What format are you exporting from 3dsmax ?
- if you are exporting a Collada or OBJ file, you can use Maratis converter :
Open your project in Maratis
Clic on File > Import 3d model and select your 3d file
It will convert the file and save it as a XML .mesh in your-project/meshs/
Open the .mesh file with a text editor and search for your material nodes : "<Material"
Add this inside the material (check the local path) :
<vertexShader file="../shaders/myShader.vert"/>
<fragmentShader file="../shaders/myShader.frag"/>
Here is an example of a material in Maratis XML format (from a mesh found in the second link I gave you) :
<Materials num="1">
<Material id="0" type="3">
<blend type="1"/>
<opacity value="1.000000"/>
<shininess value="20.000000"/>
<customValue value="0.000000"/>
<diffuseColor r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="1.000000"/>
<specularColor r="0.500000" g="0.200000" b="0.300000"/>
<emitColor r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000"/>
<customColor r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000"/>
<vertexShader file="../shaders/standardDSEN.vert"/>
<fragmentShader file="../shaders/standardDSEN.frag"/>
<ZVertexShader file="../shaders/Z_standard.vert"/>
<ZFragmentShader file="../shaders/Z_standard.frag"/>
<TexturesPass num="4" >
<texturePass id="0" texture="0" mode="modulate" mapChannel="0" />
<texturePass id="1" texture="1" mode="modulate" mapChannel="0" />
<texturePass id="2" texture="2" mode="dot" mapChannel="0" />
<texturePass id="3" texture="-1" />