Is the charRun() function being called under the onSceneUpdate() function?
577 2013-08-24 19:04:01
Re: engine choice (8 replies, posted in Engine)
Tutorial Doctor wrote:So DirectX and OpenGL are APIs huh? wow. I get it now.
They are graphic libraries. Which of course have an API, which is just the interface that you use to access the libraries. _interface
I researched it after posting that. Yeah, graphic libraries with an API. Seems I can get the basics in a few weeks, and be competent in a few months. Ill look into it more. Thank you.
578 2013-08-24 08:25:18
Re: engine choice (8 replies, posted in Engine)
I can't see any reason why you should need Assembly.
It definitely helps to understand C++ though, since the almost-low-level nature of C++.
But you have to know how GPU works, DirectX or OpenGL (or anything else you may use), and knowing C++ perfectly (which will takes some years of using it to master, at least IMHO).
Also having a good idea of how a rendering engine and a game engine works, and certainly Maratis source code can help with this.
It's a VERY hard and long task, BTW, and people who know the stuff generally say that it's better to make games than starting a vaporware-prone game engine, unleass you REALLY need it and can't get another one to do what you need. Which is also my opinion. Unless you are anael and have success!
Thanks 255! Since I have started to learn programming, I am actually figuring out what all the programming jargon is actually about. hehe.
So DirectX and OpenGL are APIs huh? wow. I get it now.
My engine is more of a STANDARD than an actual engine itself, so I can actually use a engine to make my engine (as long as I have access to the source code of the engine itself, which is what Maratis offers. But I am not that advanced, and I can still make my engine with lua alone.
I guess I shouldn't call it an engine, and that's why I say it is more of a standard. Thanks for replying!
579 2013-08-24 07:51:38
Re: A request for voice actors (6 replies, posted in Gossip)
Relevant topic, and I thought of one site:
And at the time of this posting, on the main page there is a guy who does voice-overs.
580 2013-08-24 07:43:08
Re: engine choice (8 replies, posted in Engine)
Hi, it's first because i was not able to do what i wanted with the existing tools in 2001-2002, i wanted to do special rendering like i did for the small game "Le jardin de mirabelle". I was first doing this tool for my personal projects, as a drawer an 3d artist.
It's true that today there is a lot more possibility and good open source engines. As game creation tool, there is not so much things user-oriented so i think it can be interesting to continue in this way.
I know this is an old post, but I like it. hehe.
I have had an idea of a game engine FOREVER, but I am only recently learning programming. I am trying to use this engine to see if my engine idea is possible.
I wonder, what background do you have that you are able to even make a game engine? What type of skills should someone who is aspiring to create an engine have?
I am sorta learning C++, but do you need to know about Machine Code too? (Machine code is too deep down the rabbit hole for me).
Just wondering.
581 2013-08-24 04:38:05
Topic: Customizable Game Script (In_Progress) (10 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hello. I am working on a customizeable game script. It's sort of like my BaseMesh 3D models, in that it is a template you can use to make your own games easier. I will post what I have so far:
--New Person Class
[[CLASS]] function newPerson(name,age)
local object = {} = name
object.age = age
function object:sayName()
print (
return object
--Create Joe
local joe = newPerson("Joe",24)
--Create Bill
local bill = newPerson("Bill",25)
--Print Joe's name
print (
--Make Bill say his name
function Move()
function Jump()
function Spin()
function Physics()
function See()
function Hear()
function Touch()
function Taste()
function Smell()
jump_height =
jump_speed =
jump_button =
Jump_animation =
move_direction =
move_speed =
move_button =
move_animation =
spin_direction =
spin_speed =
spin_button =
spin_animation =
gravity =
friction =
damping =
see_object =
see_FOV =
see_distance =
see_animation =
smell_particle_system =
smell_animation =
hear_sound =
hear_proximity =
hear_pitch =
hear_animation =
touch_object = getObject("finish_line")
