Added a TERMINAL level.
Modeled in Sketchup.
Textured in Blender. No Ambient occlusion
Exported from Blender into Maratis.
Added some sound
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Maratis forum » Posts by Tutorial Doctor
Added a TERMINAL level.
Modeled in Sketchup.
Textured in Blender. No Ambient occlusion
Exported from Blender into Maratis.
Added some sound
How did you import .obj into maratis? I have only been able to import .mesh into maratis. Would you explain how to do it? Or have I misunderstood your first post?
Edit: Because it looks awesome.
To import a .obj file:
In Marstis, go to FILE and then down to IMPORT 3D MODEL. Then choose your OBJ.
I will make a small tutorial on how I get ambient occlusion in my models soon.
Added MONKEY IN DESERT. Comes with a skydome.
Modeled in Sketchup.
Ambient occlusion in Blender.
Exported from Blender into Maratis.
Im sorry, the term I was thinking of was GRADING. haha. Of course you can also make elevations (buildings).
Basically you have more control over the curvature of the landscape. You can predetermine the highest elevation and make the land converge towards it.
I have a really cool lecture on my website that demonstrates how it can be done:
The thing I like about sketchup is that you can get precise elevations. They have a very nice set of terrain tools. The precision is the main advantage of sketchup. I need to test some other export plugins however.
The biggest advantage however is the 3d warehouse. It's almost a must for quick game assets. It's good for people who aren't modelers.
Everything from terrain to complex buildings to characters can be found there. Even found that Sponza cathedral there.
I'm still searching for other software that I could use with Marstis, and will add it to my post on Resources.
The new version of sketchup indeed cannot be used commercially, sketchup 8 can.
Sketchup was sold to Trimble after version 8, and version 8 still falls under the license that allows you to use it commercially. It was confirmed by Trimble staff.
Basically I have a streamlined workflow now (without Blender breaking something) haha.
I can get diffuse, ambient occlusion, specular, etc maps into Maratis intact now.
I took off the baked shadows on this one though. I just have the baked ambient occlusion.
This is a quick Sketchup model that went through Blender.
I might be using Sketchup for basic terrain, and Sculptris for detailed terrain.
Going to make a better looking city level next (and these don't take that long to create in Sketchup so it should be soon)
Wasnt focused on mapping for this one, just speed
Once you have modeled and painted your object in sculptris, you have to export your texture map (SAVE TEXMAP). Place this image in the maps folder of your maratis project.
Then export your obj file.
Import the obj into blender. Once in blender, select the object and add a material. To that material add a texture. Make it an IMAGE OR MOVIE texture. Select your exported TEXMAP. Change the uv mapping method from GENERAL to UV. (It already has UV coordinates)
Export your .MESH file to your meshes folder.
Maratis has a little issue with finding textures for meshes. If your original map is moved at all, the mesh file will loose it.
Often I have to open the mesh file in a text editor.
For instance, say in the mesh file it uses this path to get the map:
I have to redirect it to
So that the mesh knows to hop next door into the maps folder to get e map
(I have to do this often)
I have just about figured out blender enough to get some nice looking levels. I will post them all in this topic:
Monkey in City:(860kb)
Monkey in Desert:(1.8mb)
Eva Animated (2,000 frames of animation (bvh))
Jules N' Funland: (This is the Jules Character with an edited environment)
Character Select:
Car Level:
Soldier in St Petersburg:
Did some splatting. Tutorial coming soon. (9-10)
Mario test? (11)
This is a list of resources for use with Maratis:
Chracter Creation:
Quick game character blender file:
Normal Map Generator:
Shader Generator($40):
Text To speech app:
Google Sketchup 8:
Autodesk MeshMixer:
Audacity:(sound editing)
Bfxr(Make Sound effects)
Get a Game idea:
Game Development Forum:
Tree Sketch (Make procedural trees that can be exported to 3d files and 2d images. VERY GOOD and FREE!)
B2M Lite(free)/pro (5.99)(Generate Height,Normal,Texture,Specular, and Ambient Occlusion maps from a photo right on your Ipad!
Example Normal Map:
123d Creature
Sculpt characters or objects Zbrush Style right on your iPad. Also exports to obj.
Added a FULL BASE MESH. This mesh has hands feet and a face.
