LOL I'm so stupid, I didn't think of doing a loop.
Ok your code works, it just seems you have to do
instead of
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Maratis forum » Posts by 255
LOL I'm so stupid, I didn't think of doing a loop.
Ok your code works, it just seems you have to do
instead of
Just searching on Google gives interesting links:
The more you want to go "dynamic" the more it will be difficult. You should just aim to the first Tomb Raider games type of climbing lol. If you really want to go dynamic, see this page
to see how you can access bones information. Then create some physics objects and attach them to the bones (e.g. the hands bones). Checking collision between this physics objects and the environment can give you clues of what the character can and can't do. Be sure to keep it simple though because you would have limited controls in a game anyway: you press UP key, and the player climbs up, so there's no need to check if a hand could grab something here or there. Just check if there is space over the player with the technique in the first link and you should be fine.
I'm using the experimental branch. But what has Unicode anything to do anyway, I just need to type A-Z and 0-9.
The point is that I would have to do if key==A then send A, if key==B then send B, etc
The table of contents is generated only when more than three section headings are used.
I have an account now?
Yep, you should check your email, it contains your password for the log in.
Didn't you learn how to do a wiki page yet? These thread of yours better fit the wiki. I see that you have an account there now, so here's how you could put post of this kind in the wiki, just a suggestion. It's very simple.
All you have to do is putting the code between "pre" tags:
your code
instead of "code" tag.
Also, new lines are done only if you do "two new lines".
So this:
I'm Tutorial Doctor.
will output this:
Hello.I'm Tutorial Doctor.
While this:
I'm Tutorial Doctor.
will output this:
I'm Tutorial Doctor.
That's all, there are no other things to keep in mind. Putting images is a bit more of work but it's not difficult either.
Also, everyone can edit your work and fix formatting, errors, doing a list of your pages with links and everything so even doing incomplete work will be useful anyway.
How do you use MGuiEditText?
I cannot type something in it because something like this does not exist:
2. As the sun rotates all objects in the solar system will rotate with it, all objects parented to anything other than the sun will rotate around there parent.
This is not how it works IRL. Every planet has its own orbit. You should find some equations online and simulate an elliptical orbit.
Maybe I'll add other things (e.g. drawAngle), but definitely not soon
Basically, if I'll need something during my game development process, I'll add it. ^ ^
if I cant figure out a way to create atmosphere.
A sphere a bit bigger than the planet with same origin of the planet, standing still while the planet slowly rotates, with alpha value so you can see the planet terrain through its clouds.
Sure but for people using Lua compiling C++ is usually not an option. This is a must-have-feature.
The most important thing, as when developing non-game software, is making a prototype before anything else.
What's a prototype. It's a very very basic version of what you have in mind, but complete, working in all the basic gameplay aspects.
You may have crappy textures and temporary models, and you may miss a lot of features, and you have no sound, etc., but the most important things must be there. Only then you start working on the details.
This is to avoid e.g., exaggerated example, wanting to make a hack and slash game and loosing 3 months on a menu programming and characters modeling. That's nonsense. You have to have a working hack-and-slash mechanics before everything else and only then do the GUI part and start modeling or find an artist.
This imho it's the only important things because after you have a prototype it doesn't matter much if you do modeling before textures or before sounds, etc.
Yeah, it works; we were overcomplicating things eheh.
BTW doing
seems to erase the first draw (so you see only the x-ray object).
So the correct way to go is
Ahah that's smart, gonna try it soon.
Perfect, that's simple and comfortable.
So I could use the first solution and maybe post a feature request for this last idea?
X-Ray is used a lot in games anyway.
The first solution is maybe not so good in performances? And anyway having two scenes and two cameras and one camera should copy the movements of the other camera, and same for the entity, I don't like it much. But the second solution doesn't seem much doable because I would need to access private methods of MRenderer.
My code is as follows:
//custom draw
void MyGame::draw(void)
MRenderingContext* rendering = engine->getRenderingContext();
MRenderer * renderer = engine->getRenderer();
MOEntity * entity = myEntity;
MMesh * mesh = entity->getMesh();
MSubMesh* smeshs = mesh->getSubMeshs();
MVector3* vertices = smeshs[0].getVertices();
MVector3* normals = smeshs[0].getNormals();
MVector3 * tangents = ?
MColor * colors = ?
renderer->drawDisplay(smeshs[0],smesh[0].getDisplay(0),vertices,normals,tangents,colors); //not accessible
I could only do ->drawScene but that will be pointless unless I have another scene which bring us in the first solution again.
Hrm.. I need some renderer->drawEntity() method lol.
To sort objects you can use MCore's "sortFloatList(int indexList[], float floatList[], int start, int end)"
Thank you it may be that one, I'll try soon.
But all depends on what you want to achieve.
x-ray! How could it not came to my mind! That's the word. So e.g. in a futuristic game you see behind a wall a 3d object that you couldn't see because the wall is rendered after it. I'll add the term in the thread title.
It's even used in Blender for the armature.
The clipping plane is how much far and how much close objects can be drawn.
The draw distance it's the quality of the distant objects (e.g. viewing a big city from a very distant position and you see good skyscreapers; this relates to LOD).
So both terms don't relate to what I'm asking; "z-order" sounds more correct in this case, even if it's generally used in 2d.
I think there is a specific term for this, but it doesn't come to mind.
By the way I want to render a 3D object before everything else even if it's far from the camera, so I can e.g. show what's behind a wall.
EDIT: thread title edited
I'll just throw a quick suggestion, don't do unnecessary big quotes, especially when you quote a post immediately before your, they just make reading less comfortable.
Isn't animation blending just combining two different animations? So animation 1 makes the character walk and animation 2 makes it attack with a sword, and one doesn't interfere with the other in the process.
Maratis doesn't currenlty support it though.
just point TD/us/me to a URL where we can understand the finer points of what you are trying to say
Problem solved ya us!)
I understand your point, I'll try to do that in the future.
This gizmo will seems to be very useful though once I figure out how to implement it (learning about vectors in 3d myself).
It is good to have a visual representation of what is happening in code, and that gives me a good idea. Thanks 255.
Thank you Tutorial Doctor for trying to bring the thread in-topic. I may see if I can translate this into a Lua list of functions maybe. Shouldn't be too hard I guess.
Maybe doing a class derived from MScript and adding some methods?
Has anyone done something like this (extend lua functions)? What's the "standard way" to go?
Oh god, there's hating also in this thread.
Poor anael he will have a lot to clean today lol
Mine wasn't a hate post and I didn't respond in angry form (before). And yes, you got mad. Saying the contrary doesn't make your post any different from an "upset post".
«WE ARE HUMAN!» and stuff like this.
Well, whatever, maybe we both don't understand the nature of our posts.
I think my post was not angry and that your was angry.
You think that my post was angry and that your was not angry.
Well at least we know that now.
p.s. all this because of this cutting-posts-forum-bug? Oh jeez
Maratis forum » Posts by 255
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