Topic: Tip for 3D Platform Level Editing
I have created a set of objects to display around the level,
but what if I have a object made of five entities or more for logic,graphics,physics,ecc ecc?
I have to duplicate them around the world and if change something I have to make the change to everything
So what I've done...
In example let's say that I created a special ladder that needs 4 entities
I create one special ladder as template then I put a invisibile box with name SpecialLadderPointer1 in every place where I want a special ladder
So every change that I made to the template model will be apply to the pointers
1. SpecialLadderTemplate = { list of objects of the template objects}
2. SpecialLadderPointers = { list of pointers objects}
3. for loop where I deactivate the template
4. define a function getSpecialLadderCloneAt( pointerObject ) which get a pointer position and clone a template at that position
5. for loop where for each pointer I call getSpecialLadderCloneAt( pointer )
I'll create a lua class for this method asap
Last edited by SadWolf (2013-01-12 12:32:33)