the best is to do extensive and repetitive code in c++,
you can make a light flick in lua (using a cos and the time value for example),
but it will be a pain and it will be slow to do AI in lua (except if it is very basic).
To add behaviors in the behavior-tab of Maratis, you have to use c++ and make a dll plugin.
You can find a tutorial with a simple example to download here : http://www.maratis3d.org/?p=500
And you can find an example called "WaterGameDemo" in the Maratis package you can download on the website, it is c++ code for fish AI, it is compiled as a "Game.dll" plugin (Game.dylib on mac).
Basically, a game plugin permit to extend Maratis, you compile a dll that is loaded by Maratis :
- by coding behaviors (MBehavior class) that will appear in the interface, which you can use like you use the "LookAt" behavior.
- optionally by customizing the Game class (MGame class), to change the pipeline of the game, do special effect...
When you want a better flexibly for the game design and level design, the best is to create a bank of Behaviors specific to your game, for example a "Player" behavior, a "Alien" behavior, a "Door" behavior... You code how they are interacting, so when it's done, you just have to create your level, say that one mesh is the Player, the other is an Allen etc
In the WaterGameDemo, if you load a fish mesh, you just have to select the "RedFish" behavior or the "BlueFish" behavior, set the speed they are moving, and the fishs are interacting immediately. It's done with a c++ game plugin.
Hope it helped,