Topic: Maratis wont start

I'm having trouble starting Maratis. When I run the maratis.exe, it will bring up a Maratis window, but it instantly goes white and I get a window saying that Maratis has stopped working. I have no idea why. hmm

I'm using Windows Vista.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Maratis wont start

some people had problems because their 3d drivers was not up to date,
maybe try to update your 3d card driver to have the last openGL drivers.

I know it worked for others.

Re: Maratis wont start

my friend have this problem too, but it's happen if he open a maratis project. What cause this still a mystery for me and my friend?

Re: Maratis wont start

Hi Muraqqi,
do this happen when opening all example's projects ?

Is the "physics" example working ? (no textures inside)

Re: Maratis wont start

i will ask him about that

BTW, where is the physics example?

Re: Maratis wont start

it is in the examples/ folder when you download maratis (the demo with the boxes and the vehicle)

Re: Maratis wont start

i have ask my friend and he said that all examples is not working and we can't find the physics example (is it a new release one), we download maratis from this link …

Re: Maratis wont start

Yes it is the good zip :

open the project : Maratis\Examples\Demos\Demos.mproj
then open the level : Maratis\Examples\Demos\levels\Physics.level