In fact, i would never have guessed how it works, Thank you sir
now let's rock
76 2014-01-30 15:55:20
Re: OO stuff and frame drop (13 replies, posted in Scripting)
77 2014-01-30 14:13:23
Re: OO stuff and frame drop (13 replies, posted in Scripting)
Thanks you & thank you, everything's more clearer now
And hum, I feel a bit dumb to ask again, as you and ant0n practically wrote 90% of my project's scripts but, there's alot of situation where i wanted to use this distance method instead of physics collisions, how can i get the two objects radius like in you small snippet ?
(projectileRadius + objectRadius)
could you make a little example when you have time ?
78 2014-01-30 02:43:27
Re: How to delete clones? (6 replies, posted in General)
If i remember correctly you must use something like
toDelete = getObject(getName(cloneList[3])) -- 3 is just for example
79 2014-01-30 02:20:23
Re: OO stuff and frame drop (13 replies, posted in Scripting)
All my objects are already clones (here's a video of the current project)
It's just that spawning them faster, like in the video in my first post will make the frame rate goes crazy.
also, testing collision between clones is making the game freeze after a while.
80 2014-01-30 00:17:55
Topic: OO stuff and frame drop (13 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hello! i'm having multiple problems with on my shooter project,
have a look at this Video, it's a gameplay vid of an arcade game that illustrate some of the problems i'm having.
And i apologise for my english / clarity of what i'm trying to explain. i have very hard times doing this.
I'm using the same script than Here (+ the isActive(object) for optimisation that is not present here) for all objects :
- 1 Player projectile
- 1 Ennemies
- 1 Ennemy projectile
Problem 1 : Brutal frame drop when player is shooting fast
see the player shots ? i believe all single projectiles are OO items spawned every frames, right ?
If i'm trying to do this in maratis, the frame rate drop dramatically
my method :
one hitbox (just a invisible cube), and one graphic item (the projectile)
I'm joining the collision cube with the projectile graphic with :
follow behavior
Both method works and the result is the same for both methods (same frame drop, no differences)
Note that :
spawning 1 bullet every frame works ok
spawning more than 1 bullet every frame result in hyper frame drop
Problem 2 : Frame drop when two ennemies of the same type are shooting together
See the "tank" who's shooting green projectiles ?
if i'm spawning 1 ennemy like that, it will run ok, if i spawn 2 at the same time,
when it starts shooting even if its a very low amount of projectiles (about 10 for each)
frame drop occurs. I believe it's a similiar problem than in problem 1.
Problem 3 : Progressive frame drop when using "for i=1, #projectileList do" in the ennemy script to check whenever there is a collision between the player projectile and the ennemy
This one starts to freeze after some time. i would say after 20~ ennemies are spawned.
I had make sure everything in the ennemy script and bullet script
(objects, values, and extra stuff) got deactivated when a collision occurs.
When removing "for i=1, #projectileList do" from the ennemy script, frame drop is gone, but then i cant make collision between player bullet and ennemy
So right spawning multiple projectiles very fast makes the game freeze and testing collision between OO projectiles/ennemies make the game freeze
I don't know what to do, any ideas ?
81 2014-01-28 05:11:50
Re: Object Oriented Programming in Maratis(LUA)(Tutorial) (29 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
Ah hell, i tought it was ok, but the problem's not gone -.-
I'm gonna make a detailed topic about it later today, because there's also other stuff that's not working correctly
82 2014-01-28 03:43:47
Re: What about an open tutorials project ? (11 replies, posted in Gossip)
Hey TD, you can try with :
KoyoteSoft recorder
I've been using this one for ages and have nothing to complain about
DVDvideoSoft recorder
Warning : my malwarebytes detected some stuff from this one
83 2014-01-25 17:33:13
Re: Sound cloning problem (6 replies, posted in General)
No clue, when i was cloning them, i didn't used stopsound
But i can make some test if you wish
84 2014-01-24 17:11:35
Re: Sound cloning problem (6 replies, posted in General)
Oh ok thanks for the precision, well, i went with this method, so far everything's ok
85 2014-01-23 16:27:10
Re: Sound cloning problem (6 replies, posted in General)
Well, in the example i posted, you press a key to play a sound,
but then after some uses, when you press again, nothing happen
86 2014-01-23 14:28:54
Topic: Sound cloning problem (6 replies, posted in General)
Hello, i have a problem about sound cloning, here's my set-up :
Two scenes, Scene-1 and SNDscene.
All sounds are on SNDscene.
I'm using sounds in a OO way, so i can play a whole collection with just few lines,
for playing i'm cloning the sound from SNDscene to Scene-1,
and i'm setting the setPosition argument to place it to the object i want.
