Topic: Another noobie

Hello all. At last an engine I can understand!!!!!

I've been playing about with Blender for a couple of years now, but never managed to gain any kind of proficiency. But I have ideas and plenty of time and no great pressure to do anything in particular. I have a game in my head which has never got out of my head because of my lack of understanding of most engines - but here's one where all the important files are directly readable. Oh, that's luxury for me.

Well done. I hope Maratis has an extremely long life, because I'm actually going to use this one. The game may never see the light of day, but that doesn't matter - I'm going to have fun. Loads of thanks.

Re: Another noobie

Hello ! Welcome !
What a nice post, it's good to see you like it smile
I'm waiting to see your game project,
