(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

welcome on the forum,

1 - You could link ogre in theory, but Maratis itself is a 3d engine so it won't really be of any benefit (better to use Ogre alone at this point).

2 - The wiki is still in progress, there is some documentation for the script, but not much about the engine.
The best is to parse the svn code. Basically there is the engine : MCore + MEngine ; a gui lib : MGui ; and Maratis (MaratisEditor + MaratisPlayer). MCore is the core including all the basic libs (like a render engine), MEngine is a full game engine (objects, scenes, mesh system etc).

You can use MCore alone or MCore+MEngine alone, or from the Maratis editor.
Parse the docs and examples here : http://www.maratis3d.org/?page_id=53

3 - It's pretty capable. After you have to be aware that a game like assassins creed is 300 peoples and more than 10 millions euros of budget. The limitation is more this one than Maratis capabilities. You can code additional behavior in c++ to extend Maratis, to create AI for example, every gameplay is possible and there is a visual editor.

4 - You can add external lib and extend the engine by writing a game plugin in c++ (add custom behavior, special game class etc)
Look at tutorial "How to create a game plugin"

5 - I spend more than 8 years working on it before publishing it in open-source, it is now improved by contributors, donators, a lot of nice people : )

6 - If your game is made using the editor, there is a button to publish the game. You can also use MaratisPlayer by hand. Or if you want to control all the process you can publish a game using your own modified application that use Maratis SDK (look at "ManualUse" example on svn).

I fixed it, it's on svn, but I don't have time this week to publish a build, do you know how to build it ?
otherwise I'll try this week-end.

Thank you for reporting,

it's a bug related to file packing I just found it, sorry for that, I'm correcting it.


(47 replies, posted in Engine)

It's done, try updating from svn, the linking error should be corrected

how did you link the other scripts ? did you use dofile ?
are you scripts on the project folder ? (all your files needs to be in the project folder before publishing)


(47 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi, there is no button for iOS publishing,
you can use the iPhonePublishing branch.

The linking error is because someone added a new class (MLog) to the engine and didn't update the xcode project,
I'll update it and commit on svn.


(27 replies, posted in General)

Ho that's very good, I'm happy it fixed it, so it was a real hard bug to find : )
I'm waiting to see how your game goes, I will commit the bug correction to svn tomorrow.


(27 replies, posted in General)

I tried on windows, I'm not able to have it crash anymore, I tried running your scene with different settings, it now doesn't crash on my machine.

I tried to rebuild an exe even more safe : http://maratis3d.com/download/Maratis3. … in32-3.zip


(3 replies, posted in General)


it is possible to change the keyboard shortcuts but not the mouse mapping unfortunately,
it needs a mouse with a wheel button...

But I will add this to the TODO list, we'll try to add this for the next release.


(27 replies, posted in General)

mh too bad... I have to test again because it seems to be corrected on my windows (where I was able to replicate the crash).
I don't think there is something wrong in your scene, it's probably a bug in the engine somewhere...


(27 replies, posted in General)

ok try this : http://maratis3d.com/download/Maratis3. … 32-bis.zip
(I added the dll)


(27 replies, posted in General)

Hi, ok, I need to send the full package, the dlls also need to be up to date (I forget).

It should work with no-texture, I just found that the bug only happen when there is no texture,
that is (maybe) why sponza mesh was working.

I send a complete package later.


(27 replies, posted in General)

ok, I think I have a fix,
try to replace Maratis and MaratisPlayer exe by this : http://maratis3d.com/download/Maratis3.1b-fix-win32.zip

I think it was not what I taught, but just a fixed-renderer bug happening sometimes if the mesh has no textures.


(27 replies, posted in General)

mh, if the splitting doesn't change anything I don't understand... I'll try some tests and let you know...


(27 replies, posted in General)


I'll continue looking on the GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES,
the funny thing is that I have windows installed on mac laptop,
and where it doesn't crash on macosx, it crashed on windows, so at least I can replicate the bug.

I'll let you know if I found a fix, tell me if splitting the mes works.


(27 replies, posted in General)

I maybe found something, that can be a bit of a pain to deal with but that's maybe why it crashes.

There is apparently a limit of triangles that can be send and that can be different depending on the driver, machine or opengl version (didn't know about it) : GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES

I'll see if I can modify the code to take this in account and split the rendering if needed.

In the meanwhile, what you can do to make it work is to split your model in multiple parts so each part don't exceed 64 000 triangles (a possible 16bit limitation on old hardware or old drivers).


(4 replies, posted in Scripting)

onSceneUpdate is always launched 60 time per second, even if the fps are lower. so it's safe.


(26 replies, posted in Engine)

if you want to know "what is sent to the screen" fps (what is generally done on other engines), it will correspond to the draw() 8 fps.
More the logic will take time and more it will be reflected on the screen fps anyway.

But it's good to record on the side the duration of one update call (can be slow generally because of physics or IA).


(27 replies, posted in General)

this one is also working here, but tomorrow ill try on another machine on windows to see if it crash.

the vertice/index number seems strange too like if there was a lot of double triangles, but im not sure.


(27 replies, posted in General)

There is one thing a bit bizarre though in the mesh file,
The mesh have only 6664 vertices but 39513 indices...
In Blender, if you have modifiers on the mesh, try to apply them all before exporting, it's maybe that.


(27 replies, posted in General)

no the mesh seems ok, except maybe the normals that don't look all in the good direction, but it should not cause crash. Also, it works without crashing on my machine, so i cannot debug it...

to be sure, can you try creating an empty level, load only your mesh, run the pacman button and tell me if it crashes or not ?


(27 replies, posted in General)

mh... what can it be so...
I don't see why the script would crash, except is there is a bad encoding, but it works fine with the sponza mesh ?


(27 replies, posted in General)

ok, so I guess what crashes is the physics, but there is a way to be sure :
If you disable the physics on the CouncilBluffsDEC mesh, do it still crash ?


(27 replies, posted in General)

Thank you,
I opened the project an lauched it without a crash (on macosx),
the mesh seems ok to me in a fast glimpse.

In what case do it crash for you ? when you import the mesh "CouncilBluffsDEC.mesh" ? or only when you press the pacman button ?


(21 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Ok, cool : )
Fot the publishing problem, can you post the error you have in the bug report section ? And I'll try to debug it.