(9 replies, posted in Showcase)

We apologize for the uncommented code, as we didn't really intend for anyone else to read it too thoroughly. It was intended to be efficient (although, towards the end, it starts to diverse with a bit of redundancies--we were forced to leave them due to deadlines), as the programmer has been using Lua for well over 6 years.
In Lua, procedural code is much more efficient as OOP isn't inherent to Lua. There are a few attempts at using object-based code, albeit. The code would just occupy more file space by implementing objects; not sure if it would have helped with error debugging. Probably.
I do not think the issue with exporting is within the code, but I do think that it can cause a bit of lag. There are for loops that iterate over all objects with a certain name and values that are ran over and over again rather than storing them in a variable. I can try to fix the redundancies, but I think the problem, as you capitalized, is the number of polygons


(9 replies, posted in Showcase)

https://mega.co.nz/#!7Vox3QaR!69llYa9IB … pSi7dG_w7Y


(9 replies, posted in Showcase)

Well, i don't know. I really just don't know what to do. I've put hundreds of hours into this but in the end it doesn't matter because maratis is a shitty engine with a shitty exporter and thus my game will never be able to be played outside of the engine. I give up. I've tried everything to get this to work. If anyone has any idea of what to do with this, thanks. otherwise i'm moving on to try another engine that might actually work. And i'm sorry Anael, i'm sure you've put a lot of time into this but right now i'm just so frustrated you have no idea.

And Tutorial Doctor, i don't know how to do that and it probably wouldn't even work since it can't even run on windows.


(9 replies, posted in Showcase)

https://mega.co.nz/#!jcxgHKJB!-gxwW7Vtf … 4oCS60UjkY
So here is a finished project I've been working on. I had a lot of problems with exporting it and it ran a lot better in the engine than after export. It is behaving differently on different computers ( sometime missing textures, loading levels very slowly, or not running at all) and it is doing this thing i couldn't figure out how to fix where it would think that terrain objects were larger than they actually were and would allow you to stand on them even if you were too far away from them and you would just float. So, if anyone knows how to fix any of these problems or has any other feedback, let me know!


(3 replies, posted in Scripting)

Everything except:

local player     = getObject('PlayerObj')
local playerMesh= getObject('Player')
local playerFeet= getObject('PlayerFeet')

local camera    = getObject('Camera0')
local camera1   = getObject('Camera1')
local offset    = 0

local terrain   = getObject('Terrain')
local toggle    = 2
local damage    = 10
local crit      = damage * 2.2
local k0k       = {}
local k9k       = {}


linearSearch    = function(t, x)
    for _,v in next,t do
        if (v == x) then return _ end
    return false


(3 replies, posted in Scripting)

coll is defined as
local coll  = getNumCollisions(playerFeet)
it throws the attempt to compare with nil error.


(3 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hey guys,

So, I created a game in which the graphics were made entirely separate from the scripts. All of the basic scripts were created inside of a test environment. They work in that area.
Now, however, when I have applied the scripts to the larger level (which has roughly 400 objects), there are certain areas that nonsensically just don't work. I'm thinking it has something  to do with the amount objects inside of the level. If it is necessary to  split the area up into different levels, then it is fine to do so.
Although, is there something I should be doing differently as far as object properties/code?

    if (isKeyPressed('UP')) then
        offset = offset < 3 and offset + 0.2 or offset
        setBehaviorVariable(camera, 1, 'offset', {0, 7, 2 + offset})
    if (isKeyPressed('DOWN')) then
        offset = offset > -3 and offset - 0.2 or offset
        setBehaviorVariable(camera, 1, 'offset', {0, 7, 2 + offset})

this area used to work fine, but for some reason it hates the down key now. When I press the down key, Maratis freezes, returns errors of certain objects not existing (as a result of it freezing), and forces me to exit the program.
I can even comment out the up key section entirely and it simply just hates the down key

Another area:
    if (isKeyPressed('SPACE')) then
        if (coll > 1) then
            addCentralForce(player, {0, 0, 20})
            changeAnimation(playerMesh, 2)

this makes the program not be able to present any kind of recognition to pressing keys and freezes, but i can still hit esc.
the game throws the error for the line if(coll >1)then


(3 replies, posted in General)

Thanks, that seemed to have done the trick.

However, the camera is shaky now, because the terrain is utilizing triangle-mesh as its shape, and terrain is textured in an odd way.
My way of resolving this was by putting a flat, invisible object just slightly above the terrain. Thus, the player walks freely without a shaking camera.
Nevertheless I have many objects in my terrain, and it would be rather cumbersome to do so for every piece of the terrain. Is there any way to adjust the camera to function smoothly without the object?


