Topic: Game plugin

Ok not sure if this is in the right place if not please move it

so I want to learn to make plugins so I went Here

and it says to use visual cpp but I couldn't find a free version and im on a bit of a budget

so can I use code::Blocks or do I have to use visual cpp

Re: Game plugin

you can use visual studio express edition, like this one : … px?id=6506

code::blocks won't work with a version of maratis built with microsoft

Re: Game plugin

Thank you for the quick reply and link

Last edited by Rapdorian (2013-02-11 18:55:23)

Re: Game plugin

nice, plugins compile and run even under linux too, now, if we could get a little more hints on how make them, it would be great!

Re: Game plugin

Somebody could help me about what program should I use under Ubuntu 11.10 for making a game plugin and compile it?
I tried the Codeblocks but yeah... with no luck.

Re: Game plugin

I used codeblocks too, it's quite easy, it's only matter of path.
let's say you have your copy of Maratis in your home dir /home/yourname/Maratis/
make new directory named, for example, demo/ inside your Maratis directory so you will have Bin/ SDK/ demo/directories
Download the first example from here and unzip it inside demo/ dir
openCodebloks (I'm using version 10.05) click on "create new project" link, choose Shared Library, select c++ as language, as Project title write "Game" as folder to create project insert the full path of plugin directory  /home/yourname/Maratis/demo/SimpleGamePlugin/_GamePlugin/
then add files to the project from  /home/yourname/Maratis/demo/SimpleGamePlugin/_GamePlugin/Sources
in Project -> Build 0ptions... dialog select Search directories tab and add 2 new path: ../../../../SDK/MCore/Includes/ and ../../../../SDK/MEngine/Includes/
choose "release" as build targer and click build button
plugin should build without errors
now you should have a file named inside /home/yourname/Maratis/demo/SimpleGamePlugin/_GamePlugin/Game/bin/Release/
rename it and copy it inside /home/yourname/Maratis/examples/SimpleGamePlugin/
open SimpleGamePlugin.mproj with Maratris editor, run it and voilà

hope this helps

Re: Game plugin

Thank you Lamberto!!