touch_action =
touch_animation =
taste_object =
taste_proximity =
menu = newMenu() --Creates a new menu
menu.Start() --Starts the menu
menu.Stop() --Stops the menu
cut_scene = newCutScene() --Creates a new cut-scene
cut_scene.Play() --Plays the new cut-scene
cut_scene.Stop() --Stops the new cut-secene
cut_scene_2 = newCutScene() --Creates a new cut-scene
cut_scene_2.Play() --Plays the new cut-scene
cut_scene_2.Stop() --Stops the new cut-secene
level1 = newLevel() --Creates a new level
level1.Start() --Starts the new level
level1.Stop() --Stops the new level
prop1 = newProp() --Creates a new prop
prop1.Create(room) --Creates the mesh for the new prop
man1 = newPerson()
man1.Create(man) --Creates the mesh for the new man (can be woman also)
man1.Move(forward,5 --[[mph]],"UP",walk) --Makes the man able to move
man1.Jump() --Makes the man able to jump
man1.Spin() --Makes the man able to move spin
man1.Physical() --Makes the man physical
man1.See() --Makes the man able to see
man1.Hear() --Makes the man able to hear
man1.Touch() --Makes the man able to touch
man1.Taste() --Makes the man able to taste
man1.Smell() --Makes the man able to smell
582 2013-08-24 01:11:09
Re: Free Base Characters (models) (5 replies, posted in Gossip)
Added a New Base Mesh Character with Hands and Feet
583 2013-08-23 21:09:20
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
Thanks man for all your time, your work was not wasted, right now i comprehend more than what i did when trying this for the first time.
The answer will come one day, i will continue trying with this because i also liked LUA it indeed seams to be a much easier programing language then C# that i was trying to learn.
No Prob. If I can help with anything else, let me know. Take care.
584 2013-08-23 19:22:52
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hi Argoon. Yeah, the sound plays fast on my end too60, and they overlap. Whenever you put something in the onSceneUpdate() function I believe it runs every frame the game runs. I think the Maratis games run at 60 frames per second.
I will eventually tidy up the code a bit. And I do think you could use a timer, or you could use some conditional statements, or maybe a loop? I don't know.
But Argoon, you'd be surprised at just how new I am to programming. I made on here linking to a tutorial I made for beginners, teaching how to understand computer programming.
In no time, you will have the fundamentals down well enough to dig a little deeper into LUA.
(BTW, I haven't even used lua before I came to this site only a few days ago. But Lua is the easiest Language I have used yet)
Take Care!
585 2013-08-23 05:56:14
Topic: Classes in Lua (A little help) (2 replies, posted in Scripting)
I guess classes aren't a part of lua, but I found a tutorial on youtube that shows you how to fake it. And it fakes it really well:
But! I modified his example a little, and I need suggestions on how to make it more authentic (If it can be any more authentic):
--New Person Class
function newPerson(name,age)
local object = {} = name
object.age = age
function object:sayName()
print (
return object
--Create Joe
local joe = newPerson("Joe",24)
--Create Bill
local bill = newPerson("Bill",25)
--Print Joe's name
print (
--Make Bill say his name
586 2013-08-23 02:59:13
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
Okay, I changed quite a few things to make it a bit easier. I have the sound randomizing with the press of a button, but It only randomly chooses one when game begins. If I restart the game, then it will choose a random sound again. So I will post the progress so far:
walkSound = {} -- array
walkSound[1] = getObject("walk1")
walkSound[2] = getObject("walk2")
walkSound[3] = getObject("walk3")
--This function moves the character and plays the random sound
function Walk()
if isKeyPressed("W") then
addCentralForce(player, {0, walkSpeed, 0}, "local")
--This is the random sound
randomSound = walkSound[math.random(1,3)]
--This function plays the random sound
function PlayStepSounds()
function onSceneUpdate()
randomSound = walkSound[math.random(1,3)]
EDIT: Thanks COM3D, got it to work!
added it under the onSceneUpdate() function
587 2013-08-23 01:46:19
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
Oh! haha. I was wondering if you really wanted to play a random sound or not. hehe. Okay, I will try again.
