Topic: Abandoned?

Hello, I randomly stumbled upon this game engine in my search to find a minimal open source game engine for pc and mobile development that works with blender.

The presentation given for Maratis is quite impressive. I've been trying to decide on which engine to use for a moba project I've had on the backburner for some time now, and Maratis looked great, that is, until I noticed that the development seems to have ceased sad 

Has this project been scrapped? That'd be a real shame since this could have had the potential to show up almost all the other open source engines out there and even some of the major commercial ones, well, after it became more complete anyway.

Re: Abandoned?


if you want to follow Maratis development, you can see updates here :

There has been some recent work focused on linux, code improving etc.
Maratis development is done without any fund (very small donations, no sponsor),
it is entirely moving thanks to people free time ; contributors like Davide, Sergey and Skimancer ; me.