sorry for the late reply, I was working in another town for a week,
it will be valuable to add a simple to use post-processing system to the trunk.
At first it could follow the logic of the camera layer and add two functions to activate/deactivate a post-process shader in lua.
Later we could add something in the editor, but probably only after we move the editor to MGui-v2 (from the experimental branch).
1 : add an "MFXRef * m_FXRef;" to MOCamera to handle the post-processing shaders
there is already "MTextureRef * m_renderColorTexture;" and "MTextureRef * m_renderDepthTexture;" to handle the render to texture.
2 : add the effect rendering to the default MGame::draw
3 : add two lua functions to enable and disable a camera effect. For exemple :
Camera = getObject("Camera")
enableCameraPostProcess(Camera, "shaders/myPostShader.frag")
4 : in a second time, we also need to add custom variables to the camera to send uniform variables to the shader (to control blur size, focus etc). I'll think about something generic that can create dynamic MVariable.