This is fun by the way. I am sorta new to it all, but I think I can figure it out.
I am trying to get a character selection menu to work at the moment. I will try this again. BTW. Welcome!
588 2013-08-22 23:34:29
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hi Argon. I think it is a lot simpler than this. What you want is an IF statement.
something like:
sound0 = getObject("sound0")
if isKeyPressed("W") then
Of course this would keep playing the sound after you pressed it, so you could add an ELSE IF statement or just stop the sound when the key is not pressed:
if isKeyPressed("W") then
elseif not isKeyPressed("W") then
I need to check if this syntax is working. I will try this out myself and then report back.
The code below plays a sound as long as a key is pressed, otherwise it doesn't:
sound0 = getObject("sound0")
function onSceneUpdate()
if isKeyPressed("W") then
elseif not isKeyPressed("W") then
589 2013-08-22 20:57:11
Re: Playing random sounds (20 replies, posted in Scripting)
What is the console saying when you play the game?
I don't know lua that well, but doesn't the function have to be made before you call it?
Or you could create the playsteepsounds() function outside of the onSceneUpdate() function.
I do have a question though. What is that:
590 2013-08-22 18:41:16
Re: What's m_type in material (20 replies, posted in General)
Tutorial Doctor wrote:I think The API needs to be documented for beginners, as I am new to Maratis, LUA, and C++ (I am now learning C++ because as heart seed noted, it seems everyone uses C++.
The main reason I say this is because the documentation of the functions on the wiki, however trivial it may be to post them, also give examples of how they would be used in a scenario.
For example, when I getAxis("MOUSE_X") am I getting the location of the mouse on the X axis?
But that could easily be interpreted differently.
If it were getLocation("MOUSE_X") it might be better, although one might get that mixed up with getPosition().
Also I use the wiki to see the parameters of the functions.
Even if it was clear that setPosition() sets a position, what would be the parameters it takes?
Between perhaps not interpreting the function of a function correctly, and not knowing the parameters the functions take, I'd be lost as to what is actually possible with Maratis. Harder to debug that way too.
(This is actually a present case. I'm trying to make a Character Selection menu, and I can't see the functions on the wiki)
Yes, these are all relevant issues.
I"ve seen people comment on lacking docs are some didn't come back so as incredibly useful and inspiring as maratis is , yes as we've all noted its something that needs addressed.
BTW, I wanted to reiterate that while I think your quick terrain example is completely worthy, and with a lot of time invested you could do some scripting , etc. to make something possibly even with commercial viability, the terrain I meant was the type you mke in L3TD or other similar programs, that allow you to create 'splatting' for say up to several textures.
I think this was addressed somewhere on the forums to do in blender possibly ? , but the trouble with that approach is then you alienate everyone else that uses some other 3d app, as sketchup in your case, and in mine possibly as Im considering heavily using it to grab terrain off the GE. I"ve actually done it once, but I've not had time ( busy summer) to bring it into Maratis. I doubt heavily that SE (sketchup) can splatt, and honestly that can create stunning worlds, and by worlds I mean say 4096x4096, which even something like CUBE can easily do.
I"ts n ot just huge worlds that I enjoy, I can easily enjoy much smaller worlds if done with some level of decent artistic integrity/story/scripting blah. BUT big worlds are quite common in engines and very needed by many developers/enthusiasts.
IRRPG can't splat, but it does allow for rather huge worlds with splatting done by 'height' given lowering/raising the terrain which is something huge to makeup for not allowing regular heigtmap based terrain( which has its own disadvantages too ). I guess you could do something similar in a 3d app but then you'd have to split it to get performant behavior inside maratis and the be careful when putting down objects to avoid the seams ? I've yet to go down that road from time constraints but its something I should try .
I enjoy your comments heartseed! hehe
On L3TD:
I had to look up L3tD to see what they can do, as I haven't noticed them (And I have used a LOT of 3D software. Ever heard of Bryce?) haha. And to tell the truth, L3TD wasn't really impressive at all compared to what I am sure is possible in not only Blender but ANY 3D software that can make terrain and add multiple textures to it.
