Topic: SetTextColor!

   I am having a strange problem with setTextColor. When I change the text color, something else also get changed with the text. First time it was the crosshair. When I changed the text color with "setTextColor", the crosshair became lightless, mean not effected by light. Then I moved it to overlay scene. Now, I added another HUD for life and armor, when text color set to red, that object color also become red! Through script, not editor.

In the script doc it is written like this:

setTextColor({r, g, b, a})

But it works like this:

setTextColor(object, {r, g, b, a})



Last edited by Arclord (2011-09-16 09:17:39)

Re: SetTextColor!


ok, thanks, I found the problem, it's a small bug in the fixedRenderer, it will be corrected in the next release,
you should not have this problem with the standardRenderer.

Bug is that the red color of the text is not reseted when the other objects are drawn.