Continuing from another thread. I have a few ideas for the plugins.
NOTE: this is a brain dump. Expect no coherency
Firstly, I guess it's unfair to not have plugin functionality for iOS so it would have to be extended to support static linking. My initial thought is to have a macro for initialising plugins, when compiled with something like M_PLUGIN_STATIC it would add a start(plugin)Plugin prototype otherwise it creates a startPlugin prototype. Likewise, there can be an implementation macro that wraps up both situations. I can't remember what happens with static constructors in staticly linked libraries, so I will have to take a look into that, but potentially that could provide the plugin initialisation.
Secondly, as Anael mentioned, separate plugins for engine/editor might be confusing for users, my suggestion is to, during publish, check whether the plugin is needed by MEngine, and not publish those that aren't. That way users can just unzip plugin packages into plugins/ and not worry about it.
Also, maybe get Maratis/MatatisPlayer to look in another directory for standard plugins as well as the project plugin directory. On Linux, maybe ~/.Maratis/plugins, %APPDATA%/.Maratis/plugins for Windows. This would give a nice central local repository. Maybe have a list of used plugins stored inside the .mproj (although when published, just load all the copied ones)
Finally, and most crazily, maybe having a repository for plugins which Maratis can check and download. There would be no need for the repository itself to be centralised, just a plugin list, probably in xml, with urls and checksums.
Anyway, that's a quick high level brain dump. It would require moving the plugin management into MEngine. Hmmm, I can think of a couple of reasons why my project might benefit from that. Maybe my next task?
Also, if we could scan the computer for gcc-arm (windows at least should have an environment variable if using devkitARM) then could potentially even link an iOS application from the editor... as everything should be interacting with Maratis, there would be little need for the iOS SDK... sorry off topic