On "Splatting" hehe:
I never heard that term used, BUT I LIKES IT! hehe. You can splat in most 3d programs. Blender can splat as well. To get it into Maratis with the same look as in Blender or any other 3d program that can handle multiple textures, you would have to BAKE the textures into the mesh. I have successfully imported a house modeled in Sketchup, baked in Blender, and imported to a Maratis MESH. I also go the shadows I baked into the mesh. Light Mapping, as some call it is the best way to enhance the visuals in a Maratis game to give it that ''Game polish." (I actually found out that the SPONZA level actually uses a Sketchup 3D warehouse model with baked light maps) hehe.
On Sketchup:
My workflow is Sketchup > Blender(Or any other splatt ready 3d software) > Maratis
Sketchup can do basic texturing to get you started. Import it into Blender to do the detailed texturing. Bake them in Blender and then export to Maratis.
On High Quality:
I am sure that Maratis cannot handle a terrain that is 800,000 polygons (I tried. It crashed.) haha, but who does that in games anyhow?
Game companies always use TRICKS. When looking at my brother play the latest greatest graphically acclaimed game on his PS3, I saw that the people who made it just slapped a 2d texture on the ground covered it up with 2d planes that looked like plants, and added some random debris. And I was like HUH?
Also, they use NORMAL MAPS to simulate geometry. I need to do a test with that in Maratis. But even without normal maps, HEY, I can slap some texture on a plane (and believe me, that PS3 game's terrain was not 800,000 polygons. haha.
I actually sorta like when resources are limited, because it helps you be more CREATIVE. I once tried to make a film using the SIMS PC game. I didn't have voice actors but I thought, ''Wait, I love Buster Keaton films, and they didn't use voice overs!"
A few shots, some text on a black screen, and some neat music made it work.
P.S. Have you heard of Sculptris? Sculptris allows you to paint multiple textures onto a 3d model like Zbrush. You can also use it for sculpting.
591 2013-08-22 18:13:34
Re: Understand Programming (For beginners) (12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
Tutorial Doctor wrote:Wow, I didn't know that the Blender people were rude like that. I'm sorry. I am actually not a part of their community, and I prefer 3dsmax myself. hehe. I used to have GMAX, which was like a free trial version of max. Haha.
The teapot example I am thinking of is the shadTest project. I don't know if that is considered dynamic lighting, but I see the shadows moving in the game. Between that example and the jules example, and what I have done so far, I am sure I can make a decent game (have checked out some other examples too).
I am getting ready to test out some things as far as sketchup terrain, and I will report back. Take care.
Edit: Well, got it to work! hehe:
Oh btw, those torches are going to come in VERY handy for skydiving@
P.s.-HUMOR matters
haha. I moved the terrain down and didn't get the torches, as it was a test. I actually scrapped the changes I made to the jules project to get it back to normal. I just wanted to test it with working code.
P.s. skydiving with a torch would be very impressive to see. hehe
592 2013-08-22 18:07:42
Re: What's m_type in material (20 replies, posted in General)
We all agree that Maratis needs more documentation,
the question is, how can we do it and what do we do first.We cannot follow the direction of unity or udk because it's impossible, and it's not the point,
they are financed by millions every years.We need to go step by step with a priority for the most important features,
and it can only happen with the effort of multiple people, it's not a little task.255 just added pages of documentation in the c++ part, when I have some time I do it too,
others do, that's the way, it will take time and contributors, that's all.
Thanks for replying anael. I will try to make a list of what I think to be the most important functions for making a game (at least on the lua side of things for now)
593 2013-08-22 16:21:40
Re: animation smooth transition? (6 replies, posted in Scripting)
If you add the transition as another animation it should work. My example wasnt full.
Anim0 0-60 walk
Anim1 60-75 transition
Anim2 75...
Then use the changeAnimation() function to determine when the animation should change.