I think I forgot to save when I put the platforms in. I included the PRIMITIVES with this project, so adding a cube and giving it physics should fix it. I will see if I can turn that cube into a character.
HM I never thought about skethcup, so Ill give that a try, but I wasnt' aware it allowed you to paint with multiple textures on one object or does it ? < Ill try and see>
Ya I'd forgotten about sculptris as I've been primarily using it for modeling , and when I try texturing with it, the textures wind up looking dull and washed out so clearly I need to fiddle with some settings, so I"ll give that a go. EDIT: Ok ya, clearly when I tried it initialy I had used 512 for size,,trying at the very least 2048 seems to make a big differnence, imagine that;)
thx for verification about blender, as it seems somebody that knows a lot more of how an what it does will need to help us on this issue. Frankly I really think I prefer sculptris, so I'll try it along with skethcup ( though for awesome features you really need PRO version, but meh). Actually now that I see the website, not even a non profit organization as I have, can use sketchup make for profit of anykind, so that's out of the question now
Even a non profit is allowed to make some profit , as long as its under the norm.
Oh, skethup doesn't allow you to paint textures. But the applied textures get in okay. Sculptris is best for paintng.
I'm still having no luck getting what I texture paint inside Maratis from blender or any other modeler. I know this is a OLD thread but its certainly applicable still.
I saw Anael's page about multiple materials, but that is of very little help, because materials alone give no depth whatsoever ( short of VERY simple visuals/games), so for decent professional work you need texture painting , but maybe the way Im doing it wont come into maratis from its exporter.
I cant get the object and its texture inside maratis, but instead of a lot of grass on one EDGE of terrain model and sand everywhere else, its like sand is mostly everywhere, and grass only in small bits in a few places, and this is definitely not how it looks inside blender, yet blender render shows it closer to how it shows up inside maratis.Very confusing.
I wish zester had been more specific about how he did the splatting texture work, but given what Im doing so far isn't working as far as getting it to look right inside maratis, I wonder if zester was just using stencil maps inbetween his textures, where atm IM not doing that as I just load the textures and start painting with 'texture painting' panel.
Ive been Very busy making models so Im left texturing for another day, but that is coming very soon , so I wanted to get back into it. I guess I'll have a look at the Tutorials on wiki, but I also felt that if someone came here first and saw this they might be a bit confused, as 'materials' here that sadwolf used LOOK more like textures than materials.
I am having materials issues also. Only way I can get them in is an export from sketchup directly to maratis using assimp. Also Scuptris textures work using assimp also. I would like to use blender, but perhaps sculptris is the best way to go so far.
This is a platformer test using my customizable game script:
It doesn't have collision test yet so holding jump will make it continue to jump.
What about the freely available ( atm anyway) dazstudio ?
Never used it, no idea 'how good' it really is vs the others, just saying its there.. < ok ya, its free..the 'worthy' part I have no idea, atm. Not ready to go down the road
of making chARACTERS just yet. Too busy on my terrain/texturing it
Glad you mentioned that. The first 3D program I practically ever used was actually Daz studio, mainly because It was free and Poser wasn't, and it was a quick way to get into animation without all the technical stuff as making your own meshes and rigging them and texturing them and all the other stuff.
Eventually I was able to afford Poser 6.
Daz, at first was light and neat. But poser was bulky and complex. Now Daz studio is very heavy and clunky, and just a pain to use. I have had Poser 6,7 and 8, And now Poser 10 is out (Poser 10 is awesome now!)
Even though Daz studio is free, they make their money from content. You get basic posing features, but you are going to need to buy the morph targets and such things to actually create your own unique characters. However there are several popular open sourced models that you can download into Daz/Poser.
One such character is the Antonia model which was actually modeled in Wings3D. (There is an antonia for daz also, but the one I am speaking of is called Antonia Polygon) Also there is a male mesh called ApolloMaximus. Completely free.
Also Daz requires you to pay for all the cool plugins as well. Especially the animation ones. In that case $25 for for poser 8 is actually a deal.
Also Antonia Polygon works much better with poser than daz studio.
I am thinking of using poser to make bvh animations and then apply them in Blender. But if I could afford Poser 10 I would surely get that with the new features it has. It has the pixar plugin for optimizing meshes now. It also has a better cloth simulator for clothing. And also the models that come with it are pixar quality. Also has a better physics system now.
