(3 replies, posted in Scripting)

just write doFile one time on top of the main script,
then you can call the functions


(3 replies, posted in General)

In the Maratis grid, one square is 10 units (1 meter)


(3 replies, posted in General)


the units are not modified when exported, so 10 blender units = 10 maratis units

and 10 units = 1 meter
if it helps you, it can also be said : 1 unit = 1 decimeter

It is mainly for the physics, if you want the objects to move in a realistic way.

thanks !

I'll test it soon, it could be only that as they do a lot of renaming, it was something similar the previous time it broke.
Thank you for the effort !

note for later : look at MeshTessFace (more safe to have good tesselation for the new BMesh as it can use complex polygons)


yes, it would be nice to add the possibility to pass variable, right now scriptContext->callFunction cannot pass arguments.

EDIT : after verification, you can in fact pass arguments using :


(but I never tested it)

Ok, I understand,
you can do exactly that by using : scriptContext->callFunction("myCustomFunction");
(that can be in a separate file linked with doFile)

Using multiple script context might be more expensive in memory and you won't be able to exchange script variable between the different behaviors or context.

Thank you for the error in MFileTools.cpp, if you can commit a fix on svn it's nice, it's working on my mac but it's probably missing an include in windows and linux, I didn't test it yet everywhere.

Hi Nistur,
wait, I don't understand, what is the final result you are seeking ?


(6 replies, posted in General)

Ho, I have to test that...

blender is changing the scripting SDK all the time... it's starting to be a bit of a pain,
I will take a look and see what is the problem.

I will try to make a beta build for next Maratis version this week end or next week.

Intel chipset on linux will probably not work with hardware acceleration... I'm not a linux pro, maybe check on intel website...

Is it also slow on windows ? if no, it's possible that the loading is extra slow because opengl normally send data to the 3d card (so if the driver is not good the sending of the information can be slower for the textures and stuff).

Are you using a Mesa driver on linux ?


I don't think it's a problem with file loading, if you are running at 2fps when Maratis is empty I would say that you are missing opengl drivers ? on linux, when there is no 3d drivers, the opengl rendering is done software, or with a generic open-source driver (both super slow). It's slow on my linux too because there is no ati drivers available (my card is too old).

Check that, if you are nvidia and if your card is not too old you should find a driver online.


(2 replies, posted in General)

did you read this ? http://www.maratis3d.org/?p=277

Try to not move the mesh and the maps after exporting :

- Before anything, check that your textures are in the maratis project maps/ directory,
then in Blender point to this file for the texture, and export the mesh directly to the project mesh/ directory.
(the mesh files are using local filenames, so when the file is moved it can break the links)

good, I will prepare builds for windows, mac and linux.
It will also be a good testing process and a way to point features that you miss.

Hi, that's very cool ! And nice theme !

the fun exploits of penguins in a challenging and fun underwater exploration


You can count on my support and additional development. To start with, do you need a recent build ?

So is your compiled version in prod/ working ?
With linux it's not easy to provide a fully compatible binary so it's possible that the downloaded version doesn't work everywhere...

Hi, welcome,
did you first tried the linux build version and it doesn't start ?

After compiling, check that you look into the "prod/" folder (the "build/" folder is just raw)
And to run from the command line I believe you have to type "./MaratisEditor"


(2 replies, posted in General)

did you declare the objects with getObject ?

-- get objects
Camera1 = getObject("Camera1")
Camera2 = getObject("Camera2")

-- scene update
function onSceneUpdate()

    if onKeyDown("B") then
    elseif onKeyDown("C") then



(7 replies, posted in General)

In the next version there will be an automatic feature to publish and pack the project files,
it is still in beta, but you can test it by compiling the last svn code of Maratis :


(7 replies, posted in General)

for publishing copy MaratisPlayer.app along with your game data,
and create a bach file pointing to your project file : there is a bash example in Examples/WaterGameDemo/runWithPlayer
(open the bach file with a text editor)

for window it's similar, using MaratisPlayer.exe and a bat file


(2 replies, posted in Gossip)


sure, till you follow the license terms you can do what you want.

If your plans are following Maratis philosophy I can also create an account for you on google code ?


(4 replies, posted in Bug report)

thanks for the feedback, I'll correct it for the next release.


(4 replies, posted in Bug report)

all this dll are supposed to be there, are you sure the zip has been unzipped properly ?
If you cannot see all the dll, try downloading Maratis again (maybe the download was not complete)


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi and welcome,

first, to use multiple lua scripts, you can use "dofile("customFunctions.lua")" to include other script.

To check error if you are on windows there is a console window opening with Maratis,
if you are on mac or linux, launch Maratis from a command line.

Variables are the standard lua variables, like you used to do before.


(1 replies, posted in Bug report)

Hi, sorry, I didn't see this post,
dofile normally don't execute the code inside it,
write a function inside scriptc.lua where you do "print("test")" and call this function in scripta.lua


(6 replies, posted in Gossip)

Hi, sorry I'm working in another city this week, I'm not home,

yes you can translate this tutorials :
- http://www.maratis3d.org/?cat=15
- http://www.maratis3d.org/?cat=6

If you can just write "translated from www.maratis3d.com" it's good.

For the other tutorials (on this forum for example) you have to ask the author (Vegas in general).


(10 replies, posted in Engine)

The safer is the dictionary, but it's a bit limited.
Distributing one header will be faster and good for code completion, with a method to check if the plugin is loaded it should be safe enough. Thanks for the idea smile