I am going to be trying the same thing today. I will report back.
594 2013-08-22 16:13:05
Re: What's m_type in material (20 replies, posted in General)
I think The API needs to be documented for beginners, as I am new to Maratis, LUA, and C++ (I am now learning C++ because as heart seed noted, it seems everyone uses C++.
The main reason I say this is because the documentation of the functions on the wiki, however trivial it may be to post them, also give examples of how they would be used in a scenario.
For example, when I getAxis("MOUSE_X") am I getting the location of the mouse on the X axis?
But that could easily be interpreted differently.
If it were getLocation("MOUSE_X") it might be better, although one might get that mixed up with getPosition().
Also I use the wiki to see the parameters of the functions.
Even if it was clear that setPosition() sets a position, what would be the parameters it takes?
Between perhaps not interpreting the function of a function correctly, and not knowing the parameters the functions take, I'd be lost as to what is actually possible with Maratis. Harder to debug that way too.
(This is actually a present case. I'm trying to make a Character Selection menu, and I can't see the functions on the wiki)
595 2013-08-22 06:24:02
Topic: Disappearing Wiki? (0 replies, posted in Editor)
It seems every time I go back to the wiki, there are more red links than before.
Are the links getting moved? One example is the getAxis function.
596 2013-08-22 02:24:18
Re: Model problems (15 replies, posted in General)
I'm not that far, yet. i'm still trying to navigate around in blender without wanting to throw my computer out the window.
I know the feeling. Haha. Blender Cookie and Blender Guru are two websites that have some good tutorials on Blender.
597 2013-08-22 02:10:12
Re: animation smooth transition? (6 replies, posted in Scripting)
Hehe. That's exactly what I need to be able to do. I was thinking of making a transition animation, and just running that.
For instance. From frame 0-60 walk. From frame 60-75 transition. From frame 75-whenever....
You can also adjust it using lua. Manually setting the frames with setCurrentFrame().
598 2013-08-21 23:13:15
Re: What's m_type in material (20 replies, posted in General)
Oh. haha. Thanks 255! I guess you are using Maratis as much as I am haha.
599 2013-08-21 18:01:23
Topic: Tutorial Doctor's Maratis Showcase: (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Hello Everyone! I am a little excited about what I have managed to do with Maratis so far (and it has only been about a week or so since I have known about it). I don't have any super programming skills, but I understand the basics. I have been into 3d for a few years however, but never really produced any sort of project. I have just been gathering information it seems.
A few of the models aren't mine. Some are 3d warehouse and a few ripped ones. A few of the humans were made with makehuman and textured by me in Blender. I am only showing the technical things that are possible in Maratis.
Anyhow, I stumbled across Maratis while watching a Youtube video about the Unity Engine. And the Unity is a struggle for a novice like me. And since I have found Maratis, this is what I have done so far:
--I imported a obj file of a person into the SponzaFPS level.
--I imported a house mesh with Baked Ambient Occlusion shadows.
--The green and red buttons on the ground are actually respawn points.
--I imported my BaseCharacter into Maratis WITH AN ANIMATION!
--I also imported a sketchup 3D warehouse model into Maratis, and it came in perfectly (Check out my post on Sketchup to Blender to Maratis)
--I can't quite get clothes that are separate objects to Rig correctly, but I needed to put something on the model.
--I added terrain that was created in sketchup to the JULES DEMO level. I deleted the jules SET and changed the name of my terrain to SET. I gave the terrain physics and I changed the type to TRIANGLE MESH.
--I modeled some terrain and textured it in Sculptris
--I imported it to Blender to use the Maratis Exporter
--I imported it into Maratis.
--Got my Character selection working SORTA. hehe
I got another simple level into Maratis in no time. It has a house and that bridge that is iconic for an adventure open-world game. Sketchup straight to Maratis using the importer.
IMAGE 9-10:
Splatting?! Used Scupltris to sculpt and paint a basic terrain. Used a few blender modifiers to make it more complex (displace). Added Ambient Occlusion and shadow maps to the terrain and exported it as a Maratis mesh. Improted it.
