Topic: XML to binary... (is possible?)

hello im new here.

Im just looking around at this engine,
and I noticed Files like: *.level, *.mesh, *.scripts, *.shaders,
everything is readable and i can everything change.

is there any conversion tool,

where *.level xml will convert to *.level binary version.
same like with
*.mesh xml to *.mesh binary.
and also with scripts lua binary.

If exist this tool then, how and where ?

i dont really like if someone can change my level when i publish my game somewhere wink.


Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)


yes, all the working data is xml to able manual correction an team working
(text files can be merged using svn when multiple people are working in the same project).

Xml to binary as a publishing process is planned, but not finished yet (only font text is done), as you imagine, it's not easy to build a huge tool like that without budget. We are searching for contributors, do you know c++ programming by any chance ? You can help us adding this feature.

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

I found that loading meshes from xml .mesh files take a very long time in my project.
Is there any possibility in maratis to store meshes in binary format and load them with SDK from that format?

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

Hi, in fact xml mesh are transform to binary when the project is published and packed to a npk file.

But we didn't update the ios example to load from npk, you remind me.

To read npk it needs :

- MFileManager/MPackageManagerNPK
- MLoaders/MBinMeshLoader

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

Thank you.

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

Are there any examples of loading .npk with SDK?  What is the correct way to add loading from package to iOS project?

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

I'm seeing what I can do, there is some small problem on iOS,
continue working with the mesh xml, later you will just have to replace the xml by the bin, it's transparent,
I'll let you know.

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

THank you

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

I updated the ios example to allow npk.
It can load xml files as before or it can load a npk file transparently.

For using npk, you will need the mproj file and the npk file with the same name in the same folder
ex : MyGame.mproj and MyGame.npk

Re: XML to binary... (is possible?)

Thank you
libfreetype.a in project is compiled for Simulator. Can you include sources of thta lib in project or provide versions for iOS devices in project please?

I'm sorry, I found sources of the lib in the project.

Last edited by Petr (2012-09-13 13:58:32)