Topic: Potential tutorial series
I've begun work on my game project finally. This means that also, I can begin potentially producing some tutorials to go along with my game. I'm just wondering whether there are any particular tutorials in mind that anyone would want. Things I think might be interesting to do are: (Some might be generic programmy ones, but usually Maratis-centered)
- setting up a new project and creating a cross platform way to compile code easily (probably using premake4)
- creating a custom plugin (not sure what for, I was considering using google protobuf until I saw how the entity/behaviour system worked)
- creating a particle system (because... _noone_ ever does them...)
- Project/Source control (git!)
- Coding practices
- UI? (I may make a lightspark plugin for a main menu "level")
As I'm only really a programmer, my 3D artsy skills are particularly limited, so I probably wouldn't do an awful lot in Blender, maybe a couple of boxes to block out a room if/when needed. Maybe even textures if I can work that out However, I will probably be programming the majority of the game myself, so if there's any aspect that people might want clarifying on, I can try and make a tutorial on it.
Also, would video tutorials be better? Or text ones? I don't think either will be too much of an issue to sort.