I commited a last attempt on svn to update scons so it works on msvc 2010...

Maybe you can try this to force it to use your version : python scons.py MSVC_VERSION=10.0

I can build using visual studio 2005 from the project file and from scons,
but I will try to install a more recent version on another computer to test it

I updated svn to scons 2.2.0, it might corrects the bug you are having with visual studio 2010.
I corrected some minor bug and updated the visual studio projects for 2005 and 2010 (MLog code was not linked yet)

Let me know if it helped

thank you !

Is it based on the /trunk/dev/Projects/CodeBlocks10/ project (used for windows/cygwin) or is it a separate one ?
To know if we can try to make them one ?


(1 replies, posted in Bug report)

Hi, thank you for the hint,
MLog has been added recently and the projects are not all up to date yet,
I'll correct it on svn as soon as possible.


I send a mail to skaiware that adapted scons and codeblocks to use cygwin if he could login in the forum to help,
as I'm not very confortable with scons and windows compilation (for the windows build I myself only use the visual studio 2005 sln).

scons is normally the best way to compile it, but there is maybe an issue with visual 2010 or something missing in windows.
after the alternative is to use a project file, visual studio or codeblocks.

the projects files are in trunk/dev/Projects/
a contributor added the codeblocks projects so I'm not sure how it works

There is the visual 2010 visual studio file (Maratis.sln) but it might not be up to date,
it probably miss some new files to add to the solution, in particular MEngine (the file MLog.h and MLog.cpp for example).

Or, with another compiler on windows, a contributor named skaiware added a CodeBlocks project (free open source IDE/compiler),
I think it needs the CodeBlocks/Mingw (gcc compiler) install : http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26

is your visual studio installed in a special location or the default ?
also check that cl.exe is defined in the "PATH" environment variable

I didn't find more info about it, I'm not using windows a lot,

is there someone in the forum able to compile on windows ?

I don't know about vcvarsall, the microsoft doc only speak about vcvars32.bat.

After running the bat, do you still have the error : "'cl' is not recognisez as an internal or external command"
when calling "python scons.py" ?

I think you just need to run the VCVARS32.bat
probably located in something like : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

normally it will set your environment variables and the "cl" command will be recognized (what seems to be the problem when you run scons) and you can try running scons again by typing "python scons.py" from a command line in trunk/dev/.

I think your environment variables are not set :
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … 90%29.aspx

I think I fixed it, the code correction is on svn. I'm not on windows right now, is it possible for you to test it ?

hum, I maybe found something, on windows the function "int WINAPI ShowCursor(_In_  BOOL bShow);"
doesn't work as expected. Apparently it stores a counter that count each time the function is called,
if the function ShowCursor(0) is called 10 times, to unhide it ShowCursor(1) needs to be called 10 times (not very usable),

I'll see what we can do to bypass it...

what platform are you using ? windows ?
do you exit the game with "esc" or using the "exit()" script function ?

yes someone else told me about this bug,
I didn't find it yet, because the function MWindow::getInstance()->showCursor();
is normally called when the game is exited (in MaratisUi.cpp) so I don't understand why it stays hidden.


(3 replies, posted in Bug report)

Yes, in fact the close button is blocked to avoid accident (no warning that it was going to close).


(3 replies, posted in Bug report)

you have to clic on "Ok to Quit"
also on file > quit > ok to quit


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)


the engine is zlib licensed, so you don't have to make your game open-source.
Just keep in mind that the editor is GPL licensed, so if you use code from the editor or if you modify the editor, it has to be GPL too. (the license terms are on top of each files)

About your previous question,
we are not trying to compete directly with big engines (we can't), but to stay light and flexible (and still fast).
Majority of big engines are very fast because they use very specific approach that are not very flexible and follow a market standard : today is the realistic deferred rendering technique with outside sun light, sky simulation, single shadow, ambiant occlusion...

the features that are missing now for pure performance are particle system, LOD (level of detail), possibly deferred rendering (if the game needs lot of dynamic lights). Though it can be added using a c++ game plugin if the game needs it.

The current development priority are particle system, collada, lod, editor improvements...

nice, thanks for sharing infos on united3dartists.


(61 replies, posted in Editor)

damvcoool > it's not by object but you can divide your script in multiple files and include it using "dofile" (like an include)


(3 replies, posted in Engine)

Yes, there is a discussion on that, and Nistur started to do a behavior that call a script,
there is some design to plan to be sure that doing a script behavior is not too slow to run (as compare to a pure c++ behavior).

In progress smile


(47 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi, thank you zaraasran,

it's probably my fault after modifying the xcode project, I probably linked the ressources in the bad way and send it to svn.
I'll try to update it better soon.


(47 replies, posted in Engine)

I'm also using iPhone Simulator 4.3 and it's working,
are the ressources correctly linked to the xcode project ?

About the workflow yes, you can make all the game using the editor and then publish it on iOS using this xcode project,
just replace the ressources with your own project and modify EAGLView.mm to open your project name (replace "Demos.mproj" with your project name).
- There is also some specific script function for iOS (like the touch and accelerometer)