I also have a few features I'd like to request :
1.Some sort of freelook camera editing mode, because the orbit camera your using for editing is useful in some cases, but If you have a really complicated level and want to place some entities in it, it can become a real pain to get the camera to where you want it.
2.I would also like a way to change the window title when you publish the project. I don't know if I'm just stupid and didn't notice a function for that, but when I publish the project and run the .exe, the window says 'Maratis' on it instead of the project's name. This probably would be implemented in the future nonetheless.
3.An official way to choose witch scene and level to start in. Currently the first scene and level is the last one that was modified.
4.An in-built command reference. My internet is really unstable, and if I forget a function I'd have to wait for the internet to come back up.
5.A particle system. 'Nuff said.
6.Some sort of system for creating, reading, and editing files. This would be useful for saving, and a lot of other things too.
Sorry for the huge wall of text, I have a lot of ideas.
Last edited by X54321 (2013-10-12 13:50:24)