In my game I have many walls with one sided normals that are only projecting the texture on the inside of the room. When my camera collides with the walls it just goes through them and it can see through the wall from the other side since the texture isn't being projected on the outside of the wall. I have seen in most games, like minecraft, that when the third person camera collides with an object, it zooms in on the player to avoid the collision. How should I go about doing this?

Thanks in advanced


(1 replies, posted in General)

So i need to make some plant cutouts for my game but every time i try to download the cutouts from http://wiki.maratis3d.org/index.php?title=Plants they just give me a zip containing a ground texture. Am i doing something wrong? Where can i actually get these images? If i can't get these ones, does anyone know any other good resources for these kinds of things?


(1 replies, posted in General)

So, you'll see in the video, i am trying to make an area where you have to jump across islands floating in lava to get across, and every other island is sinking in and out so you have to time it right so it doesn't take you into the lava with it. However, i enabled physics and set the shape of the islands to triangle-mesh but the area recognized as the island stays as the first frame, even when the island has moved down. How can i make it so the shape moves with the object? I can't really explain it well but you'll see in the video, once the island moves down, the character just floats there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lneKkJX … e=youtu.be
P.s this is just a test environment so pay no attention to anything else around the lava. And yes, i did just drop my environment into thespecialops's tutorial project for quick tests.


(17 replies, posted in Bug report)

Your graphics processing unit is just a fancy term for your graphics card. If you did not have one, you would have no display on your computer. As i am assuming this is not the case, if you are on a laptop it may be an integrated GPU. Meaning my advice is useless. However, if you have a dedicated graphics card then you should see something like this when you right click on maratis


(3 replies, posted in General)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEkWl9n … QLk2niN4Iw


(17 replies, posted in Bug report)

Try running it with the GPU if possible, my Maratis only works when i run it with my Nvidia graphics card, otherwise it just crashes. Also, make sure you try to run as administrator.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thanks so much! I was in multitexture, not GLSL.


(2 replies, posted in General)

So, i'm linking a video but basically 'm trying to make a waterfall asset with animated texture moving down on loop, but when i key frame any texture offset, nothing happens. What am i doing wrong?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkYEXKa … e=youtu.be

What is that map in the upper right-hand corner? (The green and red one?) I don't usually do texturing and i'm trying to learn. Also, i can't find the Insanebump download page. Do i have to compile the source myself or is there an .exe i'm not seeing?


(8 replies, posted in General)

Thank you so much anael! for the time being, it is working great in 2.67, where i had been working in 2.71.


(8 replies, posted in General)

I desperately need a new solution, I open blender, put down my brush, and it crashes.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Alrights, so this sort of works, but i have to restart blender every 30 seconds and just texture bit by bit. I still have a long ways to go on this project and i can't go forward like this. Anyone else know a better way? Or maybe a good external texturing program that i can just export my map from to blender when i'm done?


(8 replies, posted in General)

Thanks anael, It was a matter of the extra objects in memory, i appended the single object i was working on from the full terrain scene into another blend file and textured it there and saved the UV map from that file.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hey guys, I need help. So i'm making a large terrain for my game, i'll link images. it is 8 rooms, each a separate mesh. I began texturing the first room and unsure of how to make the texture high-res enough for the large mesh I've been working as follows:
I have 5 UV maps, 4 of which are something like 525 by 525, with the UV's scaled up really big so the image tiles over the whole room small enough to not pixelate on the mesh. Each of these 4 maps has a different image(one with sand,rock,gravel,etc.). Then i have one large 4096x4096 image With the UV fit to the image so each part of the mesh can be painted specifically. Then i'm going through the room and clone painting from each of the 4 tiled textures onto the 4096 base image. This worked well for a while but it got more and more slow and laggy until i was about halfway done with the first and now i can't work at all. I open up blender and try to start painting and it will run fine until the second i start trying to paint, blender will freeze and crash. I know there has to be a better way to texture the terrain without having such an enormous UV texture, i would assume that is what is causing blender to crash. I really don't know and i am pretty new to this but please tell me how to fix this. I really hope there is a way to get it running correctly again and not have to start over texturing using a completely new method as i am already very far behind and have deadlines for this project. Thanks in advanced.


(2 replies, posted in General)

If i were to use the displacement modifier in blender with a displacement map image that i put in my maps folder, Would The displacement effect work in maratis?


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thanks! AV-sync fixed it


(2 replies, posted in General)

I've created some model animations in Blender to be exported in Maratis3d. I have exported the files in 60 fps and Maratis3d claims to be playing the animations in 60 fps as well. However, when the animations are displayed in Maratis3d, the animations are a lot faster. Is this an error, and can I change a setting in Maratis so that it plays at the same speed as in Blender?
Apologies in advance if there's already another post about this or I'm not giving enough information.