Topic: is maratis dead?

if ever, what reason killed the growth of maratis?

Re: is maratis dead?

Well, Maratis is not entirely dead on github:
Today I mostly work on a C version of Maratis / image processing library: … -C-library

It's difficult to stand next to Unity or Unreal in a similar category, plus Maratis didn't get a lot of support. I also got more and more work on non-videogame projects (before my profession was more tied with Maratis).

Maratis-4 engine rewrite is complete, not the editor (and I'm not sure it will be in a classical sense). I think a shift is necessary to distance Maratis from other (big) classical 3d-editor models.

Re: is maratis dead?

So, where could I start to start creating an editor and grow up Maratis 4.x engine? Is possible to achieve that using Linux and CodeLite? Or do I need windows and VisualStudio?

Re: is maratis dead?

You can try to compile it under linux with CMake (see instructions on github). You will need to install CMake first.

I don't know codelite but I guess you can generate a makefile with CMake and give it's path to codelite or something like that.
It's possible that codelite can open visualc++ projects (that you can generate with CMake too).

Re: is maratis dead?

Alright, I'll give a try.
I'm having some trouble with X11/extensions/XInput2.h to compile in Linux (even with dev libraries installed).