Image 11
Mario? 3d warehouse model exported from Sketchup using the OBJ exporter. Directly loaded into Maratis using assimp. Orthographic camera with one intense light. Light follows camera and the camera follows the cube.
Image 12
Quick edit to the Physics test project. Hid the Car object and just placed a mesh of a car body over it. Parented the car mesh to the car object, and changed the camera location. Track from sketchup 3d warehouse.
Images 13-14
Added WATER and a space SKYDOME to my Funland Example with Jules in it. Also has a COLLECTION system.
Image 15
Got a Jules-like character moving with my customizable game script. Set up the camera rig to work like the jules level. (programmed it all myself though). His name is joey, and he is animated with an idle and walk animation. Made it in a few minutes.
Image 16
Pretty Soon I will have a demo level with good rig animation and a level changing interaction. Next would be object animations.
Image 17
Got a rigged and animated character (made with makehuman & blender) into Maratis with a nice room that has Ambient occlusion. The animation has 2,000 frames (Carnegie bvh).
Image 18
Got a mesh into Maratis with DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, and NORMAL MAPPING.
Image 19
FINALLY! Got a walking character inside a room that can walk up and down stairs. Also has an idle animation and walk animation. Gotta get the sound to work. Now if only I can get my male character to export.
Image 20
Got the male mesh working (I have been having to edit the mesh files due to exporting issues in Blender (changing the Opacity from 0 to 1))
Image 21
Added the walking character to the terminal level and adjusted the camera a bit to make my first FPW (First Person Walker)
Image 22
Getting that forest in there! No AO, specular, nor normal.
Image 23
Going to try to script a character selection on this one.
Image 24
Just a simple land model made with Sculptris and a Building made with Sketchup rotated and scaled differently. Both have ambient occlusion.
Image 25
Trying to bump up the scale of my levels. This SCALABLE CITY is jut one modular piece configured in different ways on top of flat plane. Coming out of Sketchup it was several pieces. Coming out of Blender it was one piece. The advantage is that since the flat plane doesn't have depth, it isn't scaled when you scale the model along the Z-axis, but the buildings are. I made the cubes the same size for this one, but if they had been different heights by default, the city would look more random.
Image 26
Thinking of making a Little driving demo to show of Maratis.
Image 27
Got normal maps going on in this small control room. Used Sponza FPS script for movement. A few sounds would give it some life.
Image 28
Finally! Got a decent animated character with an idle animation and walking animation. The transition between idle and walking doesn't annoy me as much as all my other tests. Also, I have dynamic shadows.
Image 29
Trying to see what I can do with greebles and lighting from Sketchup to Blender.
Image 30
Finally got a smooth workflow for keeping the ambient occlusion whilst adding textures.
Image 31
Cool looking levels here I come! Found a new UV mapping tool that makes texturing sketchup models way easier in Blender.
Image 32
I can now use Cycles Renderer for baking textures and light into 3d models. The process is not straightforward yet. This is a quick text from Sketchup to Blender to Maratis.
Whenever I do something new, I will post it here. Take care!
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Images 4-6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 9-10
Image 11
Image 12
Images 13-14
Image 15
Image 16
Image 17
Image 18
Image 19
Image 20
Image 21
Image 22
Image 23
Image 28
Image 29
Image 30
Image 31'
600 2013-08-21 17:20:39
Re: Understand Programming (For beginners) (12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
Wow, I didn't know that the Blender people were rude like that. I'm sorry. I am actually not a part of their community, and I prefer 3dsmax myself. hehe. I used to have GMAX, which was like a free trial version of max. Haha.
The teapot example I am thinking of is the shadTest project. I don't know if that is considered dynamic lighting, but I see the shadows moving in the game. Between that example and the jules example, and what I have done so far, I am sure I can make a decent game (have checked out some other examples too).
I am getting ready to test out some things as far as sketchup terrain, and I will report back. Take care.
Edit: Well, got it to work! hehe: