(10 replies, posted in General)

for compiling a lib create a new project using visual studio, you should have the choice to build a "static library".
then add all the code from 3rdparty/bullet/

compile it in 'release' mode it should generate a .lib file
then be sure it's named bullet.lib and copy it in 3rdparty/bullet/win32/


(10 replies, posted in General)

- or you need to compile 3rdparty/bullet/ as a lib and use it.
- or remove the use of bullet.lib and add all the code from 3rdparty/bullet/ inside the project.

For the plugin vs manual use it's the same. For both there is multiple tools to make your game logic :

- using Behaviors (MBehavior)
- and/or using a customized Game class (MGame)
- and/or lua

the best is to combine the 3 :

- lua for very simple logic > manage triggers, open a door etc.
- Behaviors for re-usable logic > exemple in Water demo
- custom Game class for the global game logic, internal loops, AI etc


(8 replies, posted in Scripting)

you can save or manage your variables using a c++ plugin.


(10 replies, posted in General)

and in fact, in manual use, MyGame.h and MyGame.cpp can be used as a plugin too (main.cpp is there to init the engine manually like MaratisPlayer does).


(10 replies, posted in General)

bullet and the other libs are on svn in 3rdparty/

but it's possible the visual project is not up to date as we use scons first.

what don't you want to use the plugin system ? you can do all the same that manual use can do but still using the editor, by writing your own MGame derived class. You can even shortcut the rendering.



(1 replies, posted in General)

there is multiple approach :

- you can modify everything in the mesh in c++, but not in lua
- you can create multiple .mesh that share the same animation .maa files
- you can make a material animation in Blender with a uv offset to change the texture


(4 replies, posted in General)

try to separate your buildings at least.
and if you want to make it faster, change the clipping distance of the camera.


(4 replies, posted in General)

yes, but I don't have a Android device to test,
and also not much free time, I hope a contributor will test it.


(4 replies, posted in General)

you open your project and do : File > Publish Project
it will create a project/ folder inside your project directory, with an exe if you are on windows, an app on mac etc

but it doesn't create apk for android. It has not been tested on Android yet, so you need to import maratis engine code in c++ for android.

It has been tested on iOS so there is a xcode project on svn (inside branches).
For Android it should work in a similar way.


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)


you should use your variable inventory in a different way :

inventory = false

function onSceneUpdate()

    if onKeyDown("I") then
        inventory = not inventory -- set inventory to it's reverse

    if inventory == true then
        setText(text_inv, "Inventory: ")
        setText(text_inv, "nothing")



(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Sorry but I will only make builds for all platforms when the next version is ready.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

yes, seems right, I won't put a space before ";C:\Python27" but I don't think it's that.

you didn't create a sub-directory inside C:\Python27 by any chance ?
python.exe should be directly inside C:\Python27 (C:\Python27\python.exe)

no more clue sorry.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Normally it need to be "python scons.py"

I don't know, your environment variable is probably not set properly :



(4 replies, posted in Scripting)

not in the actual binary,
but it is now enabled in the current code


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

you probably need to restart windows to have the python command


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

it seems that the dos doesn't know the "python" command.

follow this : http://pythoncentral.org/how-to-install … l-command/


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

did you also tried typing "python scons.py" ?

The water with the bridge looks really good !

There is this terrain test done for the game Rage that I found interesting :

At some point I did a test with Blender and height map to generate a terrain, and I found some reference of real world elevation : http://johnflower.org/tutorial/finding-height-maps-web
This sort of data can be combined with a basic height map to add details.


(1 replies, posted in Bug report)

yes, I think it's a precision problem, I'll see what is possible to do.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

with a command line I mean a "dos" window


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

you need to install visual studio and python, you don't need to open any files.

with a command line go to "trunk/dev/"
and type : "python scons.py"

it will build from the command line

it can work with everything, but if the number of particles is not too much.

Rain and snow maybe don't need to have collision enabled.

I prepared a new example to show how to do particles using lua (in progress) :


In this first example, particles are created using a quad made in blender with an additive blend mode.
The life of the particle is controlled by a material animation changing the diffuse from white to black (in additive black is transparent), so in lua we can control the life duration by changing the animation speed.

Later I'll show you how to make a more generic particle system and how to use uv texture animation to do some magical effects.


(4 replies, posted in Engine)

I'm starting one example.

For the info, the blending mode can be changed here in blender with Maratis addon :


(4 replies, posted in Engine)

It should be perfectly fine, even faster than a classic particle system (because you don't need to calculate the bilboard). It's a technique they use a lot in games (except for physical effects like smoke).

It works good for magical effects, simple fire. And can be combined with animated uv coord and "add" blending.

I'm thinking to make a small example using lua and the physics system.