(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

That means there is no way to combine my shader with shadow-mapping without making shadow-mapping manually (again), right? So, what about multi-pass rendering for shadow-mapping that is being used for hdr/bloom effects? If it is posibble, maratis will make shadow-mapping without our custom shader (re-inverting)!


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

Oh, which one? I see there is a standart shader but it has lighting too?
I want to make a shading like Unity's Directional Light + Materials.
(or maybe I just missed something in the example?)


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

First of all, is it posibble to make a scene similar this:
> There is a spotlight that uses shadows.
> There is a cube that uses my special shader.
> Cube casts/receives shadows and my shader makes texturing.
I saw


(5 replies, posted in General)

maratis3D using LUA right? nice. thanks smile


(5 replies, posted in General)

I already looked at this tutorial but how to use in maratis3d? how can i call animations in some functions? is it like c++?


(5 replies, posted in General)

how can i use animations in maratis? ex. 3ds max FBX model or other model is animated for fps, how i import them into the maratis and how i use in my scripts. for example:
-- fire
    if isKeyPressed(