I've, unfortunately, been pretty busy recently so I haven't had time to work on the tutorial series so much. I have, however, I think, come up with a full plan of the next stage of the series. Let me know what you think.
Still to do in Stage 1:
- Tutorial 8 - Game framework 4 - Interaction
Some basic inter-behaviour framework stuff
- Tutorial 9 - Game framework 5 - Tidying up
Branching the project and setting up for our game
- Tutorial 10 - Overview and planning
Some scribbles about what we're planning on doing
Up and coming in Stage 2:
- Tutorial 11 - Revisiting our controller
Making a simple player object which will listen to commands
- Tutorial 12 - Give me a place to stand
Adding a world for us to explore and some physics-y stuff
- Tutorial 13 - Guns, guns, guns
How we handle guns and shooting them
- Tutorial 14 - Pew pew. Bullets
Making things fly around the world, possibly even visibly, depending how enthusiastic we get
- Tutorial 15 - Decals
Bullet holes in the scenery. Nice.
- Tutorial 16 - Animations
Setting up for reloading etc
- Tutorial 17 - Enemies are stupid
A very basic AI. Don't expect much here apart from randomly walking around (maybe do an AI series later?)
- Tutorial 18 - Particles everywhere
Fire. Smoke. Water. That kind of thing. They look pretty
- Tutorial 19 - Fun in the shade(r)
I've been playing with post processing, so I may as well put some shader stuff up.
- Tutorial 20 - How gooey is a game?
some GUI work, maybe a simple HUD, we'll see
There's really not a lot left in Stage 1, Stage 2, however, will get a lot more involved. I'm hoping to go into as much detail as possible when writing them, but at the same time, I don't have several weeks to write a particle system and tutorialise it. I think the plan for this is to use an existing system. With any luck, the plugin system will be up and running and I will write up a bit about integrating a particle system (possibly this one even though it's a bit old now) into a plugin, separate from the tutorial series, then use the tutorial to explain how to set up pretty looking particle systems. The same is true for the GUI stuff as I'm intending to integrate a GUI system into a plugin. Of course, if the plugin system isn't ready to go at this stage, I'll probably do the work in the game project, at the very least as a placeholder.
Anyway, what do people think? I should be able to scrape together some more time this week to hopefully finish off the last 3 tutorials in Stage 1 and start thinking about Stage 2. Are people finding this helpful?