I'm thinking of just getting Poser 9 though.
Poser 8 is going for $25
Poser 9: $75
Poser 10 (latest): 224
I might use one of these as they make animation easier as well as shaping figures. I think it's only PC/Mac though.
OKay , thanks for reminder about the ORIGIN
Being under transform, Im not sure makes sense as to where one would typically find something like this , but its definitely better than it was, but still not centered over my terrain object. I"ve tried 'median' etc., but no value alters cursor position at all, its all the same, which is very odd. I tried center of mass as well, but the entire mesh disappeared from view and I could not find it zooming, so I went back to ORIGIN.
I guess this is the best I can hope for so ORIGIN it is
one more trick. I forgot to mention. If you select an object in object mode then activate the 3D manipulator(looks like red,blue,green lines intersecting), and then press [shift + S] it will bring up snapping options.
If you place the cursor somewhere you can snap the 3D manipulator(center of rotation) to the location of the cursor.
Also [shift+C] places the cursor at location {0,0,0}
I will try to figure out what is causing this (tried to get a model in maratis but the center was off, so it rotated weird).
Is a very low poly model that has enough vertices to allow you to easily line up key features of the model to an image of your choice without the hassle of moving thousands of vertices.
-------------I still dont' see how this is a lot easier than just doing it in Makehuman. Makehuman is made for such things isn't it ?
Can you do some video tutorial illustrating what you're saying so the rest of us understand ?
I"ve not gotten, 'yet', to creating characters, and I've not really seen Anyone on these forums do so either, because most of us are alone , not in big teams, so its SLOW progress going from idea , plots and then to models /animations, etc.
I therefore , and I'm 100% sure this applies to most everyone else too, am barely past the 'idea' phase.
I very much as I know anael and everyone else does, your hard work in creating what you call a base mesh, but Im not convinced yet that using it is in anyway a superior 'method' vs say using MakeHuman , which is designed precisely for this and does a lot more essentially and on top of that is crossplatform to the big 3 OS's.
Due to your work on this I hope someone can make use of it of course , but as noted Im unsure how this method can reduce my workload versus MakeHuman, but I'm certainly willing to check things out.
I'm happy to try both and let you know
Btw, IF you have enough Blender experience, I could use some tiny assistance.
I can't import my MESH into maratis, using Maratis exporter because all I get is a TINY DOT afterwards, and I have no idea why.
I am having trouble getting cursor centered over grid and object itself , and Ive tried everything but blender refuses to center it. THis is what really bothers me about b lender, is that this kind of thing just never happens to me anywhere else, yet in blender far too often, but atm all we have is blender for export because Ive tried exporting and importing in maratis editor with 'import 3d model' from a support format, but that doesn't always work so back to blender we must go. Not good, but atm at least only necessary for a brief moment for exporting. whew. Anyway the 'dot' in blender respresenting object ? I guess, refuses to line up OVER the object itself, and Ive tried S cript-c and Shift S and nothing has worked so far.
My object is on the left side, and the cursor on the right side and nothing is working to get them to JOIN in the center, and good luck trying to find out how given things change so quickly from release to release.
I just tested my mesh in sculptris > export OBJ, import OBJ in blender and my object is still shifted far to the left of cursor, and nothing I can think of to do fixes it. Maybe using blender was a huge mistake as it should not be this difficult to fix something like this SIGH. HOnestly Im not happy with EITHER community, blender or wings, so both are mostly off my radar anymore. Any object I try to open ( obj) does the same thing, as the cursor is in the very corner of object, instead of centered over it , as default cube does. Why me... > #maratis, and I'm known as neighborlee there. Have to go downstairs for a bit, but I'll check back in hour or so and maybe you can lead me to a fix for this mess Im in with blender cursor issues. The hassle is almost not worth it
I have BING'ed till blue in the face, and nadda.
Yeah, hopefully someone can use it. And a video tutorial is a great idea! I will work on that.
As for the maratis mesh issue, I am having issue with the origin. I know in blender, if you bring up the tools menu (T) there is a button named ORIGIN. This allows you to set the origin of the selected object to either the center of mass or the 3d cursor.
