cool tricks in the process, gonna dig in my files see if i still have them, that might interest you (or not lol)


(2 replies, posted in General)

Try with these settings
PunBB bbcode test
That should be fine smile

ps. I moved the topic to general discussions


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

My main issue with texturing is that it is easy to get lost in Blender

Yeah, i think using single textures/materials is a waste of time in blender, as there's no library system,
you'll loose control no matter what.

I think the best solution is to use single texture atlases, that allow you to map alot of stuff
with a single texture, such as this :

Modular Buildings Assets
or Batman Arkham City models analysis
or Working with Modular assets
or Single Atlas Building

This is working ok, but there is a probleme in blender apparently, the textures are "bleeding" on each other even if the edges are perfectly lined up in the UV map window (example here on a pixelart scaled up texture atlas :

PunBB bbcode test

But even if there was no problem, how am i supposed to draw decals (because seamless textures alone are visually ugly), then bake AO, with everything perfectly set up.. this is where i abandonned.

you have to do 1,000 forum searches and 300 video tutorial searches to find out about

Ah hell, don't tell me about ! that's a true pain.

And about the interface yes, i hope they will add some  "customisable pannels" where you could put in everything you need, so you don't have to constantly open non-sense menu/submenus


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

Perhaps you could do a tutorial or something?

I can isolate some of my game mechanics and make small examples if it can help
but for texturing you're on your own tongue i've kinda gave up at this point

For my projects i'm on :

Valkyrie Sky-like
Going very well, it's pretty much in playable state although there's still countless things to add

Tower defense project
Must do a complete re-write and still have some things to figure out

2D Platformer
On hold because the workflow for mapping is not viable at all, still searching

But i make little progress right now because i'm learning to use Music Trackers these days


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

I sure wish you still had these projects and would have released the project files

Haha seriously you can be thankful i didn't posted these files.
Ultra messed up script (timers up-side-down // dofiles at every corner), boxes everywhere and broken animations,
Anyone with minimal common sense would have run away tongue

But i'm improving tongue


(3 replies, posted in Off-Topic)

Merry Christmas to all Marateers ! (damn i'm a bit late tongue)


(1 replies, posted in Editor)

It does seem possible, but is it practical?

It's not very practical but it works fine, too bad i had a perfect exemple project for this, that went
to hell when i lost massive data sad

Thing is you must think twice before building your gui otherwise if you must tweak something,
it will be so confusing that you will need to rewrite everything (probably multiple times)

Also i don't think you can make some stuff like :
- text scrolling inside a box for dialogues (and that's an important point hmm)
- like you said, sliders

I am still dreaming of a GameSWF integration to maratis, that would solve all problems i guess smile


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, yes for now maratis uses only 4 lights per submeshes, little more info over here (bottom of the page)

Great ! you even fixed my spawpoints, i always wondered how to spawn clones like that, thanks alot wink

Right, i cleaned everything and keep the fastest way to make the game bug

Test Project

Press "S" to spawn clones, they will follow a path. I used
isCollisionBetween() -> setBehaviorVariable()

It's starting to freeze when i spawned about 27~

If that's not enough i can  upload another example later, where the same freeze stuff happen when shooting some projectiles. It just take something like 150~ clones to start freezing but in the end the result is the same
Sidenote, I'll be back late today, got stuff to do sad

Thanks for your help !

Hi ant0n, there's a last problem ;

The crazy frame rate drop still exist, but i think i know what is it.

In my theory that's because the items in the table stay active all the time.
When you have a long behavior for an object, even if the object got deactivated, the entry in the table is not, and it's still running in the background, so it's almost  the same as if the object wasn't deactivated.
Then after a while, the table just gets too big and the game crash no matter what.

Note it's only my theory, maybe it's a lot of bull. But i don't see what else it can be

For now i've tried to remove items from the table/reset the table when my object collide with another object
but as usual, nothing worked.

Looks like i need your help again hmm

I could upload a test project if u wish

Perfect ! Thanks so much !! *cry*
This stuff bugged me for so long !

I made test in a empty project, just took the script you posted , duplicated it and renamed some stuff ;
Script (some lines space might be broken)

i tried to make use of isCollisionBetween(object, object) everywhere i could, with  :

for i=0, #appleList do

I also tried to rename

    self.__index = self

As they where the same in both class (that changed nothing)

Right, looks like the best way to go, unfortunately i'm unable to make collisions
between two objects like in your #9 post hmm
hell, i'm definitely not a script guy

Thanks guys wink gonna make some experiments with this

Hey ant0n (wow it feel weird, that's also my name tongue)

Thanks, that's exactly what i'm aiming for ! could it be adapted to this method ?
Because all my spawning patterns are already made under this model (for a shoot'em'up game)
Here's the details :

PlayerBulletModel = getObject("PlayerBullet")

-- PlayerBullet object
PlayerBullet = {}
PlayerBullet.__index = PlayerBullet

function PlayerBullet.create(pos)

    local ball = {} -- our new object
    setmetatable(ball, PlayerBullet) -- set metatable
    ball.object = getClone(PlayerBulletModel)

    setPosition(ball.object, pos)

    return ball

function PlayerBullet:update() -- behavior
    if isCollisionBetween(self.object, EndWall) then 

-- PlayerBullets list
bulletList = {}
function addPlayerBullet(pos)
    table.insert(bulletList, #bulletList + 1, PlayerBullet.create(pos))

Then in onSceneUpdate :

    for i=1, #bulletList do bulletList[i]:update() end 

And to create a clone:

addPlayerBullet({0, 0, 0})

Thanks for your help wink

Hmm not exactly what i needed, but i realise my explanations are very obscure,
i'm going to start another topic to not pollute yours. Thanks anyway!