Topic: Premake template for plugins
-- Maratis plugin premake template
-- Setup the path to MSDK
msdk = "MSDK/"
-- Setup the name of your plugin's folder
sources_folder = "PluginSources"
-- Setup the solution
solution "Game"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
platforms { "x32", "x64" }
if"windows") then defines { "_WIN32", "WIN32" }
elseif"macosx") then defines { "__APPLE__", "MACOSX" }
elseif"linux") then defines { "LINUX", "linux" } end
configuration "Debug"
defines { "DEBUG" }
flags { "Symbols" }
configuration "Release"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags { "OptimizeSpeed" }
-- Includes directories
includedirs { msdk .. "MCore/Includes", msdk .. "MEngine/Includes" }
-- External libraries
if"windows") then libdirs { sources_folder } end -- set path to MCore & MEngine (dll for minGW, lib for visual studio)
-- Build plugin from sources ~ NB: do not rename it here, but strip "lib" from ""
project "Game"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C++"
files { sources_folder .. "/**" }
if"windows") then links { "MEngine", "MCore" } end
NB: you must edit this script to match the location of Maratis SDK libs and of your plugin sources.
This script must be saved as 'premake4.lua' in your project folder.
Last edited by com3D (2014-01-29 06:06:23)