There is also a button on the 3d View toolbar that allows you to set the center of rotation (it looks like two overlapping circles).
I agree that Blender is not intuitive at all. Just like you, it is all I have to work with, other than Wings3D, Sculptris, Meshlab, Sketchup, etc. hehe
I am almost thinking of buying Curious Labs Poser again (Version 8 is so cheap these days on Amazon). I really want version 10, but it is $299 (too much for my blood). Version 9 however should be only $80 (might check that out).
heartseed wrote:
Sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense to me at all. I am a modeler also ( granted, Ive not been doing it for YEARS but Im getting quite comfortable with most things), but how does this ' base mesh' allow me to create my own character from it and how in precise detail as others would also need this information, does this base 'mesh' allow me to use it as a 'template' for quickly modeling my own mesh ? Do you mean simply as a 'reference' ? If so Im not sure how useful that is, given there are tons of character models on the internet to be used as such things. Until I get more detail from you, I think my assumptions are reasonable. Just mostly trying to verify this for other new modelers/programmers/animators that may come here and be wondering the same things.
Btw, I was aware this rig was the main purpose of this post, and that is why I replied here. Maybe we have a communication problem going on ? I can think of far worse things to occur, but still I need to verify.
The base mesh:
Is a very low poly model that has enough vertices to allow you to easily line up key features of the model to an image of your choice without the hassle of moving thousands of vertices.
It also has a basic topology flow that when subdivided gives a pretty good base for sculpting (or for re-defining your topology quickly.)
By simply scaling and moving these few vertices, you can form the base of any humanoid character in a few minutes.
It has few enough vertices that you can add your own edge loops as well for more detail.
All the models made on that page were all made within an hour, and I could probably get the base of about 7 models in less than 30 minutes (guessing).
If I added too many edge loops myself, people wouldn't have enough freedom to personalize the features themselves.
The Upper arm has just four edges. The crook of the arm is defined by one edge loop (3 needed for good deformation, but you can add that if that is what your character needs). It is the same for the leg. The foot is just a face extrusion.
EDIT: I added 3 edge loops to the base mesh because I thought it was too basic not to have these to define the knees and the crook of the leg. I also split the upper leg into two parts to separate the hip from the knee.
Basically, if you prefer to model your own figures (for licensing reasons or any other reason), this is just one way to get it done quickly.
I have searched for base models over the internet, and haven't found one that is customizable with decent topolgy at one subdivision level. They either were too basic or too complicated. Also the subdivisions give strange topological results. I think the best modeler for creating base meshes for sculpting would be ZBRUSH (z-spheres), and this ipad app called 123d Creature (Although it only is good if you are going to sculpt).
This base mesh gives a good flow of topology when it is subdivided, few vertices, and easy is to customize.
The rig is the main feature of this post. It can be added to any mesh simply. That character is only a base mesh. The function of my base mesh characters are to be a template for quickly modeling your own mesh. The included mesh is just a subdivision of the base mesh.
I have makehuman myself. I sorta like it, but it Is not diverse enough to create any type of character (Pixar style character). Also the makehuman rigs are a bit too complex for me.
I will work on some full models made from the base mesh once I get some other stuff done.
Added a Skybox
Nice start though some odd design in shrubbery :)heh < but original
To me at least, and many opinions will widely vary, I would have stayed with the much more stable SPonza movement instead of this method, as I find it very uncomfortable and no exacting. Games should be fun not a bit of a task
Please accept this with the intent it was delivered, to improve what you have
Im excited to see more.
Hehe. The park scene is just a 3d warehouse model which used flat planes for the shrubs. I am actually glad the flat planes imported well into Maratis (I will use that technique to create grass later on).
The movement system is just the foundation for now (wanted to get things moving) I will be editing it and fine-tuning it over time. I also need to rename my variables and organize the script a bit. Then I will make a tutorial on how to use it.
Trying to import some BVH files into blender to get better animations. And I think I will play a 3rd person game to get some ideas.
Thanks for commenting heartseed!
This is a customizable Maratis game. It is a park scene with a rigged base mesh.
I don't know how to rig clothes yet, so it is just the base mesh. When I have a rigged mesh with clothes I will change the file.
No anatomy on the mesh.
Maratis forum » Posts by Tutorial Doctor
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