The problem is, after a while (120~ uses), it stop playing for good.
in some other projects it stops playing after 15~ uses
here's a project to show the problem : Soundbug
(this one stops sounds after 120~ uses)
Press these keys to play sound at :
4 = left
8 = front
6 = right
2 = back
Any idea what's going on ?
87 2014-01-22 23:46:39
Re: Project: Pavoris Maxima (29 replies, posted in Showcase)
Hi Sponk, i tried your project, apparently some objects are missing from it :
- hand crowbar (so i guess you can switch weapon ?)
- ladder1
- next level (how to go there ? )
As a sidenote, i think 509 mo is total overkill for a demo, would be
nice if you can reduce the size for future tests/downloads
88 2014-01-22 23:26:22
Re: my project for the competition (30 replies, posted in Showcase)
Getting better and better, great work
89 2014-01-22 23:04:09
Re: Need help (5 replies, posted in General)
Hello, apparently your post got cut so i don't really know if that's what you're asking for, but :
First i suggest to make sure you are on Standard renderer in the maratis editor (in the top bar)
Or if you were already in Standard renderer mode then, make sure your textures
are all in the correct slots, as shown here :
and for the normal map, make sure "Normal Map" option is checked
90 2014-01-20 12:48:08
Re: TD Blender Work (5 replies, posted in Showcase)
Alright, it was that thing i wanted to show you ; starting building stuff out of a single vertex
example below on a simple corridor :
Single Corridor left side
Mirrored + Extruded
Subdivided + Bended ( Alt + W in edit mode) -
Here, for a space window, starting out of a single vertex + mirror + some face fill and extrude :
Or here, for some castle windows :
91 2014-01-18 23:17:28
Re: Can't find maratisExporter (6 replies, posted in General)
where can I see some info about ongoing development, or roadmap, feature plan?
Hi, it's on the wiki, over Here
92 2014-01-18 11:24:44
Re: Feature Requests (Editor Only) (61 replies, posted in Editor)
maybe it should be a page in the wiki that could be accessed from "Roadmap", as a study of future possible evolution with different propositions and screenshots. It's actually what they did for Blender when working on a new interface, they made a big document first with fake screenshots. The section could also contains more classic studies / comparisons with other softwares. And the development could pick ideas from it.
What do you think ?
I'm interested in this, that's a pretty cool idea, how do we set-up things ?
One unique big page or a different page for each mockups ?
93 2014-01-16 20:59:49
Re: my project for the competition (30 replies, posted in Showcase)
Glad i could help
94 2014-01-15 12:09:10
Re: my project for the competition (30 replies, posted in Showcase)
Here's a small project with some explosion anims, sorry, most are pretty
low quality + not enough frames to look good but it should be enough to get the picture.
I was planning to build up a collection as i have found better tools now, tell me how it's going
95 2014-01-15 06:15:42
Re: my project for the competition (30 replies, posted in Showcase)
Nice, have you considered using animated textures for the hit effect ? i can provide you some if you wish
96 2014-01-11 10:16:51
Re: Full GUI (23 replies, posted in General)
Outstanding works like a charm ! Many Thanks
97 2014-01-11 01:45:52
Re: Full GUI (23 replies, posted in General)
That's working great! thanks you!
But i noticed the game window is always centered,
to make it more usable, could it be possible to set-up
4 margins and make the game screen fit inside it ? (dont know if that's realistic)
or adjust the game window position with (X, Y, width, height) values ?
that would allow to make interfaces like This one or This one
Oh and it doesn't worked when using "release" mode (had alot of errors popping up), only debug mode worked
Et voila, a custom game plugin, you'll see it's no so complicated once you understand c/c++ syntax.
In c++ you can access the engine directly, so anything can be done.
Yeah it makes want to investigate that stuff, but... i already know how it will end (bad)
98 2014-01-10 07:35:59
Re: Full GUI (23 replies, posted in General)
Ok i get it... it was one of the most obvious item in the top bar *facepalm*
Well thank you, everything's fine now
99 2014-01-09 15:24:10
Re: Full GUI (23 replies, posted in General)
Alright, i used 2010 express edition (i remember having trouble with 2005 version, that was always missing window.h)
So, opening the .sln file makes the program crash, but it's ok with the vcproj (it just ask for converting it)
Weirdly, setting paths in the Game header (in the tree view), was not enough,
i had to manually enter paths for every .cpp files, after that, it worked
(ps. I didn't find the "release" mode option, where is this ? (in french if possible ))
100 2014-01-09 13:04:11
Re: my project for the competition (30 replies, posted in Showcase)
Since january ? Nice !
It was kinda hard to say what's going on at the first play, but on the second play i got it
Keep up the good work!