Topic: Non-english text (e.g. russian) support
I planning to use Maratis for my game. My language is not english.
When I try use national simbols then TEXT (object) is not display nearly correctly (one simbol ё is wrong).
I analized source-code, make some fix and now TEXT appears correct.
// MFreetypeLoader.cpp
bool M_loadFont(const char * filename, void * data)
error = FT_Load_Char(face, n, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
// replace twice to
error = FT_Load_Char(face, (n < 192) ? n : n + 1040 - 192, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
// My national symbols (russian) begin from 1040 position in unicode. First 192 symbols are common.
So, I see two ways to support non-english languages
build font by user-defined alphabet
add new option "language" for define start position of national symbols
It's just remark for thinking, not request
I'm not professional C++ engineer (=> My C++ is very weak) and gamedev is my hobby.
So you can find more elegance way to support other language.