Topic: crashing scene based on sponza

ATm  I am using sponza example, as I like the camera movement system ( but I'd also like mouse click movement later).
I've looked at several of the examples , so I am getting a much better idea of whats going on.
When I change out the building model for my terrain model ( preserving triangle mesh and all other settings), I get a crash on starting maratis player.
I've rechecked values from building but I see no issues, or have I forgot to do something after replacing default building in that example ( I also decimated mesh in blender before exporting thinking maybe the crash wa due to too many verts, but it had no effect on  ending crash. )?

Later on as recommended by nistur, im going to try compiling beta 3.1 of maratis ( which im using in this case here), and then load it into VS 2010 in debug mode and hope I get something better than just a crash with no info.

STill, if anyone has any idea whats up, please reply;)


Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Hi, is it possible for you to send me the file that makes it crash ?
I'll try to debug it.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Yup I can do that and thx for a speedy reply anael wink

I'll post it on my website, and here is the URL

I hope I haven't done something embarrasingly nutty;)


anael wrote:

Hi, is it possible for you to send me the file that makes it crash ?
I'll try to debug it.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Thank you,
I opened the project an lauched it without a crash (on macosx),
the mesh seems ok to me in a fast glimpse.

In what case do it crash for you ? when you import the mesh "CouncilBluffsDEC.mesh" ? or only when you press the pacman button ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

It crashes on press of pacman.

Thanks anael wink


anael wrote:

Thank you,
I opened the project an lauched it without a crash (on macosx),
the mesh seems ok to me in a fast glimpse.

In what case do it crash for you ? when you import the mesh "CouncilBluffsDEC.mesh" ? or only when you press the pacman button ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

ok, so I guess what crashes is the physics, but there is a way to be sure :
If you disable the physics on the CouncilBluffsDEC mesh, do it still crash ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

It does still crash , even If I turn off physics.


anael wrote:

ok, so I guess what crashes is the physics, but there is a way to be sure :
If you disable the physics on the CouncilBluffsDEC mesh, do it still crash ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

mh... what can it be so...
I don't see why the script would crash, except is there is a bad encoding, but it works fine with the sponza mesh ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Yup, it works fine with sponza mesh, which is puzzling.

That would possibly indicate that its my mesh, but its just a mesh like sponza basically.

The only thing different, is its a mesh that had a displace modifier put on it to create the terrain effect.

If that's the problem, was their something I needed to add to maps or mesh DIR that I haven't done ?


anael wrote:

mh... what can it be so...
I don't see why the script would crash, except is there is a bad encoding, but it works fine with the sponza mesh ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

no the mesh seems ok, except maybe the normals that don't look all in the good direction, but it should not cause crash. Also, it works without crashing on my machine, so i cannot debug it...

to be sure, can you try creating an empty level, load only your mesh, run the pacman button and tell me if it crashes or not ?

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

There is one thing a bit bizarre though in the mesh file,
The mesh have only 6664 vertices but 39513 indices...
In Blender, if you have modifiers on the mesh, try to apply them all before exporting, it's maybe that.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

I remade it, and here is the new zipfile:

Its also now crashing, just using the editor , moving mouse around, etc. Not doing anything but keys/mouse movement in scene. I wonder if this is a beta 3.1 issue ?

If need be I can try compiling editor and get a debug, because atm, with VS express having no JIT module, I can't get that.

Let me know.


anael wrote:

There is one thing a bit bizarre though in the mesh file,
The mesh have only 6664 vertices but 39513 indices...
In Blender, if you have modifiers on the mesh, try to apply them all before exporting, it's maybe that.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

this one is also working here, but tomorrow ill try on another machine on windows to see if it crash.

the vertice/index number seems strange too like if there was a lot of double triangles, but im not sure.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Just wondering if you had any luck with this ?


anael wrote:

this one is also working here, but tomorrow ill try on another machine on windows to see if it crash.

the vertice/index number seems strange too like if there was a lot of double triangles, but im not sure.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

I maybe found something, that can be a bit of a pain to deal with but that's maybe why it crashes.

There is apparently a limit of triangles that can be send and that can be different depending on the driver, machine or opengl version (didn't know about it) : GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES

I'll see if I can modify the code to take this in account and split the rendering if needed.

In the meanwhile, what you can do to make it work is to split your model in multiple parts so each part don't exceed 64 000 triangles (a possible 16bit limitation on old hardware or old drivers).

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Awesome, thanks for follow up on this appreciate it indeed.

For now yes, I shall split mesh up and see how that goes.

One thing to note, my hardware is all recent,,,everything is new except for cdrom drive, and my GL driver is new, albeit my GPU of course is 'slightly' old but still in solid mainstream use Im pretty sure. It's a solid card and still allows me to play current games on the market , often at max settings.

Thx for looking into all of this Anael wink)


anael wrote:

I maybe found something, that can be a bit of a pain to deal with but that's maybe why it crashes.

There is apparently a limit of triangles that can be send and that can be different depending on the driver, machine or opengl version (didn't know about it) : GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES

I'll see if I can modify the code to take this in account and split the rendering if needed.

In the meanwhile, what you can do to make it work is to split your model in multiple parts so each part don't exceed 64 000 triangles (a possible 16bit limitation on old hardware or old drivers).

Re: crashing scene based on sponza


I'll continue looking on the GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES,
the funny thing is that I have windows installed on mac laptop,
and where it doesn't crash on macosx, it crashed on windows, so at least I can replicate the bug.

I'll let you know if I found a fix, tell me if splitting the mes works.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

So glad to hear you're able to replicate on your end Anael.

I tried: top view>B (and grab half of mesh down the middle), press 'P' > "selection", but on export and import into maratis editor, and then pressing pacman, I still get a crash.

..beyond that all I could do would be to compile current beta3.1 maratis and then run maratis in debug mode in VS, and see if I can see anything helpful.

Gm EXTRaordinaire <wink>

anael wrote:


I'll continue looking on the GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES,
the funny thing is that I have windows installed on mac laptop,
and where it doesn't crash on macosx, it crashed on windows, so at least I can replicate the bug.

I'll let you know if I found a fix, tell me if splitting the mes works.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

mh, if the splitting doesn't change anything I don't understand... I'll try some tests and let you know...

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

ok, I think I have a fix,
try to replace Maratis and MaratisPlayer exe by this :

I think it was not what I taught, but just a fixed-renderer bug happening sometimes if the mesh has no textures.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Hi there,

If this is just a 'no texture' issue, Im happy to texture the mesh, but I thought I'd seen tutorials a few of vegas tuts that ( door demo) that had none, so I guess we should be consistent if so; but Im willing to do whatever is best.

When running the new 'fix' exe, I get this:

Maratis.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?createDirectory@@YA_NPBD_N@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library MCore.dll.

Sorry I wish  I could say it worked  of course.


anael wrote:

ok, I think I have a fix,
try to replace Maratis and MaratisPlayer exe by this :

I think it was not what I taught, but just a fixed-renderer bug happening sometimes if the mesh has no textures.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

Hi, ok, I need to send the full package, the dlls also need to be up to date (I forget).

It should work with no-texture, I just found that the bug only happen when there is no texture,
that is (maybe) why sponza mesh was working.

I send a complete package later.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

ok try this : …
(I added the dll)

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

STill crashing. Is it possible I have something wrong with scene  I wonder ?

Its just my mesh, with physics enabled for player walk, all taken from sponzaFPS example.

Re: crashing scene based on sponza

mh too bad... I have to test again because it seems to be corrected on my windows (where I was able to replicate the crash).
I don't think there is something wrong in your scene, it's probably a bug in the engine somewhere...